"Okay, have you two kids decided?"

Hearing this question coming up, Hachiman Hikigaya thought for a moment, then looked at Rumi Tsurumi behind him. The little girl grabbed the corner of her clothes with her hands, and nodded.

What else could Hachiman Hikigaya, who had bronchitis since childhood, say? Of course, he would follow Rumi Tsurumi's advice.

"I agree to act with you, but if you have any bad intentions, I will tell the teacher!!!"

Hikigaya Hachiman's arrogant look made Kato Megumi cover her mouth and smile

"This is a really good man who is courteous to ladies......Are you right, Xiaoyun?"

Oh? Is Kato Megumi's implication that he wants him to become a tracheitis like Hikigaya Hachiman?

How bold!!!

"Tonight at midnight, let's fight by the lake! When the fight ends, it will surge like a lakeside!!!"

Kato Hui was shocked by the little poem that Su Yun said......Is this guy really going to do this? She really can't hold on!

"There are so many children here, it's not nice to be seen......."

"Am I wrong?.......Can I make you a meal to make it up to you later?"

Seeing Kato Hui's surrender, Su Yun nodded with satisfaction.

How can a man not regain his masculinity?

When Su Yun was in high spirits, several malicious eyes looked at Hikigaya Hachiman and Tsurumi Rumi beside Su Yun.

"Why can that guy with dead eyes and that pretentiousness get the appreciation of that handsome big brother and beautiful big sister?"

"Is there any need to think about it? They must be playing the victim to gain sympathy! Otherwise, who would like them? Two eccentric guys!"

The malicious rumors made Tsurumi Rumi frown and lower her head in disappointment.

Didn't she do anything well?

But what she didn't know was that in Neon, even being good-looking sometimes becomes a sin.

These guys were jealous of her just because of her looks.

It is worth mentioning that Yukinoshita Yukino had a similar experience in elementary school. However, unlike the soft egg Hayama next to Yukino, the chief prison warden next to Tsurumi Rumi was much tougher.

At the critical moment, Hikigaya Hachiman can definitely be called a real man!

"Hey, aren't you guys jealous? You're so stingy......"

Wow, the prison master in elementary school was quite tough.

He directly pointed out the shameful thoughts of those girls who plotted against him and Tsurumi Rumi. The girls who were hit by the prison master blushed when they saw their classmates looking at them strangely.

Why is Hikigaya Hachiman so tough this time? He avoided them when he was in school. But now, how dare he!! ?

A girl became angrier and angrier, so in front of everyone, she stomped the ground angrily and walked towards Hikigaya Hachiman eagerly.

But before she got in front of Hikigaya Hachiman, she was picked up by Su Yun halfway.

"Whose general is this? Why don't you take this guy away quickly?"

Under the incredulous gazes of these girls with congenitally defective bodies, their leader bowed and apologized in front of Su Yun. After learning the whole story, the student who apologized in front of Su Yun immediately changed his face.

"You guys hurry up and apologize to these two kids! If they don't forgive you, I will report to your class teacher and have you disqualified from this activity!" The termite in Su Yun's class has died because of playing happily in prison, so the only ones left are students with decent values.

So after learning the truth, the male classmate was furious!

He was originally very unhappy about the cold violence that happened to Su Yun at the beginning, but because the classmates who used cold violence on Su Yun had good family backgrounds, he chose to stand idly by in order not to cause trouble for his family. He has always felt guilty about Su Yun.

And now, the elementary school students under him are saying bad things about the elementary school students under Su Yun.

How can he tolerate this?

Under the unfriendly gaze of this male classmate, the female classmates who arranged for Hikigaya Hachiman and Tsurumi Rumi walked up to the two of them.


"You think I will......"

When Hikigaya Hachiman saw these guys apologizing humbly, he didn't feel any relief at all. He would never forgive these people!

"Yawata.......They knew they were wrong......."

Turning his head, Hikigaya Hachiman saw Tsurumi Rumi tugging at his clothes!

Rumi-chan, what are you doing? Isn't it better to let these guys leave?

Is Rumi-chan worried that these guys will come back to school for revenge?

But her sister just said that she made a great friend.........If someone bullies you at school, you can ask her to help you......

So Hikigaya Hachiman decided not to be patient anymore! Why did his gentleness and concessions make these people push him over the head again and again!! ?

When he was about to tell Tsurumi Rumi about his thoughts, he saw these guys going back happily because they had obtained Tsurumi Rumi's forgiveness.

The chief jailer saw that his plan failed and clenched his fists tightly.

Su Yun saw the whole scene.

Su Yun watched with a little interest the way these T0-level elementary school students left leisurely.

He always had a feeling that these guys were the same as Sagami Minami.

No, maybe even worse than Sagami Minami..........

Let him come and see the quality of these people.......If they are really the innate"newborn" holy bodies

, then Su Yun doesn't mind killing them directly.

Maybe he can make use of the waste.......Use the remaining light of their lives to help Su Yun complete his grand plan.

When Su Yun saw Hachiman Hikigaya in elementary school, he had a sense of déjà vu.

Hachiman Hikigaya gave him a feeling that was somewhat similar to Megumi Fushiguro...........

The same gentleness, the same awkwardness.......The most important thing is that they are all very good at self-destruction!

There is no need to talk about the Grand Jailer. Those who have watched Oregairu know what the Grand Jailer's signature skill is.

The same is true for Fushiguro Megumi. When he encounters a slightly stronger enemy, all he thinks of is summoning Mokuro to die with him. He is also a self-destruction master with a very high purity.

But they have one thing in common, their self-destruction is to save others!

To be honest, Hikigaya Hachiman gives Su Yun a very strange feeling.

Su Yun has a strong feeling that this guy can become a sorcerer!

Maybe Hikigaya Hachiman may not have the possibility of reaching the special level like Fushiguro Megumi

, but a first-level level like Kusakabe still has a chance. A guy with a delicate mind always has a talent in sorcery!

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