"You're kidding, Manager. The reason I called you this time is actually to fulfill the agreement I made with you ghouls."

Agreement? These two words made the indifferent face of the old shop owner show some expectation.

"Are you saying that you have information about that legend? You are not lying to me, Yoshimatsu boy. If you dare to joke about this kind of thing, I will turn against you....."

Yoshimatsu did not pay attention to the old store manager's seriousness, because this information concerned the fate of the entire ghoul clan.

"Of course, I am not completely sure, but this news comes from a very reliable researcher in our Yalan Agency, so I think it is still very credible."

Is that so? A certain degree of credibility is enough. As long as there is a slight possibility of success, what does it matter if he risks his life?

"Tell me the location, Yoshimatsu boy, I'll fight for the last time before my old bones drop to SSS level........"

Seeing that the old store manager had made up his mind, Yoshimatsu stopped trying to stop him. He silently sent the address and quickly activated the secret sentries of the Yalan Agency in various places. He was worried that if the old store manager died there, Chiba would completely change..........

After hanging up Yoshimatsu's phone, the old store manager called the SS-level ghoul"Yumo" and others in the store over.

"I'm going out this afternoon, if I don't come back.......You must listen to Xiaohui in the future. The coffee shop still needs you and Xiaohui to maintain it together."

The SS-level ghouls looked at the determination on the manager's face and had some guesses in their hearts.

"Is it the legend that created the"dragon"? Famine among the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse........"

The store manager did not refute it, and his actions confirmed the store clerks' guess.

"Let's not talk about whether it is"Famine" or not. Even if it is true, have you thought about how to deal with it? And even if you can kill"Famine" violently, how can you be sure that the ghoul's curse will be lifted? It's just a legend after all......."

Undeterred by the clerk's words, the store manager slowly explained:

"You have never seen the black air emanating from the huge body of the"dragon".....The black energy was very similar to those evil spirits, and the evil spirits had only recently revived, which meant that......"

"The"famine" that originated from the evil spirit and created the"dragon" is likely to have revived........"

The store manager's explanation made them a little shaken. Ordinary ghouls only knew that the ghoul virus came from the huge monster"dragon", but where did the"dragon" come from? Only a few old guys knew........

"well.....Is it really impossible to stop you, Manager? And why don’t you talk to Xiaohui in person?"

The manager shook his head and said

""I'll tell Xiaohui about this after I don't come back at night. If I tell her now, she won't let me take risks alone."

The clerks understood and nodded. Knowing Xiaohui's character, they knew the truth of the manager's words.

But man proposes, God disposes. Who knew that when they were talking to the manager, a girl used her extremely low sense of presence to eavesdrop on everything outside the door.....................

At nine o'clock in the morning, it was finally the time that Su Yun and Kato Hui had agreed to meet.

Su Yun arrived at the appointment on time and came to the coffee shop recommended by Kato Hui.

On a not very busy street, a two-story building stood on one side of the street. The sign above was printed with a few big words"An Ding District".

This house number reminded Su Yun of his memories of watching ghoul anime. It seems that it is exactly as I guessed, Hui-chan.......You are now a ghoul with a coffee shop system!

Not wanting to keep Kato Hui waiting for too long, Su Yun confirmed that the place Kato Hui had agreed to meet him was indeed the famous"An Ding District" coffee shop, and then he slowly climbed up the second floor.

"Hello, guest. Do you have a reservation? If not, please follow me this way."

Pushing open the door of the coffee shop, a black-haired, somewhat weak waiter immediately stepped forward to serve Su Yun professionally.

"No need to trouble you, I have a reservation, the table number is 9527."

Kaneki, who was originally quite calm and was already an experienced waiter, was in awe of the handsome young man in front of him when he heard the table number 9527. Was he the one who made the black-bellied big sister fall in love?

""Okay, guest, please follow me over here. Can I ask you something? What is your relationship with that female guest?"

Su Yun looked at Kaneki strangely. Was this guy so gossipy in the original work? He was just a little shou who needed Touka to mention it first before doing that kind of thing..........

"Waiter, you may have the wrong idea. That lady and I are just good friends."My best friend, right?"......Jinmu complained in his heart. He had read romance novels before, so he was aware of this situation. However, he did not show any abnormality on his face.

"OK sir, it's right in front. I won't go over there. You and the customer can just place the order on your mobile phone. This is the new product in our store........."

"Jinmu-san, am I that scary? Why don't you come and say hello to me before you leave?......."

Hearing the voice that suddenly appeared in his ears, Kaneki turned his head stiffly like a robot.

"Big sister, I don't want to disturb your good time........."

Kato Megumi smiled gently when she heard Kaneki's words.

"So this is ah........I thought you were afraid of me......."

"How is that possible? Everyone in the coffee shop saw how respectful I was to my big sister!"

Looking at Kaneki's flustered look, Kato Megumi shook her head helplessly. He saw her fighting with her one-eyed ghoul"sister" that day........

"I understand, Kaneki, then you go first, I'm really looking forward to the coffee you make later."

Knowing that Kato Megumi was finally willing to let him go, Kaneki took a long breath. He had to use 200% of his strength to make coffee later. He didn't want to be in trouble because of coffee.���The question was"noticed" by Kato Megumi.

Looking at Kaneki's fleeing back, Su Yun teased Kato Megumi beside him.

"I never thought that the gentle Hui-chan would have such a scary side.......So why did the waiter call you Big Sister just now? Hui-chan"

Big Sister" made Kato Hui very dissatisfied. She didn't like this name that sounded very violent and unlovable, so she narrowed her eyes and said to Su Yun

"Maybe it's because Kaneki-san saw me fighting with my"sister"........I am not cute when I am fully fired up. Instead, I feel safe like a big sister. What do you think?"Student Su Yun"

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