The neon lights on the street at night are no less noisy than during the day, but the neon lights have replaced the gentle sunlight during the day, and the industrial lights always make people feel irritated unconsciously.

Kato Hui and Su Yun are walking on this street illuminated by the dazzling neon lights, but one is at this end and the other is at that end.

On the road that the two must pass, a boy is walking towards the direction of Kato Hui while talking on the phone. He expresses his dissatisfaction at the moment on the phone in an exaggerated tone.

"Huh? We agreed to sing together at KTV tonight, why did you go back on your word?".........

"What? Your parents were called in too? How is that possible? You didn't offend that otaku Su Yun. I was the only one who spoke up for Da He today, wasn't I?".........

""Forget it, forget it. I'll go home too. Su Yun, that otaku, will be in trouble sooner or later."

The boy who knew that his"good friend" was being taught a lesson by their parents hung up the phone in dissatisfaction. He was a member of the current group in Su Yun's class—a yellow-haired boy with the same hair color as Ye Shan. He was determined to put on a hood and beat Su Yun up when he got back. Before he took any action, the yellow-haired boy began to think in his heart,"I'm going to do it again."

But before he even got out to the street, he actually spotted the girl who had spoken to Su Yun in the class. The girl seemed to have a very low presence at ordinary times, so the yellow-haired boy was still surprised that he could spot her in the crowd at a glance.

But isn't this just right? If he can't deal with Su Yun, can't he deal with that girl?

So the yellow-haired boy walked towards Kato Megumi with a grim smile on his face. As the distance between the two got closer, the yellow-haired boy saw Kato Megumi's face clearly, and there was a hint of excitement in his actions.

Kato Megumi looked at the yellow-haired boy who was walking towards her with a smile on her face, and she said in a gentle tone.

"My friend, what can I do for you?"

""Nothing, I just want to have an in-depth exchange with you."

While speaking, the yellow-haired man also showed off his ridiculous biceps.

Seeing that the yellow-haired man did not become wary of her and wanted to communicate with her, Kato Megumi knew that she had successfully calmed the emotions of the ingredients. Although she did not need to eat human flesh, the manager and his friends would have a treat tonight.

After all, the manager and his friends have always been feeding on corpses of humans who had died long ago, and they rarely have the opportunity to eat something so fresh.

And the reason why she had not taken action against those people in the live-action group that she disliked before was because those who were afraid of death were all from Su Yun's class, which attracted the attention of the four major chaebols, and she didn't want to be exposed just like that.

She is not alone now, she still has her own mission.

If she did not have so many concerns, she would not care about being exposed or not, and she would have killed all those people in the live-action group at the beginning.

But it doesn't matter now. With the principal of the top four chaebols personally protecting Su Yun, the principal will suppress the news even if these disgusting classmates are dead. Finally, she can do whatever she wants.

"Classmate, there are too many people here and it is not convenient to communicate. Let's go to the alley."

Huang Mao saw that this beautiful little transparent girl in the class had no intention of running away, but invited him to the alley. He felt contempt in his heart. Why did you pretend to be kind and speak for Su Yun before, bitch?

Huang Mao thought so in his heart, but his body was very honest. He couldn't wait to walk in front of Kato Hui. He had already begun to imagine this battle that had not yet happened.

But his confidence was fleeting...........


"This is just the beginning, classmate. When you said bad things about classmate Su Yun, did you ever think that this day would come?"

Kato Megumi has no way of forgetting the help Su Yun gave her when she was just trying to integrate into human society.

She will never forget the scene when Su Yun stood up in front of everyone and spoke to her in junior high school.

But now Su Yun doesn't seem to remember her. But it's okay, as long as she remembers, when she has dealt with these damn bastards, she will take their death as a gift for Su Yun to recognize each other.

Now, this is the first step of her gift plan, and she must complete it excellently.

Withdrawing from the memory of Su Yun, Kato Megumi stared at the yellow-haired man who was kneeling at her feet and kowtowing to apologize with her only scarlet eye. She exerted force on her foot and kicked the yellow-haired man out, hitting him heavily on the wall of the alley.

The yellow-haired man who fell down had one arm twisted, his face was covered with snot and tears, and flying blood splattered all over his body, but he couldn't care about his embarrassment at all.

Enduring the pain, the yellow-haired man knelt down. He knew that only by seeking Kato Megumi's forgiveness would he have a chance to see tomorrow's sun alive.

"I'm sorry, sir. I really know I was wrong. I am willing to spend the rest of my life to atone for my sins for Master Su Yun. Please show some mercy and let me go this time."

"Oh? Do you know you are wrong?" Kato Hui spoke slowly in a gentle tone.

Seeing this, a hint of subtle surprise appeared on the embarrassed face of the yellow-haired man.

"Yes, sir. I know I was wrong. I will go and apologize to Master Su Yun tomorrow. Thank you for your forgiveness."

"But I don't believe it."

Under the yellow-haired man's incredulous eyes, Kato Hui slowly stepped forward and stepped on his finger, breaking it.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhh!! I really know I was wrong, sir! That’s right!! It was all that guy Ohga Taiyo, he told me to do it all

, ahh...

"If you want to go find Da He Taiyang, I can help lead the way. This is all because of that guy Da He. I can make up for my mistakes, sir."

After saying this, Huang Mao showed the look of a pug trying to please his master.

"Did I say I would let you go? Ohga Taiyang will go to accompany you, but not now, so, you go wait for him over there, it's time to get on the road, scum."

After that, the kagune behind Kato Megumi slowly appeared, aiming at the yellow-haired man's head and ready to strike.

Finally, knowing that he had no hope of survival, the yellow-haired man gave up resistance, staring at the"weapon" that frightened him with a deathly pale face.

He did not scold Kato Megumi before he died, because this would only make Kato Megumi give up on giving him a quick death, and torture him slowly; he felt that being able to figure this out was probably the smartest decision in his life.

But can things really go as he wishes?

When he was longing for relief, a male voice that was very familiar to him came from the alley.

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