Ding! Congratulations to the host for understanding the true meaning of role-playing. Behavior and personality are only superficial. What the system really hopes is that the host can become a qualified sorcerer through role-playing and have a truly free-spirited mentality!

Although becoming another"Sukuna" is the most effective way to become the strongest, the system also sincerely congratulates the host for finding his own direction!

Like Sukuna, the host, who is no longer restricted by rules and regulations, has deeply felt the emotions of all things in the world and the host who is heading to the"core" of the spell - the system judges that you have become a qualified sorcerer.

Therefore, you, who are the opposite of Otsutsuki and attempt to become a fraternal god of war, are about to face your first major challenge. Mission: Defeat one of the eight disasters in this world: the fallen god"Famine"

Reward: The technique of"Famine" and the opening of the Ten Shadow Method

After the mission, the system will be revised, and the way to improve the Sukuna template will no longer be through playing Sukuna, but with the same free-spirited mentality as Sukuna. Finally, I look forward to the day when the host unlocks Sukuna's real technique!

I didn't expect it.....The system that had disappeared for a long time had given him a big blow just after it was launched.

But it was also good. Su Yun was very satisfied with the task rewards issued by the system and the changes after the revision.

The fallen god"Famine"....He sounds like a very strong guy.

I think he can let loose now.........

But before that, Su Yun still needed to solve one thing - he took out his mobile phone and sent the edited text message to the guy he cared about.

The content of the text message was simple: bring your relatives and friends.....Try to stay away from Chiba!.............

That night, the situation in Chiba City suddenly changed.

A geek was kidnapped by a mysterious ghoul organization in his own home.

Starry Studio announced that all future performances would be held in Tokyo.

LycoReco Coffee Shop and Andei District Coffee Shop sold their stores in Chiba.

The wealthy Yukinoshita family in Chiba City announced that the whole family would move to Tokyo.

The Hiratsuka Group gave up the territory of Chiba City and moved its core forces to Tokyo as well.............

Many elites have sensed the coming storm and are eager to sell their properties in Chiba City.

Finally, on the second day of the rainstorm, the intelligence network of the four major chaebols was deceived and noticed the abnormal actions of the ghoul organization.

Through the government announcement, a notice was issued to the public: There is a major leak in the underground gas pipeline in Chiba, please evacuate Chiba as soon as possible!!!

For a time, Chiba was in chaos!

But Chiba City did not become a dead city because of this. There are always stubborn people who don't believe the nonsense of the Japanese government.......

Chiba is a street in the central area, and people are still coming and going.

The tall buildings next to it symbolize the prosperity of this place.

Unlike the calm people on the street, many elites in the high-rise buildings are arguing with real estate developers, trying to get the best value for their properties.......

Under this street, a group of"people" are talking

"So, how do we wake that guy up completely?....."

Kato Megumi, who usually has a gentle look in her eyes, is like the prison warden in the comics who is about to face Sukuna. She has drooped eyelids and looks grim, as if she hasn't slept for several days.

Perhaps it's because of"excitement"".....Or maybe you already know you have no chance of winning.......

Seeing Kato Megumi like this, Old Sota looked like he deserved a beating and covered his mouth in an exaggerated manner.

"Don't worry......Look, isn't the key to awakening"it" here?"

After saying that, Furuta Sota opened his arms like displaying a product and showed Kato Megumi his Aki Tomoya!

Aki Tomoya, whose mouth was wrapped with tape, saw his familiar classmate and hurriedly cried"Woo woo woo".

A flash of surprise flashed across Kato Megumi's face, and then she calmed down.

"So what? How do you wake it up with this guy?"?"

Hearing this, Furuta Sota twisted his waist and clapped his hands. His subordinate took out a set of"equipment" bought from the living gecko.

Seeing this set of"equipment", Kaneki Ken, who was standing next to Kato Megumi, shuddered unconsciously. Why did he feel something about this thing?

Aki Tomoya's eyes widened. Which crazy guy invented this thing?

Wait!!!! This won't be used on him!!!

There is no doubt that looking at the situation at the scene, this set of"torture instruments" is definitely used on him!!!! When

Aki Tomoya thought of this, tears burst out of his eyes, his limbs struggled violently, and he looked at Kato Megumi with a look for help. Furuta Sota saw that Aki

Tomoya had guessed something, and touched his head with his gentle big hand, and stroked his hair with his fingers.

Suddenly, Furuta Sota grabbed a handful of hair, exerted force on his hand, and pulled the hair down together with the scalp.


"Kaneki, turn your head away, we two don't want to look at it......."

"Good big sister......."

Kaneki obeyed and turned his head away with Kato Megumi.

Souta Furuta, who was just getting excited, was a little anxious when he saw that the audience did not cooperate with him and appreciate his"art" together.

"Why don't you two watch? I learned this technique from the bronze tree at great expense!"

"Forget it, forget it, it's really a bummer! But as a qualified"apprentice" of Mr. Gekko, I can't give up just because no one appreciates me! Don't you think so, Amaki-kun?"As soon as

Furuta Souta finished speaking, he opened his red eyes wide and instantly moved close to Amaki Tomoya's face.

"Okay, let's continue......."

"Which one do you think it is this time? A vise? Or a centipede?"

"Huh? I remember the centipede was the finale.....So first use the vise, it's just right for you���Get your nails done"

"It's not okay for an otaku to be obsessed with the second dimension and not pay attention to himself~~"

As if singing a one-man show, Furuta Souta continued to pour a bunch of"horrible" words to Aki Tomoya when his face was already covered with tears and snot.

"OK, let's start with the thumb of the right hand!"

The vise exerted force, and a small bloody mass was produced.

"Ahhhhhh!!! Please, please let me go!!! I can give you a figurine!!!"

"Handmade.....Can I have your liver figurine?"

As he spoke, another nail was peeled off by Souta Furuta.

"Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah!!!"

"Oh, I forgot to follow the process......What is 1000-7? If you get it wrong, you will be punished~"

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