"Okay, everyone has divided into teams, right? You can go to your rooms now!"

Shizuka Hiratsuka stood on the podium, looking at the small groups that had gathered below, and announced with a loud speaker.

Under the leadership of the elementary school teachers, the adult brothers and sisters led a group of elementary school students to set off. I have to say that the location of this summer camp is quite good.

Starting from the square in front of the modern building, you must first pass a path built in the woods.

In the summer, countless cicadas can be heard in the woods, adding a bit of liveliness to the people rushing to their residences.

Everyone had a smile on their face, pointing to the dense jungle, tall trees, and calm pools around them, and discussed enthusiastically.

After walking for less than five minutes, the view suddenly opened up.

"Nature's layout is really amazing! Look, children, there is a clearing in the middle of such a large forest for us to build a wooden house."

"Nature is amazing, isn't it!!!"

A large area of land in the woods was covered with all kinds of exquisite wooden houses. Fujiwara Chika pointed at these wooden houses with great interest."

How is it? How is it? What the elder sister said is very philosophical!

Seeing that the children were looking at her with admiration, Fujiwara Chika's eyebrows were almost raised to her hair. She is worthy of being the great detective Chika, who is good at discovering inconspicuous little things from daily trivialities!

Just when Fujiwara Chika wanted to laugh triumphantly, Hikigaya Hachiman in Su Yun's team curled his lips.

"Isn't this cut down by humans?.....There are quite a few tree stumps nearby."

Following Hikigaya Hachiman's gaze, there were indeed many stumps left after the large trees were cut down.........

Fujiwara Chika was a little embarrassed by the strange looks from everyone.

How could this kid be so unlovable!!!

Fujiwara Chika's puffed up cheeks made Shirogane Miyuki and Ishigami Yuu, who were paddling on the sidelines, unable to hold back.

The pink-haired monster who always makes others embarrassed finally got humiliated this time!

No, I really can't hold back anymore.


Shirogane Miyuki and Ishigami Choshu, the two laughing heroes of Mitsuhiko Shiraha, who were often"teased" by Fujiwara Chika in the student union, finally couldn't suppress the joy in their hearts when they saw Fujiwara Chika being humiliated!

The two shrill laughs immediately caught Fujiwara Chika's attention.

She walked silently behind the two people who were laughing wildly.

Fujiwara Chika put on a gentle expression and patted them on the back with her hand.

"President and Ishigami-san, what makes you so happy?.....Can you tell me so I can be happy too?"


's over, this pink-haired guy saw it.......Shirogane Miyuki and Ishigami Yuu looked at each other and immediately understood what the other meant. They must not let this guy know that they were laughing at her!

As we all know, pink hair turns black after being cut!

Oh, by the way, except for Pochi-chan........

"It's nothing to do with Fujiwara-san. I'm just very happy when I think about the two of us finding new jobs."

"Secretary Fujiwara, you have always known me. I have been working part-time, and now I have found a job with good salary and benefits."

"This is a happy thing! So Ishigami and I couldn't help laughing just now."

Shirogane Miyuki explained without any hesitation, which made Fujiwara Chika look at him suspiciously.

They just happened to laugh at the moment when she made a fool of herself? She didn't believe it!

Seeing that Fujiwara Chika still wanted to pester him, Shirogane Miyuki directly used his ultimate move

"Look at that handsome boy. If you don't believe me, go ask him. Ishigami and I are telling the truth!"

Fujiwara Chika looked at Su Yun doubtfully.

"Okay, I'll trust you for now! If I find out that you two have cheated me together, I'll punish you by making you play board games with me for a month.

".......This pink-haired monster really has a vicious heart! Ishigami Yu looked at the departing Fujiwara Chika in horror.

Letting him play board games for a month is more painful than killing him!

Putting down the 3A masterpieces on the computer and playing board games?

How can Ishigami Yu accept this!!!

"As expected of you, Baiyin, you tricked the pink-haired monster away directly.....But are you sure our boss can handle that woman?"

"Don't turn around and fire us because of this matter. I still want to go see Walnut!"

Shirogane Miyuki expressed his understanding of Ishigami Yu's worries, but he was confident that as an old worker, Shirogane Miyuki was still a little confident in his ability to judge people.

Shirogane Miyuki could see at a glance that Fujiwara Chika was extraordinary, and Su Yun.......Baiyin Yuxing couldn't see through that man at all. He couldn't figure out the man!

It was reasonable for such an unfathomable man to help his future employees deal with the pink hair crisis!................

Because of Mitsui Suneo's persuasion, and because Kaguya became the new director of Shuchiin, the cabin that Su Yun was assigned in this event should be the best one.

When he opened the door, what came into view was the smooth wooden floor and a brand new large air conditioner hanging high on the ceiling of the room.

There were even a few bottles of fine wine on the table in the entrance hall. Variety shows were playing on the latest model of LCD TV in the living room.

Yes, you heard it right, it's the living room!

This"small" cabin is actually divided into two bedrooms and a living room!

Hikigaya Hachiman took his and Tsurumi Rumi's luggage and looked at the overly luxurious environment in surprise.

Is the school so rich now? This summer camp, which didn't cost much, also provided them with a room that is no less than a five-star hotel........


Hikigaya Hachiman looked deeply at Su Yun and Kato Megumi standing beside him. One of these two people must be a big boss with an unfathomable background!

Su Yun and Kato Megumi didn't know what Hikigaya Hachiman was thinking.

Now put it on���The problem in front of them needs to be solved, that is: how to allocate the rooms?

According to the permutations of high school, two people are selected from four people, and the order of these two problems does not matter. There are a total of C42 combinations!

But in fact, there are only two ways that Su Yun is really hesitant. One is that he and Hikigaya Hachiman share a room, and Kato Megumi and Tsurumi Rumi share a room.

The other is.........(Funny)

Kato Megumi was a little worried about this.

"Is there any problem if these two children are placed in the same room?......."

"If the boy with the evil eyes can't control himself......."

"Who of those two people is more worthy of punishment?"

Su Yun had a perfect solution to Kato Hui's worries!

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