Different from the moving and gorgeous songs of the Tie Band, the songs of the Su Yun Band gave the audience a different experience as soon as Su Yun started to sing.

It was as if countless evil spirits were humming, and sometimes cheering, as if they were celebrating and swearing something.........

After the song, no one in the audience made a sound.

Objectively speaking, the difficulty of this Tiger Stick Happy Song is quite high.

But it must be said that with the cooperation of Su Yun and others, this song was played perfectly, but the audience did not respond.

What kind of feeling does this song give people? The chaotic but extremely cheerful humming sound is like the evil spirits cheering and the devil celebrating.......

Thanks to the superb performances of the performers on stage, the audience in the audience couldn't help but get goose bumps after listening to the performance, because most of the people present had some musical appreciation ability........Except for three people

"Hey, Su Yun, I didn't expect you to be such a great musician. Do you want to go karaoke with us later?"

Su Yun looked at Miura Yumiko who was inviting him from the audience and felt speechless. Does this elder sister want to see the atmosphere in the studio now?

However, thanks to Miura Yumiko, the audience finally reacted and applauded. The song was a bit shady, but the performer's ability was unquestionable.

Qianshu also applauded with the audience, but her gentle applause seemed a little absent-minded.

She, who was given a heart by Su Yun, seemed to have tasted a different flavor from this song.

Qianshu couldn't help but have the scene of Su Yun's domain unfolding in her mind........An ominous sense of absurdity came over me

"Is this song a celebration?......But what are they celebrating?"

Qian Shu's watery eyes stared at Su Yun who was chatting happily with Yang Nai on the stage..............

"Congratulations, Mr. Mitsui, I didn't expect you to be able to master this kind of power. In the future, the Mitsui family will be the leader of the four major chaebols!" In a brightly lit villa in a wealthy area in Tokyo that ordinary people cannot enter

, a politician in a suit complimented the villa owner who was sitting in the first seat.

Mitsui Noxiong was not very happy to hear the compliment from his dog, but instead knocked on him.

"You've been getting close to the Shinomiya family lately.......Although our Mitsui Group is very tolerant, you have crossed the line a little bit."

Hearing that his secret was exposed by the person in front of him, the politician immediately panicked and argued

"That is to help you get information about the Shinomiya family, so as to paralyze them. You must believe me!"

Seeing that the politician in front of him still didn't tell the truth, Sanye Xiong shook his head in disappointment.

"I've given you a chance, Inugami, go ahead."

As soon as Mitsunoh finished speaking, an agile evil spirit with black energy all over his body tore the politician in front of him to pieces.

Seeing this scene, all the people of Mitsunoh's lineage looked at their patriarch excitedly.

"Patriarch, this evil spirit can really be controlled, and it can also violate that principle and directly attack ordinary people."

Mitsui Noxiong was not happy at all because of the excitement of his confidant, and said as if it was a matter of course

"Of course, this is a masterpiece that I"sacrificed" countless ordinary people to complete!"

After saying that, Mitsui Noxiong looked at his confidants, and they immediately understood and laughed.

But what they didn't know was that the sky above their heads was already covered with dark clouds, and a cursed fetus emitting oppressive force appeared in the sky

(PS: This cursed fetus was not formed by my fingers, don't worry, Su Yun is the peak combat power in this world, and there will be no existence that can kill Su Yun).

That night, when the homeless people in Tokyo passed by the villa area, they were a little puzzled. Why was the noise inside gone today, and there was only deathly silence?.........

Of course, this so-called abnormality has not been noticed by people, except for one person.

Su Yun sat in front of the window of his apartment room, staring in the direction of Tokyo, with the corners of his mouth slightly raised.

"Finally, a guy who can develop the realm of imperfection is born........Yes, I can smell the evil in that area in Qianye, so it is not impossible that there are special products."

Should we go find it to play? The distance is a bit far, and he, a lazy man, is a little hesitant.

But when he couldn't make up his mind, the doorbell at the door of the apartment rang abruptly.

Su Yun came to the door and looked through the mesh. It turned out to be Qian Shu who had just parted with him in the afternoon.

The white-haired girl was not wearing a uniform at this time, but changed into casual clothes for a long time. The small floral skirt showed her long sleeves and white thighs. The pair of fashionable sandals on her feet outlined her perfect arch of the foot.

Su Yun was a little surprised to see Qian Shu like this, and quickly opened the door.

"It's so late, can I understand that you are dressed so beautifully to seduce your boss? Qian Shu~"

Qian Shu blushed and crossed her hands in front of her chest to make a cross shape

"You can't be naughty, Xiaoyun, and I want to talk to you about something serious......."

Seeing Qian Shu's hesitant expression, Su Yun motioned her to sit on the sofa.

After Qian Shu sat down, Su Yun smiled gently.

"If you have any questions, just tell me. With our current relationship, you don't have to be polite to me, Qian Shu."

Qian Shu did not relax because of Su Yun's words, and his tone was still a little hesitant.

"The song you played this afternoon made me feel very uncomfortable. Are you thinking of doing something bad?.......Xiaoyun"

Su Yun laughed out loud at Qianshu's words

"What do you think? Qian Shu, do you think I am killing innocent people like that now?

Qian Shu shook her head vigorously. She didn't think so in her heart, but that ominous premonition could not be false.

Su Yun seemed to see through her thoughts and explained.

"You are really perceptive, Qianshu. You can even vaguely sense such subtle changes. The world is indeed different from before. A new kind of monster is about to be born."

Qianshu was a little worried after hearing Su Yun's words.

"Is it a monster similar to a ghoul?"

"It's totally different.......I call these monsters cursed spirits...........(The following omitted tens of thousands of words of introduction)..............."

The more Qianshu listened, the more she trembled. This kind of monster created by negative emotions was really beyond her understanding.

"What kind of strength does a stronger curse spirit have, Xiaoyun?"

"If there were no geographical restrictions, the strongest monster born now could probably kill an entire country by itself, and humans currently have no weapons to deal with them."

After hearing Su Yun's description, Qian Shu was surprisingly not shocked, but stared at Su Yun in front of him.

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