"You don't seem to be afraid at all when you speak. This curse is very weak to you, right? Xiaoyun......."

"It seems that you are not that stupid. Qian Shu, in fact, if I want, I can kill this guy with one strike."

Qian Shu was not surprised to hear this answer, because she saw Su Yun's domain unfold with her own eyes. She knew how terrible this man in front of her would be if he lost his care.

She thought of what Su Yun had said to her before, and encouraged herself.

"Let's go out and play together after training on weekends, okay, Xiaoyun?"

While speaking, Qianzhu imitated the female model who advertised coconut milk on TV and made the same pose.

You know, Qianzhu is not Yukino or Kaguya, and her figure is still very good. This almost broke the defense of Su Yun, who was calm.

"The Yalan Agency didn't choose you for this reason, did it, Qian Shu?"

Qian Shu blinked, his tone fluctuating

"Isn't it~?"

Su Yun was about to admit Qian Shu's charm when a heavy knock on the door came.

Before Su Yun could get up, Qian Shu opened the door impatiently.

"Who is it? Are you here to talk to Xiaoyun about something?"

Shigong Huiye, who rushed into Suyun's apartment, was provoked by Qianshu's words and sneered.

"The evil white-haired Likolis, you called Xiaoyun so soon, you really don't know the etiquette......"

"What is your intention to go to your boss's house so late at night?"

Qian Shu was speechless after being questioned and aura by Kaguya. He could only stare at her unwillingly.

Su Yun, who was watching this war without gunpowder, knew that he had something to do.....................

Last night, Su Yun slept very late. Don't ask why. Men's energy is always limited, especially when dealing with two beautiful girls who don't want to give in to each other.

The final result is simple. With Su Yun not helping either of them, Kaguya won a complete victory. After explaining some things to him, she left with her head held high. Before leaving, she also warned Chitsuka to be more restrained in the future. The job of comforting Chitsuka, who was heartbroken because of the defeat, fell on Su Yun..........

No longer thinking about the farce of last night, Su Yun turned on the TV expectantly after making breakfast. He knew that even the four major chaebols in Japan would not suppress such news. After all, they also needed people to die in order to obtain intelligence.

"Tokyo TV reminds everyone that a major gas explosion occurred in a villa area in the XX area last night. Please do not approach the above area if possible......A very Japanese saying: When indecisive, gas explodes.

But this saying is surprisingly useful. After the TV station issued the announcement, the people living nearby really restrained their curiosity and did not go near the place where the cursed fetus existed.

Although most ordinary people would listen to the TV station and would not commit suicide, what about those conspirators with ulterior motives?

Su Yun knew that after this news, someone would be ready to make a move.

As Su Yun said, Furuta Nifuku, or Furuta Souta, is one of them.

He said excitedly to the partner of the Alan Agency next to him.

"This kind of outrageous power and coverage area, could it be the existence that the ghoul has been pursuing?"

The researcher of the Alan Agency shook his head when he heard Furuta Souta's speculation.

"It is still not confirmed. After all, we did not detect any reaction from the evil spirits there. Maybe this is a new creature......."

The researcher's words did not make Jiu Duo Zongtai look disappointed. On the contrary, he became even more excited........

After all, he never fought for the ghouls, but for his own super peace. Now the opportunity before him told him that he finally had a chance to touch this all-powerful power.

If he could master it...........What else does Japan need the Four Great Chaebols? He will be Emperor Zongtai in the future, hahahahahaha! Isn't super peace easy to achieve?

The look of Souta Furuta, who was like Gao Chao, made the researcher of the Alan Agency who was working with him frown.

"I remind you in advance that we haven't investigated the situation in that villa area clearly yet, so don't act rashly."

Jiu Duo Zongtai seemed to ignore the researcher's reminder and continued to speak frivolously.

"Don't worry, I won't be so reckless. After all, I have waited for this opportunity for so long. Now that the opportunity has come, I will not be careless."

Just when the researcher of the Alan Agency thought that this guy had given up and was about to breathe a sigh of relief, Furuta Souta suddenly changed the subject.

"But even if I don't go in, I won't be content if I don't do anything......."

"So let's leak the news to Yoshimatsu. He's the one who's in charge of the contact with Bronze Tree.......Just tell him that the one that the ghouls have been looking for may have appeared."

"You are a researcher with some prestige in the Yalan Agency, Yoshimatsu should trust you."

Seeing that his partner was trying to get Bronze Tree to take risks for him, the researcher of the Yalan Agency said nothing more. Anyway, they didn't have much to lose, so he did as he wished......Let's contact Yoshimatsu.

After considering the pros and cons in his mind, the researcher took out his cell phone and called Yoshimatsu who was on a mission in Chiba............

"OK, I will consider whether to tell them or not, thank you for the information."

In a building that looks like it has a very expensive rent, Yoshimatsu, holding a photo of Chitsuki in his hand, hung up the researcher's phone with a serious face.

He hasn't made much progress on Chitsuki. Originally, his gay friend Mika informed him that there was a"tiger" next to Chitsuki, which was enough to make him distressed.

But now, before he could figure out how to deal with Chitsuki, new heavyweight news hit him on the head.

Yoshimatsu knew very well that if he made a wrong judgment, the angry bronze tree would plunge the entire Neon into turmoil.

Even the most���The four major chaebols can suppress ghouls, but the troubles they caused cannot be calmed down.

While his brain was working rapidly, Yoshimatsu had a flash of inspiration, and he thought of a way to minimize the impact.

Unlike the Bronze Tree organization where a large number of ghouls gathered, there was an organization with few people but all high-end combat power. Recalling the old man's contact information, Yoshimatsu dialed the number.

"The old shop has been gone for a long time......I am Yoshimatsu from the Yalan Agency.

The familiar voice on the phone brought back memories. In the cafe, Yoshimura Kozen remembered what the blond boy looked like when he was young.

"You are Yoshimatsu kid.......Calling me suddenly doesn't mean you want to reminisce about the past......."

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