The day after Su Yun helped Yotsuya Miko, in the classroom of Class F of Sobu High School

"Thank you for your help yesterday, Su Yun"

"This is the lunch box I made, please accept it."

The whole class looked at Yotsuya Miko who stuffed the lunch box into Su Yun's hand with surprise.

The boys were extremely jealous of Su Yun who won the new beauty on the first day, but they dared not say anything and only lowered their heads and pretended to be turtles.

"What? You don't want to accept Yotsuya's kindness? Su Yun......."

Before Su Yun could speak, Kato Hui appeared beside him like a ghost.

Su Yun smiled awkwardly, then reached out and took the lunch box made by Shigu Jianzi.

"Thank you, Yotsuya-san. I will accept it without hesitation."

Seeing that Su Yun was willing to accept her gratitude, Yotsuya smiled happily and said to Su Yun

"After school today, I will go to the place you mentioned as agreed, Su Yun-san."

After saying that, Yotsuya Miko walked away briskly like a little girl in love, not knowing that she had a star on her mysterious little notebook.

After seeing Yotsuya Miko completely leave and return to her seat, Kato Megumi spoke softly to Su Yun.

"I didn't expect you to get along so well with the transfer student Yotsuya so quickly. Su Yunjun, you are amazing. And what is the place we agreed on? It can't be.......Hotel Bar"

""What are you thinking, Hui-chan? I just recommended Yotsuya-san to try this coffee shop because it's good. How could I go to a hotel?"

Kato Hui tilted her head when she heard this.

"So that's how it is, Su Yunjun. I'll believe you this time.......Don't you think my appearance rate has been a little low recently?"

Su Yun recalled that he had been busy training the trio of troubled girls in the LycoReco coffee shop recently, and he had indeed neglected his long-lost friends.......

But before Su Yun could figure out how to compensate Hui-chan, Kato Hui spoke first.

"How about this, Su Yunjun, you just mentioned the coffee shop.....Actually, I know a pretty good coffee shop. Do you want to go with me to try it later?"

Is it the coffee shop recommended by Hui-chan? Su Yun said in his heart,"Interesting!"

"Of course, I would love to have that. I have great faith in your taste, Hui-chan."

Seeing that Su Yun accepted her invitation, Kato Hui narrowed her eyes and said to Su Yun in a brisk tone:

"We have an appointment this weekend, Su Yunjun, don’t be late. If you are stood up, I will be angry."

Kato Megumi fled the scene immediately after the"threat". She knew Su Yun’s character well and was afraid that Su Yun would ask her,"What will you do to me if Hui-chan gets angry?"

Hui-chan really understands me. She knew that I would get away and run away immediately after using my skills........Su Yun looked at Kato Hui who had returned to her seat after escaping the battle with a"serious" look, knowing that he would have to change his strategy when facing Hui-chan in the future.......

After dealing with Shiko Miko and Kato Megumi, Su Yun thought that this morning would be uneventful, but he did not expect an uninvited guest to come to him.

When Su Yun was about to close his eyes and take a nap, the golden-haired Ye Shan stood in front of him in a stiff posture.

"Oh? Just tell me what you want to say."

Su Yun didn't want to argue with Ye Shan, so he asked him to explain his purpose directly.

"Sorry to disturb your sleep, Su Yun, but a classmate is looking for you outside the classroom for something, so I came to inform you."

"Why didn't she come in herself and asked you to notify her? Is there some shameful secret?"

Ye Shan smiled awkwardly after hearing Su Yun's words and explained.

"Su Yun, you may not know that in order to ensure that you have a quiet learning environment, the dean does not allow students from other classes to enter our class........"

Su Yun's mouth twitched at Ye Shan's words. He could only say that he was indeed an old cadre, and his considerations were very thorough.......He said that after he showed off his tennis skills in class, why didn't any girls come to the class to peek at him?

"Okay, I understand, let's go."

After that, Su Yun asked Ye Shan to lead the way. He was quite curious about the person who took the initiative to find him. When he came to the outside of the class and turned a corner, a person Su Yun didn't expect was waiting for him there.

"It turned out to be you, Golden Retriever. You were so upset by my ball skills yesterday that you cried. How come you have the courage to come to me again today?"

If it were normal, facing such ridicule, Miura Yumiko would definitely fight back fiercely, but she knew she had done something wrong yesterday after being reminded by Ebina. She shouldn't have spoken for Ye Shan......So it was normal for Su Yun to be angry. Let him scold her, and he also had to apologize.

""I'm sorry, Su Yun, I shouldn't have bothered you yesterday, nor should I have spoken up for Ye Shan."

Oh? Did the golden retriever suddenly come to her senses? Su Yun didn't believe it, so it must be her"rotten girl" friend who reminded her.......Miura Yumiko didn't know, Su Yun guessed the truth immediately

"It's good that you know you were wrong, but you should thank your friend when you go back. It's not a good thing to leave a bad impression on me......"

Su Yun's words made Miura Yumiko confused. How did Su Yun know that she got the advice from Ebina? Couldn't she have just realized it herself?

Miura Yumiko didn't understand, but she knew what he meant next. Thinking of Su Yun's"fixed-distance evasive serve" yesterday, she still hasn't gotten over the shadow......

When Miura Yumiko was still reminiscing about the fatal serve yesterday, Su Yun interrupted her memory.

"I accept your apology, but as a token of your apology, please agree to one of my requests. Do you still remember the hero who saved you?"

How could I forget? The heroic figure of the pink-haired classmate when saving her, Miura Yumiko's mind appeared the image of Pochi-chan.

It's a pity that she seemed a little shy. After the game, Miura Yumiko clearly wanted to become friends with the hero who saved her, but Pochi-chan was nowhere to be found.......

Miura Yumiko's strange reaction caught Su Yun's attention

"You must have looked for that"hero", but unfortunately you found nothing. Then why not go to the back of the leftmost staircase on the third floor of the complex building?"

"Pochi-chan is very kind and cute, but very lonely. If you feel sorry for me, then try to become friends with Pochi-chan."

Seeing that Su Yun's request was so simple, and it was exactly what she wanted to do, Miura Yumiko looked at the handsome boy with gratitude. As for

Yeshan, who knew that she spoke for him but did not express anything, Miura Yumiko now only had contempt in her heart.

"Well, Su Yun, I will leave first. I will definitely take down the"hero" classmate!"

After saying that, Miura Yumiko turned around and left without hesitation.

Seeing Miura Yumiko's resolute look when she left, Ye Shan smiled bitterly and lowered his head even lower........

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