Yotsuya Miko was startled when she heard the sudden sound, but she quickly adjusted herself and looked at her future neighbor.

Bang! Bang! Dong! Miko, who was good at Chinese, now had a deep understanding of what it meant to just get out of the tiger's den and into the wolf's den.

Although Kato Megumi was far from being as terrifying as Su Yun, she also had an ominous black aura coming from her body, just like the monsters she saw yesterday.............

"Classmate, don't be shy." Kato Megumi noticed Yotsuya Miko's strange look and smiled gently.

Yotsuya Miko knew she had to make a decision. Looking at Kato Megumi's gentle expression, Yotsuya Miko felt ruthless and decided to fight.

""Please give me your guidance in the future, Kato-san."

Seeing Yotsuya Miko finally break free from her"social phobia" and reply to her, Kato Megumi showed a gentle expression like an old mother. But she was a little confused in her heart, how did Yotsuya-san call her name right at once? She thought it would be Kano-san or something like that.........

Yotsuya Miko didn't know what was going on in Kato Megumi's mind at the moment, she just kept celebrating, celebrating that her decision was correct. That's right, such a beautiful and gentle person can't be a bad person, these black air may only mean that she is haunted by evil spirits. Where is that handsome boy? Yotsuya Miko looked at Su Yun with telepathy, and Su Yun also smiled at her with some sense.

So handsome! Yotsuya Miko felt that her little heart was hit by this smile, but she was not a nymphomaniac, and she quickly regained her composure.

She was very sure that she had been"seen" by Su Yun at this time, but she was still alive and well. That boy must have been haunted by some shocking evil spirit, Yotsuya Miko analyzed calmly.

And Su Yun, who just responded to Yotsuya Miko's smile, finally figured out what changes the heavy rain last night brought.

Now Chiba is likely to be in a state of a hundred demons parading outside.

But why didn't he and Kato Megumi encounter a single evil spirit on the way to school? Evil spirits are not cursed spirits, can they still detect the great terror on themselves?

While Su Yun was thinking, Hiratsuka Shizuka had completed her task and left the classroom, and then Teacher Mediterranean rushed in eagerly.

"Mr. Hiratsuka just spent some time in class, so let's start the quiz right now."

Mr. Mediterranean quickly wrote a few questions on the blackboard with chalk, looked around, and asked in confusion.

"Didn't Ohga and Amai come today? Then come and do the quiz on the blackboard. I'll explain it to the students after you finish." The student pointed by Mr. Mediterranean was a member of the Xianchong group who had a good relationship with Ohga Taiyang.

Knowing that resistance was useless, the student stood in front of the blackboard with a pale face and sat in jail.

Time passed quickly, but this time Mediterranean did not let the student stand for a whole class. Instead, he drove the student away with fifteen minutes left. Of course, he had to please Su Yun, but he also had to fulfill his duties as a math teacher, so he began to explain these questions.

This math class took another step towards being the group leader. After the bell rang, Mr. Mediterranean left the classroom with a satisfied smile.

Nothing happened during the break. Su Yun chatted with Kato Megumi, Yotsuya Miko was nowhere to be found, and the students in the Xianchong group gathered together and talked in a low voice.

Overall, the morning was quite calm, except that some students were madly targeted by teachers of various subjects.

Finally, as the teacher of the last class left, the students in the class burst into cheers, and they got a brief respite.

At this time, a cheerful voice came into Su Yun's class who was celebrating, and a hot blonde girl broke into Su Yun's class.

"Hello, is Su Yun here? I have something to ask him."Are you here

?" When Su Yun saw Hayasaka Ai, he knew that the friendship from childhood had finally found him, and of course he happily accepted it.

In response to Hayasaka Ai's inquiry, Su Yun stood up.

Seeing the handsome classmate in front of her, Hayasaka Ai was a little touched. Could it be that the young lady was in love? But isn't it better this way?

Without the pressure of betrayal and family, Hayasaka Ai has successfully become herself and has the potential to become a pleasant person.

She said to Su Yun in a lively tone.

"Can you come with me, Su Yun?"


Just agreed like that? Didn't you even ask where we were going? Hayasaka Ai was a little confused, but she didn't say much.

"Then let's go~"

After that, Hayasaka Ai pulled Su Yun out of the classroom and walked towards the student union office.

Watching the backs of the two people leaving in the classroom, Kato Megumi showed a vigilant look. It must be said that Hayasaka Ai is a natural clothes hanger. She can wear the outfit of a hot girl with a pure feeling.

It seems that the danger level of this golden-haired hot girl should be increased. Kato Megumi took out her own little notebook, which recorded: white hair, cute black long straight hair, and even the newly transferred Shiko Miko.

Now the golden-haired hot girl also appeared in the notebook. After thinking about it, Kato Megumi drew another five-pointed star behind Hayasaka Ai...........................

Not knowing what was going on with Kato Megumi, Su Yun followed Hayasaka Ai to the door of the student union.

""Student Su Yun, I won't go in. The president wants to talk to you about something. You can talk to her privately."

After saying that, Hayasaka Ai left, swinging her school uniform around her waist, and Su Yun knocked on the door of the student union.

""Come in," a voice that Su Yun was somewhat familiar with came. When he opened the door, he saw an elegant girl staring at Su Yun with her red eyes.

"Forehead.....President Shigong, what do you want to talk to me about?"

President Shigong? Seeing Su Yun calling her like that, Shigong Huiye exuded a dark aura all over her body, and laughed as if she was broken.

"President Shinomiya——What a formal title, isn’t it, Xiao~Yun~ who changed her name?

As expected, in this life, I lived with my mother’s Japanese surname and given name when I was a child, and after my grandfather passed away, I lived with my father’s surname. Even so, I don’t know why Kaguya recognized me...........

"Long time no see, Kaguya, are you okay at the Shinomiya family?"

Shinomiya Kaguya was very smart and reacted immediately after hearing Su Yun's words.

"You've learned bad things, Xiaoyun, you recognized me at the beginning, right? Now you can tease girls, tell me the truth, how many girls have you used this trick on?"

Su Yun did not answer Kaguya's teasing, but stepped forward and gave her a big hug to reunite, which directly dyed Kaguya, who was originally as steady as a rock, the color of tomato.

But Su Yun is worthy of being Su Yun, he has always been very good at destroying the atmosphere.

"It's a bit awkward, Kaguya, you didn't eat well at Shinomiya's house......"

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