"Chiba Sobu High School? Isn't that a pretty good school? The ghoul you mentioned is the expressionless face next to him?"

Su Yun stared at Yoshimura Eto's puzzled expression. It didn't seem like he was pretending. He didn't believe that Yoshimura Eto had the acting skills of Aizen. But on second thought, this guy was a writer who could write a hit book before she was an adult. When it comes to understanding people's hearts, no one is better than her. To be on the safe side, let's confirm it......The first thing was to break her calm state.

Su Yun silently activated the appetite transformation technique, turning the green-haired girl's appetite into an unknown emotion.

"Just to be sure, you really don't know?"

"Hey! I've already said that I only know how to go to school with a paralyzed face, why are you so difficult to deal with as a man!"

While speaking, Fangcun Ate, with a red face, stomped the ground in anger, looking like a proud girl.

The store manager looked at his own daughter in disbelief. As an old and experienced man, he certainly understood that his daughter would never show such an attitude.

Could it be because....The store manager glanced at Kato Megumi, who was smiling gently, and was in a dilemma.

Should he support his adopted daughter? Or his biological daughter? This is really a question.........

Fangcun Ate didn't know about her father's hesitation. After she calmed down, she recalled her strange behavior just now and looked at Su Yun with some fear.

"What is this trick? You're going to use it to force me...."

"Who knows? Miss Fangcun, you are worrying too much. I don't like a sloppy older girl......"

I don't care if you like me! Fangcun Ai Te wanted to say this, but the scene of Su Yun knocking down the villa area with one punch made her shut her mouth tightly, and she felt happy in her heart.......

"It's almost time, let's get ready to go out......I really don't know how much evil the masters in this villa area have done. The negative emotions bred here have caused the dead Dai Tian's domain to linger for a long time.

The three people didn't understand what Su Yun meant. What domain? What is that?

Just as the three people were trying hard to digest the information coming out of Su Yun's mouth, their eyes suddenly became brighter, and the dazzling sunlight shone in, making them feel a little uncomfortable.

The sun!!! It appeared again!!!

Fangcun Aite has never been as excited as she is now. The oppression and suffocation in Dai Tian's domain will probably make her unforgettable.

Not only Fangcun Aite, the store manager also squinted his eyes with some emotion at this time, feeling the warm sunlight shining on his eyelids.

"correct.....At.....Do you want to come to the coffee shop and have a few cups of coffee? You haven't tasted the coffee made by my father yet.........."

Fangcun Ai Te did not answer, but turned and left decisively.

The old store manager lowered his head in disappointment when he saw this scene, and sighed.

"Old man, why are you still standing there? My time is limited!"

Surprises always come suddenly. Hearing what Fangcun Ai Te said, the store manager said yes and hurriedly caught up with his daughter.

Seeing that the relationship between the father and daughter seemed to be easing, Su Yun gave herself another thumbs up in her heart. To be honest, Su Yun had no ill feelings towards Fangcun Ai Te. Anyway, she ate and killed Japanese people.......

This green-haired guy's merits are probably higher than mine.......It seems that I have to work hard to get the show started as soon as possible.

"Su Yun, let's go too. We still have some time on the weekend. Do you want to go shopping with me in the new mall in Tokyo?

Hui-chan still has a little girl side......Su Yun sighed

"Let's go, Hui-chan. I heard that the strawberry daifuku in the new dessert shop in the mall is delicious.....Let's try it together"............

The waves surrounding Su Yun over the weekend did not affect the opening of the new semester at Sobu High School.

But today, Sobu High School was unusually restless.

The students' chattering words drifted across the campus along with the petals, making Su Yun feel particularly happy.

Because some parents of students had been turned into air by Su Yun's domain, some students in Su Yun's class suddenly lost their source of income.

Now they are probably holding a meeting to catch up with them......Oh no, they probably don't know their parents have passed away, so they are probably looking for someone........

Pushing open the door of the F class of Sobu High School, about one-third of the seats in the class, which was usually quite crowded, were empty. When the golden-haired Ye Shan saw Su Yun coming in, he was about to ask something, but when he thought of his father's warning to him, he immediately suppressed his thoughts.

Kato Kei didn't care so much......She walked to Su Yun with a happy face.

"It's finally quiet today, Su Yun-san." Su Yun-san nodded to Kato Megumi with a smile on his face.

Just as the two were chatting in a harmonious atmosphere, Aki Tomoya, who had disappeared for a long time, finally returned from the hospital. As soon as he entered the classroom, he saw a scene that made him dumbfounded.

His"friend" was actually dating his"heroine"? How could Aki Tomoya, who felt that he was the male protagonist, accept this?

"Kato and Su Yun, what are you doing? Kato, don't you know that Su Yun only likes 2D girls?

This disgusting voice made Kato Hui's pretty eyebrows frown. This disgusting guy was actually trying to alienate her and Su Yun..........

Anyway, I have the protection of the principal, so why not kill Aki Tomoya here?

With a clear mind, Kato Megumi locked Aki Tomoya with a murderous look. And

Aki Tomoya lived up to expectations and fell to the ground in fear of Kato Megumi's eyes.

"Okay, Hui-chan, stop scaring this guy......Didn't you see that classmate Amami is about to cry?"

Listening to Su Yun standing next to Amami Tomoya and mocking her in a sarcastic tone, Kato Megumi burst out laughing.

Ignoring Amami Tomoya, Kato Megumi and Su Yun continued to chat.

The perfect atmosphere between Su Yun and Kato Megumi hurt Amami Tomoya's eyes

"I will make you pay the price Su Yun......You stole my heroine."

Although Aki Tomoya was very fierce, he just watched Su Yun and Kato Hui show their affection.

Suddenly, he seemed to think of something and slapped his right hand with his left fist.

"Oh, I can ask Eriri and senior for help. They won’t just sit there and watch me do nothing. They will......."

After coming up with this idea, Tomoya Aki went straight to Class A of Sobu High School where Eriri was.

In Tomoya Aki's heart, he still"subconsciously" chose Eriri, who had a better family background.......

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