The terrifying appearance of the monster that suddenly appeared in front of him was still vivid in Shiko's mind. Compared with it, wetting his pants was just a small matter.........

Tomorrow is the day to transfer to a new school and the day to reunite with good friends. I hope that when I wake up and open my eyes, tomorrow will be a happy and hopeful day. I will just treat all the monsters as a dream. After a tiring day, Jianzi murmured devoutly in his sleep.............

Hmm! Ohga Taiyang did not come to school today, and Aki Tomoya was still eating. Su Yun, who came to school with Kato Megumi, was very satisfied with the class that had been replaced.

His eyes swept across the class, and everyone he looked at lowered their heads silently like a turtle.

Only one person walked towards Su Yun abnormally, but was stopped by Kato Megumi before he reached him. It was Fujimine Akane who had a fight with Ohga Taiyang yesterday. Although she did not walk to Su Yun, Fujimine Akane was not angry, but rushed towards him and knelt down with a puff.

Seeing this, Kato Megumi quickly got out of Su Yun's sight. The person who was still rampant in front of Su Yun yesterday knelt down today. Let Su Yun enjoy this cool scene in person.

Kato Megumi got out of the way with a little interest, stood beside Su Yun, and looked at Fujimine Akane who was kneeling in front of him with a smile.

"I'm sorry, Su Yun. I was too arrogant yesterday. Please be magnanimous."

Teng Fengqian, who was kneeling on the ground to apologize, saw that Su Yun didn't react, and her face became more anxious.

"By the way, Su Yun, look at my desk......."

It was still early for the first class, so Su Yun was not in a hurry. He would just take a good look at what Fujimine Akane had done.

He walked to Fujimine Akane's desk, on which were written a few big words in chalk: I am a bitch.

When Su Yun saw these two words, he remembered that the Great Sensei had said"bitch" when he met Tuanzi in the Service Club.

It can be seen that although these two words have offensive power in Japan, they are not that strong. It seems that Fujimine Akane is still trying to be clever with him...........

As a member of the hot girl group, Fujimine Akane thought she had a good ability to read people's expressions.

At this moment, she was kneeling on the ground and found that Su Yun's expression did not change at all. She knew that she might have done something wrong.

Fujimine Akane used all her brain cells to think as hard as she could. She must win Su Yun's forgiveness, otherwise her family's property would be ruined..........

Suddenly, as if she had suddenly realized something, she crawled towards her desk on her knees, and then, under Su Yun's gaze, she crossed out the word"bitch" and changed it to"sow".

After doing all this, she looked at Su Yun with expectation.

But this was just her delusion after all. In Su Yun's eyes, she was never worthy of being forgiven. Su Yun could also sense that this kneeling guy was not regretting his previous participation in isolating himself.

Did Mitsui Suneo take action? Su Yun guessed in his heart. Seeing that

Su Yun was still staring at her coldly without any expression, Fujimine Akane finally couldn't hold back her tears. She grabbed Su Yun's trouser legs.

"Su Yun, please ask the Sigong family to stop. My father has been forced to commit suicide. Please, please."

Sigong family?" Su Yun was a little surprised when he heard this unexpected word. He could only think of one guess, that is........

Su Yun was immersed in the memories of his childhood in this life, while Kato Hui, who was standing by, kicked away Fujimine Akane's hand that was grabbing Su Yun's trouser leg and said coldly:

"Su Yun will not forgive you, get out of here!"

Su Yun was fine, but when she heard that an unknown classmate beside Su Yun dared to point fingers at her, Fujimine Akane got angry. At this time, her IQ dropped again and she didn't even think that Kato Megumi and Su Yun might have a special relationship

"You Bi........."

Just as she was about to yell at Kato Megumi, the dean appeared behind her and stopped her from saying the dirty word.

Then, under her incredulous gaze, he dragged her out of the classroom. Before leaving, the dean showed Su Yun and Kato Megumi a friendly and flattering smile. He understood that this girl who suddenly appeared next to Su Yun might soon be the principal's focus and become his new big daddy.

Not caring about the farce, Su Yun said something to Kato Megumi and returned to her seat.

Looking at her seat two tables away from Su Yun, Kato Megumi's mind gradually became active, and she turned around to find the dean to replace him............

Ding-ling-ling! The first class bell rang soon. Just as the students were sitting in front of the desk waiting for their math teacher, Mediterranean, an unexpected figure pushed the door open.

Shizuka Hiratsuka, wearing a white coat, saw that the students were in a good state in the first class, nodded with satisfaction, and then looked at Su Yun meaningfully.

"You guys have done a great job today. Show me some friendliness and positivity later. Now, welcome our transfer students."

"Shiko-san, come in."

As Hiratsuka Shizuka finished speaking, a very cute weak girl walked in.

But she did not introduce herself like a normal transfer student, but looked at Su Yun with horror.

In this world, Shiko Miko is not a simple psychic vision, but something more like inspiration.

So even if Su Yun is undoubtedly a handsome human being, what Shiko Miko feels from him is a sea of blood and corpses and endless dry bones - facing this kind of existence, she can't escape.

Now I can't attract his attention. I have to calm down, calm down, I still have to go to see Hua. Thinking of her good friend, Shiko Miko encouraged herself.

"Hello everyone, I am Shigu Jianzi...please......Duoduo....."Please give me some advice"

Under everyone's gaze, Shikoko finished her self-introduction in a hurry, and her expression was as scared as she was about to cry.

The classmates whispered about this, but were interrupted loudly by Shizuka Hiratsuka.

""Be quiet! Shiko just came to school, it's normal for her to be a little shy, you are not allowed to bully her."

After scolding these suddenly restless students, Hiratsuka Shizuka looked at Shiko Miko next to her.

""Miko, you can sit over there."

Shizuka Hiratsuka pointed to the empty seat next to Kato Megumi, and Shiko Miko nodded and agreed.

Anywhere is fine, as long as it's not next to that handsome classmate. Following

Shizuka Hiratsuka's instructions, Shiko Miko walked to the side of Kato Megumi. At this time, Kato Megumi, who had been watching for a long time, said

"Hello, classmate, I am Kato Megumi."

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