"It's okay, I'm handsome anyway."

Su Yun replied calmly to Yang Nai's words.

Seeing Su Yun like this, Yang Nai knew that this young boy with a naive appearance was probably not at the same level as Xue Nai. He knew what she wanted to hear, but he kept playing Tai Chi with her.

"Su Yun, if you keep making me anxious, I will get wrinkles and grow old. Then you will never see the bright and beautiful sister again. What if you fall in love with her in the future?......"

Seeing Yang Nai about to say something shocking again, Su Yun stepped forward and covered her mouth with his hand. At the same time, he sighed in his heart that this girl was difficult to deal with. She was difficult enough in the anime, and even more so in real life.

""Miss Yang No, don't be so humble. No matter how old you are, can you ever compare to Xiao Jing?"

Yang No looked at Hiratsuka Jing and muttered thoughtfully.

"That's right~"

Finally, Hiratsuka Shizuka couldn't bear it anymore. She didn't dare to do anything to Su Yun, but how could Yang Nai dare to let the word"old" be associated with her?

The two of them played together, which made Su Yun feast his eyes. At this time, Hiratsuka Shizuka, whose clothes were messy, asked Su Yun

"Su Yunjun, don't keep Yangnai in suspense. Tell her the problem she can't figure out. Look how pitiful she was just now........."

Su Yun was still willing to accept Xiao Jing's request, because she sent Yukino and Haruno to him one after another. However

, Xiao Jing's timing of the request was indeed appropriate. Perhaps in terms of emotional intelligence, the only person who could compete with her in Oregairu was the Great Teacher.

After accepting Hiratsuka Shizuka's request, Su Yun decided not to play tricks on Haruno anymore.

"Miss Yang Nai, I understand your respect for me, but fear..........You should have seen my"power", so what do you want to know?"

Yang No saw that Su Yun was no longer practicing Tai Chi with her, and gave a big thumbs up to Hiratsuka Shizuka who had provided an assist, and then asked with a serious face

"I want to know what this world is really like. I don’t want to die without knowing why one day.

The real world......He, Su Yun, didn't even understand everything, so how could he tell Yang No? But he could explain the ghoul thing to her.

"There is a kind of man-eating monster in this world. It has the same appearance as humans, but has a strong physical fitness and predatory organs different from humans. They are mixed in human society....................."

Su Yun told Yang No in detail about the existence of ghouls, and Yang No trembled all over. Finally, when Su Yun finished speaking, Yang No trembled and raised her white and tender little hand.

"If you have any questions, please ask. Don't be polite to me, the teacher."

After getting Su Yun's permission, Yang Nai said in a trembling voice.

"Teacher Su Yun, is there any way to identify ghouls?"

Thinking that there might be ghouls lurking around him, Yang No felt uneasy for a moment, so he asked Su Yun hurriedly. Su Yun shook his head when he heard the question, and then said in a regretful tone

"There may be a way, but with the size of the Yukinoshita family, I'm afraid it won't be possible. Ghouls are the existence that the country deliberately conceals. Do you think your father, who is just a local councilor, has the size to break through the national blockade?"

Yang No lowered her head in disappointment after Su Yun finished speaking. As he said, their Yukinoshita family is just a local rich man. As for the councilor's father? What's the use? This country is ruled by the four major chaebols. Without their permission, my father can't even be a small councilor. Unlike the naive Yukino, the precocious Yang No has been working hard to take over the Yukinoshita family. Therefore, she has been exposed to the real dark side of society early on.

Now she heard that such a shocking truth was concealed by the four major chaebols, and she didn't know it at all, and even after knowing the truth, she didn't have the power to protect herself.

She couldn't help but feel a strong sense of powerlessness and confusion about the future.

Hiratsuka Shizuka on the side also heard such a secret with Yang No, but she was not surprised, because she had seen the monsters that entangled the Hiratsuka Group a long time ago, and now she felt that ghouls were nothing.

But she couldn't let her favorite student go off the deep end.

Hiratsuka Shizuka stepped forward and held Yang No's hand, then looked at Yang No with her right eye, while her left eye kept glancing at Su Yun.

Seeing Hiratsuka Shizuka's actions, the smart Yang No immediately reacted.

Xiao Jing was asking her to hug her thigh...........Yes, with that kind of power, this thigh can't be any thicker.

She Yang Nai is not a proud person who refuses to yield to others. Now there is such a thick thigh, such a good opportunity. If she doesn't seize it, she will probably regret it for the rest of her life. Having made up her mind, Yang Nai slowly spoke to Su Yun in a charming voice.

"Su Yunjun, can my sister follow you in the future? I know that our Yukinoshita family cannot compare with Principal Mitsui Suneo, but we also have many advantages that he does not have~~"

Seeing Yang Noi tempting him with her exquisite figure and coquettish tone, he raised his eyebrows

"for example?"

"For example, I am a mature big sister, and Xue Noi is a cute little sister~"

As expected, Su Yun touched his forehead helplessly with both hands. This Yang Noi is really good at driving. She really treats him as a pure little virgin

(PS: All the characters in this book are adults. If you want to explain, the super ghosts and gods in this anime world have performed a shocking secret method to make everyone's age two years larger, and the author started stacking armor (funny face))

"OK, then you and Xueno come to my house tomorrow. I've never played sister play before."

After that, Su Yun took Yang Noi's small hand slightly aggressively and held it in his palm.

Feeling the touch on both hands, Yang Noi's face quickly turned red. She finally panicked. Where did her pure and straight man personality go?

"don't want.....itch......"

"Will you tease me again in the future, Miss Yang Nai? You should know that next time it won't be as simple as playing with your hands."

"I won't dare to do that anymore........"

Seeing that Yang No agreed, Su Yun put Yang No's hand back and said to Hiratsuka Shizuka

"Did Xiaojing take the photo?"

Hearing Su Yun's words, Hiratsuka Shizuka made a big OK gesture, and Yang Noi also returned to normal at this time, looking at Hiratsuka Shizuka in confusion, what did you take a photo of?

Su Yun took Hiratsuka Shizuka's phone and showed the photo to Yang Noi: That was Yang Noi's shy face because Su Yun held her hand just now

"Isn't this very cute? Why do you usually show that fake smile? Your fake smile will make people who really care about your emotions feel distressed."

Yang Nai didn't expect Su Yun to see through her mask when they first met, and even praised her for being cute. An inexplicable emotion was planted in her heart, and she laughed sincerely this time.

"That perceptive Su Yunjun, will you feel sorry for me, your sister?"

Su Yun looked at Yang Nai and smiled, and touched his chin with relief. It's just that you seem to be teasing me again, Yang Nai

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