Yukino couldn't do it, but Shizuka Hiratsuka was confident that her most outstanding student,

Yukinoshita Haruno, who had a perfect face, figure, and social skills, would definitely be able to captivate Su Yun, who even Mitsui Suneo feared.

After that, wouldn't the two of them naturally become close friends?

And as Haruno's mentor, I'm sure Su Yun would be extremely grateful to me.

Shizuka Hiratsuka became more and more excited the more she thought about it, so she took advantage of her excitement to call Su Yun, who was still on the train to the Lycoris headquarters.

As she expected, Su Yun directly and readily agreed to her invitation to go out for dinner in the evening.

If she could even get Su Yun, then wouldn't Haruno be easy for her? It's just that when she told Haruno that she wanted her to have a meal with her and the boy in the photo she sent to Haruno during the day, Haruno showed an extremely resistant tone.

But when Shizuka Hiratsuka said that she had already invited the boy, Haruno actually agreed with difficulty that she would go.

Shizuka Hiratsuka could never have imagined that Haruno was afraid that because of her breaking the appointment, Shizuka Hiratsuka would not fulfill her promise to Su Yun, which would cause Su Yun to be angry and kill her.

After Haruno agreed, she actually took the initiative to warn Shizuka Hiratsuka to be respectful in front of Su Yun. This made Shizuka Hiratsuka very confused. She obviously wanted to warn Haruno, so why was she warned instead?

Maybe Haruno also has her source of information. Shizuka Hiratsuka once again sighed at Haruno's ability. She even knew about Su Yun's secret gold card.

Wouldn't her plan be more secure?

Time flew by, and finally, Shizuka Hiratsuka confidently pushed open the door of the restaurant she had booked...............

""Hello, Yang No, how are you doing recently? Have you missed me, your teacher?"

While speaking, Shizuka Hiratsuka stepped forward and hugged the slender and beautiful Yang No who was sitting upright. She was startled by the sudden greeting and hug, but when she turned around and found that it was Shizuka Hiratsuka, Yang No was stunned.

She looked at her"good teacher" with a gloomy face."

"Xiaojing, you are already over 30 years old. There is no point in pretending to be cute in front of me~~"

After saying that, Yang No showed Hiratsuka Shizuka her dignified and fashionable female outfit and Rejoice hairstyle with a bright smile. The pair of exposed high heels on her feet sparkled under the light, forming a sharp contrast with Hiratsuka Shizuka in a white windbreaker. Hiratsuka

Shizuka, who had received 10,000 points of critical damage, was a little incoherent at this time.

"Yang Nai, what are you doing?........Teacher, have I offended you in any way?"

"And I asked you to come for this opportunity to make friends with important people........You can't use my age as a sore spot to attack me, I feel wronged!"

Hearing the word"big shot", Yang Nai's smile became even brighter.

" Big shot, do you know what kind of big shot it is? It is a pity for women that all the nutrients flow to the chest, don't you think so, Xiaojing?"

Hiratsuka Shizuka was shocked by the attack power displayed by Yang No at this moment.

Even though Yang No usually looks dignified, should we say that she is worthy of being Xue No's sister, but she is just hiding her true strength.

In addition to being shocked, Hiratsuka Shizuka also vaguely sensed a hint of fear in Yang No's tone, especially when the words big shot were mentioned.

But classmate Su Yun is obviously very easy to talk to, isn't he? As for the mastermind of bullying him, Ohga Taiyang, he only asked him to kneel down and apologize to his desk.

How kind he is! If it were her, Hiratsuka Shizuka, she would have been good enough if she didn't send Ohga Taiyang to see his ancestor with one punch.

So, Hiratsuka Shizuka always felt that the gentle and kind classmate Su Yun should be able to get along well with the gentle and kind student Xue Noo, whom she also cared about.

But things didn't go as she wished, and she also ignored Xue Noo's awkward personality at the moment, but why was Yang Noo a little wrong?

"Um, Yang Nai, why do I feel like you are a little scared of classmate Su Yun? That's a good kid......."

"Xiaojing, you don't know anything at all.....He is......"

But before Yang Nai could finish her words, the door of the box they were in was pushed open by a huge force.

""Miss, what's wrong with me?"

Yang Nai looked at the handsome face that haunted her dreams, and she felt like she could hear her own heartbeat.

"That, I don't have........."

"How dare you talk about me behind my back? Has this lady thought about how she will die? Will she be cut in two?"

Su Yun didn't know why. Seeing Yang Nai being so reserved in front of him, he wanted to scare her, so he shouted angrily and showed a terrifying expression.

Yang Nai was frightened by Su Yun so much that she almost cried. She hadn't had a good relationship yet, and hadn't found her"real thing", but her life was about to stop here.

But she still had one last task to complete, so she held back her tears.

"Please don't embarrass Xue Nai, you can do whatever you want to me, she is just a silly child who has not grown up yet."

Su Yun was a little stunned when he saw Yang Nai's words. What did he do to Xue Nai?

Yang Nai saw that Su Yun did not respond, so he continued

"The reason why Xue No is still alive is that you are attracted by her appearance, but her figure is very flat and will not satisfy you, so please don't make it difficult for her......."

"What are you talking about! Shut up, young lady!"

Su Yun couldn't hold it anymore, and quickly went up to give Yang No a one-finger flick. This was the first time he broke through the defense since he came to this world, only because Yang No's imagination was too good.

Seeing the inexplicable conversation between the two, Hiratsuka Shizuka, who had been standing by, finally stepped forward to separate the two. She gradually understood everything..........

"Listen to me, the thing is.........."............

While Hiratsuka Shizuka was talking, a polite waiter in a suit knocked on the door of the private room.

"Guests, do you want to order?"

Yang Nai, who had reacted at this time, had already returned to her dignified appearance.

"Please come in, waiter."

Then, the three of them quickly ordered their meals, and Yang Nai looked at Su Yun who was drinking tea with a resentful look.

"Kind classmate Su Yun, is it fun to scare your sister? I was almost crying just now, don’t you have anything to say?"

Su Yun put down the teacup in his hand and calmly looked at Yang Nai's pitiful and aggrieved appearance.

"I know you a little bit, Miss Yang Nai, you don't have to be like this in front of me...."

Hearing Su Yun's words, Yang Nai's crystal clear eyes showed a hint of doubt, and then the aggrieved expression changed into a fake smile like a Sichuan opera face-changing.

"Children who are too smart are not liked by big sisters, Su Yun......"

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