At night, Su Yun was walking on the way home. The dark night did not dampen his mood. Instead, it added some excitement to the good show he was looking forward to.

But compared to his good mood, Yotsuya Miko was different. He originally just wanted to come out to buy a drink........But what about the evil spirit blocking the vending machine?

Yotsuya Miko felt like she was about to cry. She was now in a dilemma. If she turned around and left without buying a drink, the evil spirit would probably be able to find her and see it, but if she went forward to buy a drink, she was not sure if she could touch the evil spirit.

Just as she was at a loss, the evil spirit suddenly spoke.

"Can you see me?"

Yotsuya Miko was terrified, but she didn't show any abnormality on the surface.

"Oops, I forgot to bring money, let's go back and get it first."

In the critical moment, Yotsuya Miko came up with an excuse that would allow her to leave without being suspected by the evil spirit, but she never expected how difficult this evil spirit would be.

""Don't you have any money? I don't believe it. Aren't those bulging things in your pocket coins?"

Why is it so difficult? Yotsuya Miko roared in her heart like a dragon. It was the first time she encountered such an inquisitive evil spirit. Its wisdom was almost the same as that of some children, right?

Although she could turn around and leave now, she was also afraid that the evil spirit with unanswered questions would follow her to her door. She didn't want to be greeted by this guy when she went out tomorrow.

When Yotsuya Miko was thinking about how to deal with the evil spirit in front of her, the evil spirit suddenly changed its attitude.

It curled up into a ball timidly and covered its eyes with strange hands.

"Can you see me?"

A handsome figure walked up to the trembling evil spirit and asked with some interest.

The evil spirit, who had a little wisdom just now, was frightened and kept muttering.

"I can't see.....I can't see...."

Forget it, I won't scare this little evil spirit. After all, this guy's appearance is really embarrassing. Let's deal with it as soon as possible.

Su Yun wrapped his cursed power in his fist, and under the horrified eyes of the evil spirit, he sent it back to where it should go.

After dealing with the evil spirit, Su Yun looked at Yotsuya Miko on the side and showed a malicious smile.

"Can you see me?"


Isn't Su Yun just an ordinary person who is haunted by a terrifying evil spirit? So what was going on just now? What does the question he asked me now mean?

Could it be that........Without giving Yotsuya Miko much time to react, Su Yun quickly said in a firm tone:

"You can see it!"

After that, Su Yun slowly reached out his hand towards Yotsuya Miko's face.

Seeing this scene, accompanied by the sound of her heart pounding, Yotsuya Miko closed her eyes resigned to her fate. She knew that she could not escape this disaster, but fortunately she was killed by a handsome evil spirit.

A few tears of relief fell from the corners of her eyes. Yotsuya Miko gave up struggling and was silently saying goodbye to her mother and brother in her heart.

""Kacha! Kacha!"

As we all know, in order to prevent the problem of sneak shots on the train, Neon set the camera function on the mobile phone to make a sound when taking pictures.

At this time, Yotsuya Miko, who had her eyes closed, heard this familiar sound.

She opened her eyes tentatively, and what she saw was the evil spirit. Su Yun was holding the phone in his left hand, looking at her with a smile on his face. No matter how dumb Yotsuya Miko was, she should have reacted.

"This is not funny, Su Yun-san."

Su Yun did not speak, but showed his mobile phone to Yotsuya Miko.

"You're so cute when you're about to cry out of fear, Yotsuya-san"

"this this this......This, delete it quickly, Su Yun, don't let this kind of photo stay."

Su Yun shook his finger, rejecting Yotsuya Miko's request to delete the photo. He had collected it with great difficulty, how could he delete it so easily?

This photo and the ugly photo of Qian Shu that he had just saved in the mobile phone album can be included together.

"Girls will dislike you if you do this, Su Yun."

When Su Yun was dragging Yotsuya Miko's photo, Yotsuya Miko's faint voice reached his ears.

However, Su Yun was not affected by Yotsuya Miko's words, but confidently replied to Miko.

"It's okay, I have childhood sweethearts and close friends anyway." After hearing Su Yun's words, Yotsuya Miko was choked and swallowed all the following criticisms.

"So can you tell me, Su Yun, what is your situation and why can you kill those evil spirits?"

Su Yun did not answer, but asked

"What do you think of me? Yotsuya-san"

"Forehead....How to describe it? It's the kind of skeletons everywhere, but there is a strange sacred feeling. Of course, in pure vision, you are a normal person."

Su Yun didn't expect that Yotsuya Miko could faintly sense the shape of his domain. This kind of inspiration is a bit beyond the standard. It seems that this guy will have a hard time in the future.......Su Yun observed a three-second silence for his son

"I have answered your question, so now can you tell me how you did it? Su Yun-san"

Su Yun saw the eagerness in Yotsuya Miko's eyes, but she was disappointed. This world has not yet reached the conditions for learning magic.

"It's a pity that Yotsuya-kun, you can't use my method."

After hearing Su Yun's words, Yotsuya Jianzi lowered her head in disappointment. She was about to be driven crazy by those evil spirits. The hope she finally saw was gone..........

But at this moment, Su Yun changed the subject.

"Although I can't teach you how to kill evil spirits, I can make your life easier, Shigu-san."

A light suddenly appeared in Shigu Jianzi's eyes, and she couldn't wait to ask Su Yun

"Can you really do this?

Su Yun nodded and motioned Yotsuya Miko to take out her phone.

After Yotsuya Miko did as she was told, Su Yun used his phone to show her his Line number. After the two added each other as friends, Su Yun sent her a location address.

"Su Yun, this is......"

"You can come here after school. I can guarantee that you won't encounter any evil spirits here."

Is it so magical? Is it a shrine? Yotsuya Miko guessed, but Su Yun didn't mean to answer, and Yotsuya Miko, who was helped, didn't dare to ask actively.

"Well, it's getting late, I should go back. Yotsuya-san, if you encounter any evil spirits in the future, you can let me know on Line."

After saying this, Su Yun turned and left, as if Yotsuya Miko, the beautiful girl, had no attraction to him at all. Yotsuya

Miko also did not try to keep him, but just stared at Su Yun's departing back........

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