Book? Updates are slow? It turns out this blond kid is here to urge for updates..........Ying Lili felt somewhat relieved. It seemed that her serious paintings were indeed not good enough.......

No, that's not right!!! Did she say that name, Kashiwagi Eri!!!

Why would a fourth person besides her parents and Kasumi Laofei know this name!!!

There could only be one person that Eri could think of......Her parents can't be so careless.......

Ahhhhhhhhhhhh!!! Fatty Kasumi, eat my twin ponytails! Starburst Stream Slash!!!

Kasumigaoka Utaha was a little overwhelmed by Eriri's sudden attack, but she reacted and decided not to indulge Eriri. Eriri's previously invincible twin ponytails were accurately grasped in Kasumigaoka Utaha's hands.

"Golden-haired loser! What has suddenly made you crazy? Just because someone bought your paintings, did you imagine yourself becoming a famous painter who will go down in history, and then you became so happy that you lost your mind?"

"Still pretending to be fat! That little girl said the name herself: Kashiwagi Eri!!! Tell me, this couldn't have been leaked by my parents, right?...."

Kasumigaoka Utaha is a little confused....Kashiwagi Eri? She has always kept silent about Eriri's identity, right? She also knows how much of an impact it will have on Eriri's parents if this identity is exposed........

Finally, Miss Walnut, who had been watching, spoke up.

"It turns out that this lady knows the true identity of Kashiwagi Eri....Then I won't hide it from you."

"And I'm a super powerful hacker. If you need help, Kashiwagi Eri, you can ask for my help. My social media account has been sent to your mailbox." After saying that, Kurumi turned and left. Before leaving, she did not forget to urge Eriri to update quickly........

After Kurumi left, Eriri opened her email and saw that a social media account had indeed sent a message to her. The identity of the little sister hacker was confirmed.

Even if Eriri was stupid, she knew that she had wrongly blamed Kasumigaoka.

Eriri looked awkwardly at Kasumigaoka Utaha who was looking at her with a smile. Apologies seemed unnecessary for Kasumigaoka Utaha, a woman with a strong heart......She seems to be a little short of money recently......

"Xia Laofei, let's split the profits. Let's give you a higher share....."


Eri easily used money to settle Kasumigaoka Utaha's affairs, and the two of them"made peace" again, bickering with each other.

Because of Kurumi's generosity, all of Eriri's paintings have been sold out, so there is no need for her to stay here.

Before the performance at the cultural festival, she still wants to go shopping....................

In the monitoring room of Sobu High School, countless screens monitor every aspect of the campus.

A blonde woman wearing sunglasses and full of aura is sitting in the center of the monitoring room, eating the"tribute" given to her by her subordinates elegantly."

"Miss, is it really okay to let those guys sneak in?"

Hayasaka Ai waved her hand, signaling her men not to worry about it.

But the men in black still looked a little hesitant, and they were about to speak but stopped.

"Don't forget, I am your commander-in-chief now! You just need to listen to me!"

The men in black were not stupid and rigid. After hearing what Hayasaka Ai said, they did not ask any more questions and left directly.

Seeing the men in black leave, Hayasaka Ai apologized to Miss Kaguya in her heart.

In the dark room, Hayasaka Ai saw the chat history with Su Yun on the shiny mobile phone screen.

After that guy sent the video named"Su Yun Big Circle", Hayasaka Ai had to become a double agent for her own safety.......

But she agreed to this only after the man promised to protect Kaguya.

Come to think of it, the friendship between childhood sweethearts is there!

Although Hayasaka Ai didn't have a childhood sweetheart, she had read a lot of comics. She had read all the comics about childhood sweethearts in Kaguya's room.......

So now Hayasaka Ai is a staunch childhood sweetheart, because Su Yun said, don't worry about the rats that come into the school.

Hayasaka Ai puts all her energy on paying attention to the few women she has investigated. Under her guidance, except for the two Rikolis who came in with Su Yun, the others such as Yukinoshita Haruno had already been led aside by her, and missed Su Yun and his group perfectly.

As for those who are preparing to perform, she doesn't have to worry about them.....................

Kaguya Shinomiya was a little confused. She and Su Yun had almost finished visiting the stalls of Sobu High School, but the character she expected did not appear. Could it be that Yukinoshita Haruno had been completely suppressed?

According to her own research data, Kaguya Shinomiya thought that this possibility was very low.

In other words, that guy had no fighting power, otherwise that woman would definitely become her most powerful rival.

Kaguya had already prepared words to criticize Haruno, but where was that guy?

"Hmm? What's wrong, Kaguya? I see something's wrong with your expression......."

"No, nothing, I was just wondering how Hayasaka's rat-catching operation was going........."

Hmm? Hayasaka? Kaguya seemed to have her Ren and Du meridians opened up, and she instantly came up with a possibility.

I underestimated you, Hayasaka......Although it is a bit unlawful to use secret troops for such things,

I still want to say, well done! Hayasaka!

When Kaguya was thinking about how to praise Hayasaka in the evening, a large number of people rushed to the performance venue of Sobu High School.

Chitsuka and Takina, who had been silenced by the"violent girl" Kaguya, finally couldn't help themselves when they saw this scene.

"What's going on, Xiaoyun?"

Takina didn't say anything, and transformed into Chitanda Aili, with curiosity in her eyes.

Su Yun lowered his head and looked at his watch.

"The performance organized by the students of Sobu High School is about to start, so people are probably rushing to the venue.....After all, everyone wants to get a good seat."

Su Yun's words made Qian Shu anxious, urging Su Yun, who had not yet moved,

"Let's go quickly, Xiaoyun. Don't look back or there won't be a place to sit!!!"

Qianshu, who wanted a good seat, was about to go forward and hold Su Yun's hand to leave, but Kaguya stood in front of her with a smile on her face.

"Don't worry, Miss Jinmu, I have already arranged seats for you and Miss Inoue."

Chitsuka looked at Kaguya's raised eyebrows and suddenly remembered that this violent girl seemed to be the student council president of this school.

"A bad president who abuses his power!" Chizuki stuck out her tongue at Kaguya Shinomiya.

Kaguya Shinomiya was stunned by Chizuki's behavior. Forget it, the Yukinoshita clan should just stand aside. As expected, the Rikolis are the most evil clan!

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