But judging from the reaction just now, it shouldn't be her. So now this doctor is very suspicious. And, doctor............Isn't this the right medicine for the disease?

Yoshimatsu and this unknown doctor, the Yalan Agency is really willing to invest money.

Su Yun felt that he had caught the tail of the Yalan Agency hidden in the headquarters of Likolis.......

While Su Yun was thinking in his mind, Commander Nanmu stopped in front of a high-tech door.

After entering a long string of passwords, the door slowly opened.

Inside were countless screens showing the scenes of various places in the Likolis headquarters. Of course, from here you can also see the mess caused by Su Yun's battle just now.

Su Yun saw the place and said straight to the point.

"I hope you can handle today's matter properly, Commander Nanmu. You have to make this accident look like a show as much as possible. At least I don't want my video and information to be spread out. Can you do this?"

Commander Nanmu saw that Su Yun's request was a bit difficult to speak.


"Of course, the hostages are all your lives, but you don't have to worry too much. I will help you deal with the above matters, and you just need to do what you should do.

Nanmu was relieved after hearing Su Yun's promise. You know, she is just a commander. Today's commotion is too big, and she has no way to cover it up if the higher-ups want to investigate.

"No problem, I'll take care of the rest.......The people above...."

Before Commander Nanmu finished speaking, Su Yun handed over a piece of paper with Mitsui Suneo's phone number.

"This is a senior executive of the Mitsui Group, you just need to contact him."

Hearing this, Nanmu was completely relieved. That was one of the four major chaebols in Japan. Everyone knows who has the final say in this country.

And among the gentlemen who hold the right to speak for Likolis, the Mitsui Group is also a real big shot. You must know that two of the four major chaebols do not even think highly of the Likolis organization. Looking at the contact information in his hand, Nanmu had an illusion that this might be a blessing in disguise?

"There is one more thing, Commander Nanmu.

Nanmu, who was in a good mood, asked Su Yun to mention it directly. She would do her best to do what she could.

"Give me LycoReco Cafe, including all the LycoRecos in it......! ? LycoReco Coffee Shop? Nanmu's mood was like a bolt from the blue. She was reluctant to let Qianshu go, but as a commander, she couldn't let Su Yun get angry by not letting her go.

So, she didn't have the power to refuse. Nanmu had no expression on her face, but she felt extremely bitter in her heart.

"Yes, I can, but I can't erase the identities of Likolis at will........"

"It's a small matter, just contact Mitsui Suneo to solve it."

Su Yun gave the final blow and completely defeated Nanmu. Qianshu was finally going to leave her........

"By the way, Commander Kusunoki, you can just inform Mika about this matter later. You don’t need to tell Chizuka and Takina. If Takina comes to you, just say that they have been incorporated into a special Lycoris direct attack unit - CCG.

Commander Kusunoki certainly had no objection to Su Yun’s words, but the special Lycoris unit CCG.......She couldn't help but sigh at the imagination of young people. Could this really fool that stubborn child? Nanmu was a little skeptical about this.

"Okay, that's all. Commander Nanmu, if you have any questions, just contact Mitsui Suneo. I'll leave first."

After saying that, Su Yun turned around and was about to leave. At this moment, Nanmu suddenly got the courage.

"Can you grant me a request?"

"Oh, that's interesting, tell me about it." He Su Yun is not an unkind guy.

"Please be kind to Chizuka and Takina. They have never enjoyed any happiness since they were young......"

"Oh? I understand this is your request as their commander."

"No, it's just my personal request."

Su Yun smiled and said,"I promise you."

Then, without waiting for Nanmu to say thank you, he left quickly.

Nanmu is a bit incompetent, but he is a good person. Su Yun took back the small technique that was similar to the"tent" that he was going to use to monitor Nanmu. He was not so narrow-minded.

Su Yun left Nanmu's command room and wanted to find the doctor who had examined Qianshu before, but he actually forgot. He didn't know where the doctor was.

Should he go back to find Nanmu? Bigger is gone, and now it's more important to do business.

But as soon as he turned around, a voice came into his ears.

"The commander notified me to entertain you. Do you want to go shopping at the Likolis headquarters?"

Fu, dressed in red, rolled his eyes and stood at the door of Commander Nanmu's command room in a standard posture.

"Then I'll trouble you, the loser who was defeated by Takina."

Su Yun narrowed his eyes and said in a teasing tone

"It's just the commander's mission. Okay, where do you want to go?"

"Take me to see the doctor who used to give Chitose regular checkups."

Fu sighed, and then began to lead the way seriously. The commander's mission must not be missed. She is not Takina's low-level Rikolis.......

Behind a door with a red cross logo, a man in a white coat was fiddling with a tiny secret communication tool in his hand.

"Damn it, why can't I contact anyone? There is valuable information here at the Lycoris headquarters!"

After saying that, the doctor tapped the communication tool impatiently, but she was a doctor, not a technician or maintenance worker. With the Lycoris headquarters completely blocked, she couldn't even adopt the emergency plan given to her by the Alan Agency.

Just as the doctor was in a panic, a voice came from outside the door.

"Are you there, doctor? I was injured in the battle. Can you please help me?"

The doctor was relieved when he heard the voice of the familiar Fu. In order not to be noticed by Fu, he opened the door obediently.

Seeing the door slowly open from the inside���Su Yun gave Fu a look that said she had done a good job, and then signaled her to leave. Knowing about Yalan's agency would not benefit her.

The doctor who opened the door saw not Fu as she had imagined, but a strange man.

She immediately felt alarmed.

But it was too late. Su Yun had already come in and closed the door. The doctor had no way out.

"You can't send a message, doctor, guess why this happened."

Su Yun smiled kindly at the defenseless doctor.

At this time, the doctor, who was an expert in heart disease, felt that her heart was not good.

She had been lurking in the headquarters of Likolis for many years and encountered a crisis that frightened her.

"What nonsense are you talking about? Why should I send a message to Commander Nanmu?

Seeing that the doctor was still trying to struggle, Su Yun decided to give her the final blow.

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