Just when Miura Yumiko was confused, Pochi-chan stood at the serving position instead of Su Yun.

Even if she was stupid, she figured out what had just happened.

She looked at Pochi-chan who was serving with gratitude with her swollen eyes. She cursed her previous self in her heart: Apologize to the pink-haired classmate Yingxiong who was looked down upon by herself.

While she was cursing herself, Pochi-chan hit the ball seriously, but Miura Yumiko did not receive it. The male classmate next to her knew that he had better not move at this moment when he saw her tears. In this way, Pochi-chan, a tennis novice, scored frequently against the two masters and killed the first game.

As the whistle sounded, Yuigahama Yui on the sidelines rushed forward like a wild horse and hugged Miura Yumiko.

"You survived, Yumiko. I thought I would never see you again."

Unlike Yuigahama, Ebina interrupted the two people who were crying to each other.

"Have you forgotten that it's best of three? This is only the first round........"

Miura Yumiko and Yuigahama Yui also reacted after hearing this.

Yuigahama Yui was stunned after waking up, and Miura Yumiko, who had survived the disaster, felt a little itchy in that place - she was scared to pee.

She smiled self-deprecatingly.

But to her surprise, Su Yun came to her at some point.

"Hey, Golden Retriever, pick up the racket next to you."

Miura Yumiko didn't want to escape the fight, she followed Su Yun's instructions and grabbed the racket next to her.

The moment she got the racket, the scene of herself facing death flashed through her mind unconsciously. Her body began to lose control, her arms became weak, and she dropped the racket directly to the ground.

"As expected, you no longer have the courage to fight me. You can't even hold the racket steadily."

"But I don't want to win unfairly. I think you let us serve first because of this."

"Then you will have to fight until you have the courage to pick up the racket again."

After saying a lot of words in one breath, Su Yun left without giving Miura Yumiko a chance to react.

After a long time, Miura Yumiko finally reacted. She recalled the back of the man leaving the tennis court. He was surprisingly gentle...........

After torturing the overconfident little golden retriever, Su Yun was about to return to the student union office to enjoy some air conditioning, but an uninvited guest stopped him.

"Why didn't you ask me to come on stage just now? Su Yunjun, is that pink-haired girl attractive?"

Hearing Kato Hui's faint voice, Su Yun did not panic like the ordinary light novel protagonists after being"caught in adultery", but teased Kato Hui and said

"If Hui-chan were to go, that golden-haired classmate would probably not just be scared away."

The dark thoughts in her heart were revealed by Su Yunjun........Instead of panicking, Kato Megumi smiled gently.

"Next time if something like this happens, please discuss it with me. I will pay attention to the severity of the situation."

"I will definitely do it next time!"

After agreeing to Hui-chan's request, Su Yun waved and left. He always felt that Hui-chan was a little creepy, just like Kaguya.......

Staring at Su Yun's back, Kato Hui took out the secret notebook she had just used yesterday.

Pink-haired: Threat level: temporarily sporadic.

Golden-haired with pearls dropped: There is a possibility that he will like Su Yunjun. After recording, Kato Hui nodded with satisfaction............

The incident in the morning physical education class gradually fermented in Sobu High School. Su Yun's"ball skills" that were similar to those in"The Prince of Tennis" were widely circulated. Now many girls looked at Su Yun with eagerness and stickiness.

However, in contrast, another person also became famous in the school, but not for a good reason.

"Look, that's the guy who stole the club's funds to buy color comics. I heard he even found girls' underwear in his closet."

"Huh? Why does he steal girls' underwear? I think he looks good......."

"This is because you are ignorant. You should know that many boys have strange habits....."

"Is it so disgusting? It seems that people really cannot be judged by appearance!"

Listening to the female classmates pointing and talking, Da He Taiyang's heart was broken on the way to the club.

Who is it? Who is framing him? This skillful method......Even he felt inferior to him. Could it be Su Yun? The first thing that Da He Taiyang thought of was Su Yun, whom he had offended the most. However, he quickly shook his head.

It couldn't be Su Yun. If he had, he could have just killed himself. Why did he have to do this?

This familiar style, this method of framing with rumors, Da He Taiyang suddenly realized.

He thought of the figure who didn't come to school today. Damn, Aki Tomoya, you immortal, Su Yun is not easy to deal with now. You come to disgust me, right? Watch me. The furious Da He Taiyang was determined to make Aki Tomoya pay the price.........

"President, how am I doing?"

In the student union, Kaguya's mouth twitched as she looked at the hot blonde girl in front of her with a sweet smile.

"I didn't expect that Hayasaka, you have such a dark heart.......But I like it. You don't have to be punished tonight."

Hearing this, Hayasaka Ai jumped up happily. The nutrition she would feed her children in the future was finally saved! While Hayasaka Ai celebrated lively, Kaguya looked at her lovingly.

Today's battle situation of Sobu High School, MVP: Hot girl Hayasaka Ai

Loser MVP: Miura Yumiko, Ohga Taiyo

In summary, it was a carnival day for the golden retriever..................

Things in school are very exciting, but for Su Yun, they are just appetizers, because the big things have not come yet. During the club activity time, Su Yun sent Xue No to the LycoReco coffee shop and left. Now he is going to meet an interesting person.

In a coffee shop not far from LycoReco, a girl......The little girl was looking at the store entrance with her head held high. Her hair was the color of golden hair that had appeared more times than usual today.

She remembered that day when she was bored and hacked into the artificial intelligence of Likolis's headquarters, and happened to find the shocking video of the battle. Although the video was quickly deleted, that handsome face was deeply imprinted in her mind.

The sky-high commission she issued was accepted by that man. When she saw the photo of her employer, she almost jumped up with excitement.

If that man and me, the ghouls and the Alan Agency are just clowns. The two of us are really strong........

Finally, the girl couldn't help laughing.

This weird scene drove away the customers around her.....

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