"Do you remember what you just promised me, Yang No, you need to be punished?"

After saying that, Su Yun pounced on Yang No. Under the jealous gaze of Hiratsuka Shizuka, Su Yun pinched Yang No's ticklish spot. Yang No was not to be outdone, and the two started fighting together.........

Finally, under Yang Nai's begging for mercy, Su Yun finally let go of her ticklish flesh, and Yang Nai's face was already red at this time.

"Ahem, have you forgotten I'm still here?......."

Su Yun only remembered her existence after seeing Hiratsuka Shizuka's reminder. He couldn't blame him for that. Mature women were too attractive compared to Yukino and Chizuki. Besides, Haruno was his favorite character in Oregairu.

"Xiaojing, I was so focused on punishing Yang Nai just now that I ignored you. I'm really sorry. How about I make it up to you by giving you a meal later?"

"Well, teacher, I will forgive you generously."

Hiratsuka Shizuka accepted it calmly on the surface, but in fact, she was very happy. Su Yun and Yang No became friends, and she got the chance to be alone.

Isn't this a sure thing? Although she was happy, she didn't show any abnormality, but reminded them as their common teacher.

"Seeing that you two can get along so well, I, the teacher, feel relieved. Neither of you has any friends to talk to. You can talk to each other in the future, especially you Yang No. After all, you are friends now, right?"

Friends? Not bad, after listening to Hiratsuka Shizuka's words, Yang No said softly in her heart, but a smile appeared on her face unconsciously.

Su Yun looked at Yang No's expression at this time and did not refute Hiratsuka Shizuka's words, but said in a gentle tone

"The food is getting cold, let's start eating"

"Also, Yang No, you don't have to live so hard in the future. I'll go with you to see your aunt later. After all, you represent the Yukinoshita family, don't you?"

After saying that, Su Yun blinked at Yang No.

Yang No didn't know what happened to her. She actually agreed with a red face. She had always been a calm person and had never gotten along with her junior brother, but................Is Junior Brother a Succubus?

Never mind, just eat your meal. From the initial fear to the current peace of mind, Yang Noi did not find that even Xue Mu could not scare her now. The fear of that woman in her memory gradually faded. This meal was probably the happiest one Yang Noi had eaten since her childhood.

There was no cumbersome etiquette, no oppressive atmosphere, and no shadow of that scary woman. There was only an extremely handsome male succubus, oh.....There is also a mentor.

Xue's mother, who is far away, doesn't know that her proud eldest daughter has gotten rid of her influence and even sold the Yukinoshita family. Now she has just received a call from an old classmate, so she is on her way to her second daughter's apartment.

Thinking of her second daughter who makes her worry, Xue's mother can't help but urge the driver to hurry up. She wants to tell Xue No some things and take a look at Xue No's recent status....…...

While Xue Mu was taking action, Su Yun's dinner was almost coming to an end.

"Su Yunjun, how is the food here? My sister first discovered this place and recommended it to Xiaojing."

Su Yun didn't say anything, but gave Yangnai a thumbs up.

"How about you and your sister come here often to eat in the future?"

Yang Nai smiled and made an unusual invitation to the handsome boy who was a few years younger than her.

Of course, Su Yun accepted it with satisfaction. Yang Nai took the initiative, so it would be inappropriate for him to refuse.............

Seeing Su Yun accept, Hiratsuka Shizuka raised her restless hand

"Yang No, what about me? Don't you take me with you when you eat?"

Yang No heard Hiratsuka Shizuka's question and apologized to her silently in her heart, and then said mercilessly

"I remember that you are already in your thirties, aren't you? Why don't you hurry up and go on a blind date? You don't need to worry about me and Su Yunjun's affairs~"

Being attacked by the scumbag student again with the age issue, even Hiratsuka Shizuka couldn't stand it anymore and hid aside to draw circles.

"By the way, Su Yunjun, it’s getting late. Do you need me to take you home later? We can do some interesting things in the car."

Interesting things?" Yang Nai really didn’t remember to eat, and she even drove in front of him. But this time he didn’t care about her. After all, he was keenly aware of Yang Nai’s little thoughts.

"Yang No is probably afraid of being attacked by ghouls on the road. For those monsters, there is no difference between inside and outside the car."

Xiaodijun is still so considerate, Yang No muttered in her heart, but said in a cute voice

"So, will Su Yunjun be my sister's flower protector?"

Seeing the expectation in Yang Nai's eyes, Su Yun felt happy. What he liked most was to say NO to those who thought they had it all figured out.

"But I refuse."

Yang Nai's smile froze, and she looked at this ruthless man with a wronged look.

"But you don't have to worry too much, ghouls are not so bold as to attack moving vehicles directly."

"I also know that you are worried about Yang No, so I will give this to you."

Yang No carefully took the thing that Su Yun handed over, which was a dagger-shaped necklace. It was a curse tool made by Su Yun using curse power. This was thanks to Sukuna. Fortunately, he learned all the strange skills in the curse world during the long boring time. Now all of them are in Su Yun's hands. Su

Yun stored several"solutions" in the curse tool he made. These"solutions" will be triggered by the negative emotions that Yang No produced when she was about to die.

"By the way, Yang No, this thing can split ghouls in half. This is the first time I give a gift to a girl (in this world), so you should accept it with gratitude."

Yang No's beautiful eyes flashed.

"Su Yunjun is really cunning. It's obviously my sister's first time, but thank you anyway, Su���Jun, I will treasure it well, but do you really not need your sister to send it to you?"

Seeing Yang Nai invite him again, Su Yun still refused. He still wanted to"go shopping" outside.

"Then I'll leave first. I look forward to seeing you next time, Su Yunjun."

After saying that, a black-clad driver opened the door for Yang Nai, and Yang Nai stepped into the car, rolled down the window, and waved to Su Yun with a smile.

Then, the car gradually turned into a small black dot in Su Yun's eyes. Now it was time for him to leave.............I just feel like I forgot something, but it shouldn't be something important.

Su Yun, who felt that there was nothing wrong, turned and walked towards the busy street not far from the restaurant.

In the empty private room, Shizuka Hiratsuka finally regained her spirit, but she now had many question marks on her little head.

"Where are they?"............

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