"What? You want me to help you deal with classmate Su Yun? Are you kidding? Have you forgotten what happened in our elementary school?"

Eriri looked at Tomoya Aki in front of her with disbelief. How could this guy be so shameless as to let her use her family background to deal with classmate Su Yun, who was also harmed by Tomoya Aki like herself?

"Eriri, what happened in childhood was just an accident....I don't want to either."

In response to Aki Tomoya's explanation, Eriri gave him a big cold look.

"Don't you know that my father is a diplomat? How much will it affect him if my story gets out?"

Akira Tomoya had no intention of repenting, but at this moment he kept bowing to Eriri to apologize.

"sorry Sorry sorry......"

"Okay, stop pestering me. I can't possibly agree to your request. I went out with you last time just for the sake of Kasumi Laofei. Don't get me wrong!"

Seeing that Eriri still had no intention of giving in, Amiya Ren simply stopped pretending.

"If you don't want to help, then don't help. I still have a senior. You will regret it, Eriri."

Eriri glanced at Aki Tomoya with disdain.

"Stop dreaming, and don't call me Eriri anymore. You who likes to eat shit, you don't deserve it!"

Eriri's good friends who were eavesdropping on the side were all made to laugh by Eriri's last sentence. It was really a killer move!

Aki Tomoya was ridiculed by everyone, and his face gradually turned pale.

Thinking back to how he looked a few days ago, Aki Tomoya felt like he was dreaming.......How could he do such a disgusting thing?

Forget it, I don't want to think about it anymore. Now it's more important to find my senior sister.

Amid the laughter of the crowd, Aki Tomoya slammed the door and left. A few minutes later......

"Senior sister, what did you say? You won't help me make the game? You want me to not contact you in the future? What are you talking about! Have you forgotten that you still owe me a favor?"

Aki Tomoya angrily questioned Kasumigaoka Utaha in front of him.

Kasumigaoka Utaha was not affected by Aki Tomoya's questioning and said indifferently

"I know you're not stupid......You should have inquired about what happened in the school, so you still don't know Su Yun's"status"? Why do you think you are still alive now?"

"Senior, are you saying that you helped me stop Su Yun's revenge?"

Akira Tomoya really wanted to slap himself twice. He actually wrongly blamed the senior who saved his life........But soon he was slapped in the face. A loud slap echoed throughout the classroom.

"Stop being so sentimental.....I just want to repay your kindness. Don't bother me anymore!"

Seeing Kasumigaoka Utaha's resolute look, Tomoya Aki was completely desperate and left the classroom in a daze.

Although he had no great joy in his life, he had never encountered such a situation of being deserted by his friends and relatives. At this moment, Tomoya Aki finally developed enough negative emotions.......

In a research institute full of high-tech screens, Souta Furuta and his partners were enjoying a relaxing morning tea.

But the good times didn't last long, as an urgent voice interrupted them.

"Report!!! A large number of abnormal phenomena have appeared in Chiba City. Many people on the streets are like crazy, eating whatever they see."

Poof!!!" The abstract content of the report made Furuta Souta spit out the tea in his mouth.

"Is the news true?"

"Absolutely true!"

After getting confirmation from his subordinates, Furuta Souta cast an inquiring look at his partner.

"This time it must be that guy's move........"

The researcher of the Yalan Agency had a serious expression on his face, staring at the data in front of him, and finally sighed.

"It's just the impression of waking up........."

When Souta Furuta heard the answer given by his partner, he burst into laughter

"It's enough to know that it has taken action. Check it out, check it thoroughly, to see who the instigator is! Hahahaha!"

However, thinking of the ghoul army he had destroyed and the failure of the deal with Mitsui Suneo, Furuta Souta's face turned from happy to gloomy.

"Oh, don't send ghouls to investigate, hire ordinary people for me........."

Furuta Souta's subordinates were frightened by their boss's volatile appearance, and left immediately after learning the content of the mission.

After his subordinates left, Furuta Souta stared at Su Yun's handsome photo on his phone and the"big circle" at the place where the ghoul attacked that day, and an absurd guess came to his mind.

"This is impossible......How can humans have such great power? It must be a new weapon of the chaebol."

Kudo Souta still convinced himself, forced himself to calm down, and continued to drink the tea in the cup that had not been finished.

"Why do you feel bitter?......."...............

Class F of Sobu High School, on the podium, Shizuka Hiratsuka is introducing the upcoming cultural festival of Sobu High School

"Because one third of the students in our class are absent, the next cultural festival will be held together with Class J. Does anyone have any questions?"


"Teacher, please finish your explanation!!!"

Looking at the active students in the audience, Shizuka Hiratsuka nodded with satisfaction. Sure enough, after getting rid of some pests, the atmosphere in the class became much better.

"Then the students can discuss the program by their own. After the discussion, remember to consult with the students in Class J as well." After completing her task, Shizuka Hiratsuka left the classroom. Before leaving, she winked at Su Yun.

Su Yun got goose bumps all over her body because of Shizuka Hiratsuka's action. If it was Kurumi who did this, it would be fine. As for Shizuka Hiratsuka? Sorry, she looks"too old".

After Su Yun escaped from Shizuka Hiratsuka's wink, he realized that the whole class was looking at him.

"You guys discuss it yourselves, I have no interest in this kind of thing."

After saying that, Su Yun fell asleep. Seeing this, the classmates in the class breathed a sigh of relief. After getting"permission", they could finally start the discussion.

When the extroverted classmate was about to speak, Ye Shan made a"hush" gesture to him. The classmate immediately understood and discussed with the classmate next to him in a mosquito-like voice.

So a strange scene happened. When noisy discussions broke out in other classes of Sobu High School, only whispers could be heard faintly in Su Yun's class........

Ding-ling-ling! Ding-ling-ling!

As the bell rang, Su Yun slowly opened his eyes and looked at the results of the discussion on the blackboard.

Orchestra and chorus.......It looks quite serious. Su Yun thought they would discuss something like a maid cafe.

""Student Su Yun, what do you think of this show?"

Seeing Su Yun wake up, Ye Shan hurried to Su Yun's side and asked for his opinion.

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