After Su Yun recruited his teammate Pochi-chan, the dean finally delivered what he wanted.

But before leaving, the dean looked at Su Yun with a strange look.

"Okay, sign it. After you sign it, I will agree to your competition request, Miss Blonde."

After hearing Su Yun's words, Yumiko Miura looked at him with disdain. If she signs it, she will sign it. How can she be afraid? Is this a body selling agreement?

She walked to the table where the documents were placed and looked at the big words printed at the beginning of the document. Yumiko Miura was a little dumbfounded.

《Accidental Death Disclaimer》

This guy thought he could scare her like this? Now we live in a society ruled by law. She doesn't think Su Yun really dares to kill someone.

"You mysterious guy, do you think I will be afraid of you just because you played such a trick? You are not afraid of me, a tennis player who entered the county-level competition before, are you?"

Su Yun nodded with satisfaction when he heard Miura Yumiko say that. This is what he wants. The previous villains were scared when they saw him. It seems that the IQ of the girl who is obsessed with love is really negative. Do you really think I dare not kill her? Didn’t you see that Su Yun’s documents were sent by the dean of studies?

Then this time, I will teach her a lesson that she will never forget.

I hope you will have the courage to pick up a tennis racket in the future, girl.

"County-level players? It seems that Jinmao is very confident. Let's get started."

As Su Yun finished speaking, the battle was immediately aroused.

Miura and a male member of the tennis club stood opposite Su Yun. In Su Yun's court, Su Yun stood in the middle, and Pochi-chan........Hiding in the corner of the tennis court, muttering

"Don't look at me, don't look at me, I'm just a blade of grass."

Miura laughed out loud when he saw this scene.

"Why don't you change someone? I don't want to win unfairly."

Su Yun responded with a bright smile. Seeing that most of the spectators had arrived, he slowly said to Miura Yumiko:

"How about best of three? If you have no objection

, let us serve first." Miura certainly had no objection to Su Yun's words. With that pink-haired guy holding him back, it would be fine for him to serve first. Seeing that

Miura Yumiko agreed to his request to serve first, Su Yun smiled knowingly.

This is a classic plot in many fan fictions, but his version might be a bit"violent".

He clenched the tennis ball that Miura Yumiko called his victory in his hand, threw it high into the air, and the moment the ball fell to his hand, he hit it hard. The spectators on the sidelines could not see anything clearly, only a shadow that even Kato Megumi, who was watching the game on the side, could only see roughly.

"Hey, look over there."

Someone first noticed that there were several unknown tennis ball fragments next to the wire mesh behind Miura Yumiko. This was obviously caused by the tennis ball hitting the wire mesh too quickly..........

"Are you kidding me? Is this a wave ball that was hit in a perfect state? This is too outrageous.

The audience on the sidelines started to discuss it. What about Miura Yumiko who was facing this ball on the court?

Miura Yumiko, who had just come out of the strong sense of facing death, had not figured out what happened. She looked at her tennis ball that had been broken into countless pieces.

Her legs softened and she sat down on the ground. Recalling the sense of death and the disclaimer just now, she felt a sudden sweetness in her throat and vomited out the breakfast she had eaten this morning. Seeing this, her two good friends Yuigahama and Ebina hurried forward to comfort her.

"Youmiko, if we really can't do it, let's not play anymore. That classmate is really outrageous, and the ball is broken now........."

Miura Yumiko was moved and looked at her friends who came to comfort her, but she rejected their suggestion to let her withdraw from the game. She was the one who invited the game, and she had to finish the game even if she had to kneel down. This was what her junior high school coach taught her....

"Come on, let's change the ball and continue playing. I won't give in."

Su Yun, who recalled what kind of person Miura Yumiko was from the anime, was not surprised that she dared to continue playing, but he didn't intend to show mercy.

Seeing the new ball being thrown into the air by Su Yun, Miura Yumiko tensed her body and was ready for battle. She was waiting for the fast tennis ball to fly past her ear. She didn't dare to move at all for fear of being hit. But would Su Yun do as she wished?

The moment the tennis ball was hit by Su Yun, its yellow shadow appeared in front of Miura Yumiko.

Miura Yumiko was stunned. Was it hit off target? Or was it meant to blind her eyes?

But she couldn't avoid it, and her body couldn't react at all. Miura Yumiko's eyes showed happy memories of her childhood. Because of the appearance of the revolving lantern, a tear flowed from Miura Yumiko's eyes.

But her revolving lantern was soon awakened by the noise of her classmates around her.

"It's the same as the first ball, the ball broke."

Miura Yumiko looked back at the broken tennis ball. Although she didn't understand why she was still alive, it didn't affect her retching because of what happened just now.

While Miura Yumiko knelt on the ground and retched, Su Yun came to her side, transformed into Momochi Zabuza, and explained

"That ball is my new secret technique, a fixed-distance evasive serve. But it may not be successful. It may hit your eyes, ears, neck, or internal organs. I can't say for sure. Do you think you can always have such good luck?"

"Or where do you want it to hit you?"

Miura Yumiko was frightened by the murderous aura emanating from Su Yun at this time, but she still did not give in.

"Even if your arms and legs are broken, you must keep fighting. Keep going."

Seeing this, Su Yun said nothing more

(PS: In this world of tennis, you have to win many balls to win a game).

In the next few balls, Su Yun did as Yumiko Miura wished, hitting her in the face.

In the end, Yumiko Miura was beaten to tears and her nose was flooded. She trembled.

"Keep going, keep going!"

Her two friends had already closed their eyes, but at this moment the silent hero appeared.

""Handsome man, can you let me, who is as good as a paramecium, play a few balls as well? It's really inappropriate for me to let you win by doing nothing."

Oh? Su Yun looked at Pochi-chan who had been squirming in the corner and had crawled to his side without knowing when.

He thought about it and didn't refuse Pochi-chan's request, but....

"Sure, but the price is that you have to agree to the three requests I will make to you later."

Pochi-chan gritted her teeth and kept telling herself that this was just to get into the class and live a casual life.

"I promise you........"

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