Compared with the original novel, the performance venue of Sobu High School is more grand and magnificent, and this is all because the boss of the Mitsui Group has become the principal.

High-tech air-conditioning devices are spread all over the top of the venue, forming a sharp contrast with the simple and elegant carpet below.

Seats that can accommodate thousands of people are staggered in the venue with clear high and low levels.

The most noteworthy thing is that this venue, like the auction, has exclusive rooms for VIP guests.

The room is located at the top of the entire venue, and through the nearly transparent glass, you can have a good view of the entire venue. At this moment, the door of the VIP room in the middle was pushed open by someone.

A cute little white-haired cat instantly flashed in, pressed her fair cheek against the transparent glass, and turned her eyes around vigorously, observing the overall view of the venue.

But before she could observe for long, a ruthless little hand pulled her away from the glass.

"Be more graceful, Qian Shu, have you forgotten what your good apprentice taught you last night?....."

Takina's warning made Chizuka jump up immediately and formed a standard standing posture.

Seeing Chizuka like this, Takina shook her head helplessly. This guy obviously knows a lot about etiquette, and she didn't know if he was teasing her now.

"It's too stiff, Qianshu, forget it, just sit down......."

Chizuka sat down obediently, and Takina also sat next to Chizuka.

Just after explaining the mouse to Kaguya, Su Yun and Shinomiya Kaguya pushed the door and saw that the two guys were sitting properly without fighting. They were both a little surprised.

Chizuka and Takina were quite elegant at this moment.........

Shinomiya Kaguya's heart was ringing with alarm bells. These two Rikolis are under the guidance of an expert......Is this another evil kid from the Yukinoshita family?

However, this level alone is not elegant enough.......

Under Qian Shu's gaze, Shinomiya Kaguya performed a Shinomiya family-specific etiquette technique for Su Yun.

The elegance of the technique made Qian Shu sweat profusely.......Even if she stopped pretending and used all her etiquette, she couldn't touch Shinomiya Kaguya at all.......

What a formidable enemy this is!!! To be honest, Qianzhu saw no hope of winning: I beat Shinomiya Kaguya? Really?

But she also has something that Shinomiya Kaguya doesn't have. Qianzhu touched her heart beating strongly in her chest.

This is the bond between her and Su Yun that she can't get rid of at all!!!

""Thousands of years ago" the strongest childhood sweetheart Shinomiya Kaguya! Will win!

Kaguya was a little surprised to see that her Shinomiya family etiquette combo did not make the evil white-haired kid despair.

But it was better this way. If the challenger Nishiki Chitsuka gave up so quickly, she, Shinomiya Kaguya, would feel too relaxed about it...............

The heavy atmosphere in the VIP room did not interfere with the normal holding of the cultural festival performance.

As time passed, the cultural festival performance finally came to the official opening time.

Like other school activities, various leaders must go on stage to give speeches before the start, and Sobu High School is no exception.

Under the gaze of thousands of guests who came to Sobu High School, Mitsui Suneo walked onto the stage and adjusted the microphone at hand. A big brother who looked like he was not easy to mess with stood next to Mitsui Suneo with a suitcase in his hand.

"Welcome to Sobu High School....I don't like to take up precious performance time to speak, so let's get started as soon as possible!"

The guests in the audience were a little confused, just a few words?....But they just like such a leader who doesn't procrastinate, and the guests applauded. Mitsui

Suneo stepped down gracefully under the applause. However, compared with the calmness of the older generation of artists, Sagami Minami, who gave the next speech, was different.

"No one told me that I would be giving a speech in front of thousands of people?"

Sagami Minami shouted in disbelief at the planning committee of the cultural festival, but the planning committee was not a pushover either.

"Isn't this the most basic thing? Our executive committee members! In previous years, the executive committee members would prepare their speeches early in the morning......."

""Okay, okay, hurry up and give your speech. If you can't do it, just do as the principal did just now and finish as soon as possible!"

There was no other way. Sagami Minami gritted her teeth and walked to the center of the stage facing the gazes of thousands of people.

Unlike her evil-doing appearance during the meeting, she was now submissive and submissive. Her limbs unconsciously moved inwards, and cold sweat broke out on her forehead, shining under the spotlight.

"Respect.....of...of....Everyone...Guest..Guest...Hello, I am......(The speech of the Sagami Minami section has been automatically omitted)................."

Sagami Minami didn't know how she survived this minute of torture. To be honest, she had kind of forgotten what she had just said.........

But it should be ok....After all, the principal's words received applause. Sagami Minami raised her head a little expectantly, trying to observe the audience's reactions. But all she saw were mocking eyes. She had never thought about the difference in temperament, tone and status between herself and Mitsui Suneo.

Similar speeches turned into a mess when they appeared in her mouth........

Finally, the well-respected Sagami Minami could not bear the humiliation and ran away in a panic. Fortunately,

Johkai Patrol immediately stepped forward and took the microphone. Under the chairmanship of this calm girl, the atmosphere at the venue soon returned to a good state.

"Well, please look forward to our first show!"

With the applause of the audience, Cheng Huanxun slowly left and returned to the preparation area behind the stage. Sagami Minami not only did not thank Cheng Huanxun for her help, but cast a look of hatred and jealousy at her. Why can this guy who is not as good-looking as her (as Sagami Minami thinks) get the applause and attention of the crowd!!!

Cheng Huanxun felt Sagami Minami's gaze, shook his head helplessly, ignored her, and left directly.

Birds of a feather flock together! When Sagami Minami's friends saw that Cheng Huanxun went on stage to host without their consent, and did not apologize to them after the event, several of them cursed at them.

"What is this bitch pretending to be!!! Why is she so proud?...."

"��Yes, that's right!!!"

Seeing her"good friends" scolding Johkai Patrol for her, Sagami Minami felt much better. She didn't know whether it was to cheer herself up or to save face in front of her friends.

Sagami Minami said confidently

"I didn't pay attention. That gentleman classmate will help me turn things around! My cultural festival will definitely be the best in the history of Sobu High School!"

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