"Do you know Nishiki Chitsugu, doctor? She's a very cute child. You got along well with her before, didn't you?"

After hearing the name of the person that Yalan told her about before, the doctor knew that it was meaningless to pretend anymore.

"I really can't send messages. Is this you who did this?"

"That is a new method improved from a very simple surgical procedure. But even if I tell you, you won’t understand it, so can you tell me why you work for the Yalan Agency?

The doctor’s eyes dimmed when he heard Su Yun say that.

"The reason is simple. The judgment of the Alan Agency is not completely accurate, and I am the victim of the Alan Agency's misjudgment........"

"They were looking for gifted children all over the world to invest in, and I was much more interested in biology than the average person when I was young, and I showed a great talent, so they chose me."

"A lot of investment was poured into me, but I didn't bring them the return they wanted. I'm not a genius at innovation, which is fatal in medicine. After all, the Yalan Agency is not short of existing medical knowledge. No matter how rich my knowledge is, it can't compare to their super artificial intelligence."

"So after finding out that I didn't meet their requirements, they hoped that I could contribute to their plan and"volunteer" to be a pawn."

"I have no room to refuse. No matter what the result is, I still owe a favor to the Yalan Agency."

"Then it was just like what you see now. They dropped my chess piece in the headquarters of Likolis......."

The doctor told the story of his relationship with the Yalan organization like a storyteller.

After listening to it, Su Xiao suddenly asked:

"How is your medical skill in the eyes of the world?"

Hearing Su Yun's question, the doctor straightened his chest and raised his head and said confidently

"Although I cannot compare with a true genius, I am confident that I am not inferior to others in terms of knowledge and accumulation."

"If it is a non-human creature, have you thought about how to deal with it?"

Su Yun asked with interest.

"If the organism you are talking about exists and has a heart structure, I am confident that I can conduct research based on this point."

Clap! Clap! Clap!

After the doctor finished speaking, Su Yun clapped his hands together, and then said with a smile

"You have successfully proved your worth to me, doctor."

"me.......There are so many things I am curious about and want to explore, and it would be much easier to have a medical master like you."

"So, do you want to follow me? If you decide, I will talk to the Alan Agency about their kindness to you........Then I will help you to repay them.

The doctor was shocked by Su Yun's sudden invitation.

"You suddenly said this to me, I also......"

But before the doctor could finish his words, Su Yun broke her arm in the same way he had done to Fu.

"So if an invitation doesn't work, then you have to force me?"

The doctor's quality was surprisingly good. This kind of pain made Fu feel like she was losing her little pearls, but the doctor just looked at him coldly.

"Of course not."

Su Yun stepped forward and grabbed the doctor's broken arm. With a gentle touch, she saw that the broken arm had recovered completely. The doctor who had watched the whole process was boiling with excitement. Although she did not have a very high talent, her passion could not be faked.

And now, she had witnessed the"miracle" with her own eyes, and finding out the truth of the miracle was more important to her than anything else.

"Please tell me how you did it, please tell me!"

"Want to know? Then follow me to find the answer, until the day you want to leave."

The doctor could not refuse such a tempting secret, and immediately announced that he would join Su Yun's"Organization""

"That boss, I should......."

"Just stay where you are and report whatever you need to report to the Yalan Agency."

"As for the incident at the Lycoris headquarters, please help me keep it secret."

The doctor saw that Su Yun, the new BOSS, issued an order, just like he treated the colonel's neon soldiers.


"You don’t have to be so formal with me. And take off your mask. I want to see what you, a great doctor, look like."

Hearing this, the doctor put his hand to his ear.........................

After leaving the Lycoris headquarters and getting on the train back, Su Yun recalled the doctor's appearance. He was already thirty years old, but he looked surprisingly pure, less charming than Xiao Jing.

However, compared to the doctor's face, Su Yun was more interested in the reaction of the Alan Agency.

He blocked the line of information passed by the doctor to the Alan Agency. If the Alan Agency can still respond to this, it means that there may be more than one"ghost". Of course, the doctor who did not pass on the information would be exposed, and he could let the doctor conduct a simple study of ghouls in advance. Ghouls are much more suitable to be killing machines than the cute little Nishiki Chitsuka, so why is the Alan Agency obsessed with her?

Su Yun, who was looking forward to meeting the doctor next time, finally answered the phone that had been vibrating for a long time.

"Hello? Su Yunjun, where are you? My students and I are almost there."

Su Yunjun?" It was a bit uncomfortable to hear Shizuka Hiratsuka calling him that. Why was she so polite today?

Not only did she use honorifics for herself, but she also knew not to eavesdrop outside the door when she and Yukino were talking. Now she even invited me to have dinner with her and her students.

Something was wrong, nine points or even ten points wrong, but it made sense. After all, Xiaojing had probably gone to see the older Lao Deng. Under Lao Deng's knock,

Shizuka Hiratsuka's attitude towards herself was probably no different from seeing the"solution" with her own eyes.......

"Xiaojing, I'll be there soon. I'm looking forward to meeting your student."

"Okay, Su Yunjun, please stay tuned. My students are no less beautiful than me."

After saying that, the two ended the call, and Hiratsuka Shizuka once again praised her own wit...........

Because of Mitsui Suneo's warning, Hiratsuka Shizuka didn't dare to eavesdrop on the conversation between Su Yun and Yukino, so she didn't know how the two got along.

But after sending Su Yun to Yukino's service department, her brain suddenly resumed functioning, and she actually ignored her student's awkward personality..........

Only cared about appearance.

As expected, when she returned to the service club, only Yukino was there with piles of desks and wooden chairs, and Su Yun was nowhere to be seen.

She asked Yukino if Su Yun wanted to join her club, and the answer she got was no. After that, she didn't ask Yukino anything more, but hurriedly left the service club and returned to her office.

She knew that she was self-righteous and had messed up everything.

But there was still a chance to make up for it, right? Yukino,......After all, she is still an imperfect student now

, but she still has her perfect sister, right?

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