"993!! Aaaaaaaaah!!!""


The terrifying scream made Kaneki, who had his back to Aki Tomoya, tremble.

Kato Megumi didn't have any expression, but it was obvious that she was worried......... ten minutes later.......

Because summer is coming, the temperature is actually quite high now. After a series of operations, Souta Furuta is already sweating profusely.

"Okay, the emotions are almost ready, it's time to enter the second stage."

Souta Furuta gently took out a centipede from a glass jar beside him with his fingers.

The centipede was quite energetic, and it kept swinging its creepy body in front of Tomoya Aki.

"What do you think it would feel like if this thing got into your ears?"

After hearing what Furuta Souta said, Tomoya Aki, whose eyes had been dull, seemed to have regained his ability to think, and said in a hoarse voice:

"don't want.....don't want!!!"

"I'm sorry, but I can't agree to your request!"

Furuta Souta pretended to be"unbearable", but he honestly put the centipede into Aki Tomoya's ear.....................

"Huh? Why is it suddenly cloudy?"

Qianye, it was sunny just now, but it was covered by dark clouds in an instant


A thunderbolt suddenly came from the clouds, scaring the people who were looking at the sky

In an instant, heavy rain poured down.......

"Fuck, what kind of weather forecast is this!!! I didn’t even bring an umbrella when I went out, can they afford to compensate me for my high-end suit?!!!"

People kept complaining, but no one noticed the hint of scarlet color in the rain........

In a farmhouse outside Chiba, Kaguya had just put on a set of"battle suits" designed by her for Su Yun.

Looking at the sudden heavy rain outside the window, Kaguya's face was a little solemn.

"Is it"it" coming?"

Su Yun nodded, opened the window, touched the rain falling from the sky, and a hint of surprise appeared on his face.

The rain contained a high spirituality......In other words,"it" may have integrated its"formula" into the rain and cast it over the entire Chiba City.........

Su Yun didn't know if this was considered an"open field", but"it"'s strength was evident. By sacrificing the power of a single unit and thus increasing the range of his moves, Su Yun felt that"Famine" was quite creative.

After all, most people were ordinary people with low spirituality. Even if the power had been weakened to a certain extent, it was not something they could resist.

Su Yun had a feeling.....This will be an unparalleled battle!

"I should go, Kaguya........"

Hui Ye was about to persuade Su Yun to run away if he couldn't win, but after thinking about it, she changed her words.

"I wish you good luck in martial arts~"

Su Yun smiled at Kaguya, gathered the magic power on his feet, and flew towards the location of"Famine".....................

"Are you Tomoya Aki?!!!" He distanced himself from"Tomoya Aki" and stared at the guy who suddenly broke free from the rope in doubt.

""Aki Tomoya" did not speak, but glanced at Furuta Souta expressionlessly.

Furuta Souta was frightened by this glimpse, and just as he was about to enter the Hezhe state to fight, the figure of"Aki Tomoya" disappeared in an instant. Where did the disappeared"Aki Tomoya" go?

Kaneki stared blankly at the"Aki Tomoya" who had just been severely tortured by Furuta Souta in front of him.

Could this guy be the protagonist of the playboy style? He just kept hiding his strength just now?

Just when Kaneki was puzzled, Aki Tomoya spoke stiffly

"What is your last name?"


Hearing the name that"it" had hated for countless years,"Aki Tomoya" laughed out loud.

At this time, Furuta Souta finally reacted and shouted to Kaneki:

"Kaneki, cut your wrist quickly, and use your blood to attack it, quickly!!!"

Kaneki didn't understand what happened at this time, why attack with blood?

Fortunately, Kato Megumi next to him reacted quickly and used her kagune to quickly open a cut on Kaneki's hand.

Seeing that the eldest sister did what Furuta Souta said, Kaneki no longer hesitated and sprinkled the gushing blood on Aki Tomoya in front of him........

Old Dota Sota watched this scene excitedly......After all, according to his information, the historical Lord Jinmu easily suppressed the"famine" with blood.".......

But he still suffered from lack of culture......History always tries its best to glorify heroes........

At the most critical step, the old Duo Zongtai failed......

"Aki Tomoya" who was attacked by Kaneki's blood showed no signs of injury.......

""Aki Tomoya" tilted his neck, looking a little puzzled, and stared at the old Souta with his lifeless eyes, whose smile was frozen.

"What are you doing?"

"Impossible, why is it ineffective? Yes, that's right, you must be pretending to be calm!!! In fact, you are already unable to do it!!!"

At this time,"Aki Tomoya" finally understood what Furuta Souta wanted to do, and he forced a smile on his stiff face.

"ah...haha a...Haha!"

Everyone present was stunned by the intermittent, creepy laughter.

"Why do you think his blood would have a suppressive effect on me?"

"It is undeniable that spirituality can be passed down through blood......"

"But, that kid is separated from the Kaneki countless years ago by who knows how many generations.....Do you think there is still a spiritual suppressant in his blood?"

This"Aki Tomoya" was kind-hearted and enthusiastically answered Furuta Souta's questions........

"Impossible Impossible!! How could my Super Peace end so hastily here?!!"

The collapsed Furuta Souta had lost his mind and directly attacked"Aki Tomoya" in the form of a Heger. But he forgot that his power....Who is the source?

This is undoubtedly a game where the younger generation challenges the older generation!

As Furuta Souta hit"Aki Tomoya" hard with his kagune,"Aki Tomoya" was actually slapped away by him. Seeing this, Furuta Souta's fighting spirit soared. Let's fight! There's a chance to win!!!

But soon,"Aki Tomoya" walked out of the dust unscathed and pointed at Furuta Souta's"lower body"."

"You are a good work among the"children" I created, so I can't transform you out of thin air, but you just met me........."

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