Furuta Souta was stunned by what"Aki Tomoya" said, and then looked at his lower body. His two legs were twisted together at some point, and countless pustules grew out of the twisted legs......He has become an ugly"snake man".......

This move, which was like a transformation of a real person, made Kaneki, who had never suffered the pain of 1000-7, vomit.

Of course, Kato Megumi next to Kaneki also looked very unhappy.

"Come on!!! All of you, come on!!! He is the only one!!!"

Old Dota Zongtai didn't want to accept that his dream was shattered in such a ridiculous way. He roared loudly to his men who were waiting around him regardless of the tearing of his vocal cords.

The men looked around at each other......Even if they didn't take action, this"monster" probably wouldn't let them live, so they might as well fight to the death now! At this moment, the human men holding the Quinque and the ghouls gave up their grudges against each other and planned to cooperate to kill the"monster" in front of them first."

"" Aki Tomoya" looked at the humans and ghouls around him who were full of fighting spirit, smiled coldly, then put his thumbs together, crossed his index fingers, and made a strange gesture. As one of the strongest disasters born in this world,"Aki Tomoya" noticed something was wrong when the world suddenly changed, so it also kept up with the times........

""Domain expansion: Hunger Apocalypse!"

As soon as it finished speaking, the heavy rain on the surface suddenly subsided. Instead, Furuta Souta and his men, Kato Megumi and others in the underground of Chiba were pulled into a barren land. The barren land was covered with blood......The unpleasant smell of human entrails filled the entire area, and Kato Megumi had a familiar sense of sight......That was what she felt when she entered Dai Tian's territory in Tokyo.

Souta Kuroda and his men were stunned by this outrageous scene, but before they could think about it, they became deformed one after another.........

An unknown bird-like creature covered with pustules and only one wing.

A flesh mass with bloody mouths all over its body.

A standing monster with tentacles growing out of its eyeballs..........

The directions of distortion can be said to be all kinds of strange, but one thing in common is that they all stare at each other greedily

"Eat, eat, eat!!! I’m so hungry!!!"

He let out a low hum like the whisper of an evil god.....They bit each other.

It was bloody and brutal, but the monsters were all"eating with relish", which made"Aki Tomoya" burst into laughter.

"Hahahahahahaha!!! Eat! Eat more!! Devour each other! Until the whole world is devoured!!"

But Aki Tomoya quickly stopped laughing and looked at Kato Megumi and Kaneki Ken with confusion.

"Huh? How come you are all right? Even if you are the descendants of Miko and Kaneki....You won't be able to resist my domain......"

""Aki Tomoya" was puzzled, and at the same time, he noticed the necklace on Kato Megumi's neck.

At this moment, the necklace was emitting a small circle, wrapping Kaneki and Kato Megumi........

Secret. Mixu Gelong!!! The effect is similar to the simple domain. Su Yun sealed this secret into the curse tool and gave it to Kato Megumi before.

After"Aki Tomoya" unfolded the domain, the necklace burst out the secret that Su Yun had stored in advance, neutralizing the domain.

After observing for a moment,"Aki Tomoya" also saw the general idea and clapped his hands.

"Whoever made this necklace is a genius....!"

But in the blink of an eye,"Aki Tomoya" grinned almost to his ears and made a creepy laugh.

"Unfortunately.....Even if this necklace protects you for a while, it can't protect you forever........"

After saying that,"Aki Tomoya" waved his hands, and the deformed monsters that were originally fighting stopped biting each other, and stared at Kato Megumi and Kaneki Ken together.

"let's go.....My lovely children!!!"

These monsters, which would pollute San just by looking at them, rushed towards Kato Megumi and Kaneki frantically.

The faces of the two were extremely pale when facing the monster army. Just when the monster army was about to pounce on them, the originally desolate environment suddenly broke and returned to the previous scene.

A wave of fully armed elite human warriors were holding special weapons that were rare in the country and were on standby.

"Huh? Who are you?"

""Aki Tomoya" saw that his domain was broken, but he did not panic. He seemed not to be worried about the problem of the technique being broken at all. He remained calm!

"The elite corps of the Mitsui Group, the 1st Army is here!!!"

"We'll give you two choices, monster. One is to follow us back and accept research. The other is to be beaten to near death by us and then be captured for research. You choose one!"

The leader of the elite corps of the Mitsui Group looked at"Aki Tomoya" with disdain.

His corps can even kill SSS-level ghouls, so why would they be afraid of a monster that looks like a small-eyed man?

The machine in his hand didn't even give this guy a rating!

As for the warning from his superiors, the leader just thought that his superiors were being too cautious..........

""Aki Tomoya" did not get angry because of being looked down upon, but twisted his hands and feet and said in a light tone

"Then I'll have fun with you guys.....It's a bit too narrow here!"

As soon as"Aki Tomoya" finished speaking, the monsters under his command obeyed his orders and dug upwards desperately.

With the monsters' hard work, the sky was soon visible from underground.

"Let's go, let's go up there and fight......"

After saying that,"Aki Tomoya" rushed up first.

The leader nodded to his team members, and followed"Aki Tomoya" to the ground. After the two parties left,.....Kaneki looked at Kato Megumi with some concern.

"Big sister, are you okay?......I see you've been in a daze since just now."

Kato Megumi saw the worried look in Kaneki's eyes and forced a smile

"It's okay, let's adjust our state and go up later......."

After that, Kato Hui lowered her head.

Seeing this, Kaneki couldn't say anything more.

Five minutes later, Kato Hui took a deep breath and said to Kaneki next to him.

"Let's go, Kaneki-san, and see what's going on outside......"

Kaneki nodded, and then the two of them followed the big hole opened by the monster and headed towards the surface.

""Aki Tomoya" was sitting next to the big hole a little bored at this time, with heavy rain pouring down on it.

Around it, the monster army had obviously expanded in size.

Under the feet of some monsters, there were weapons that were obviously not ordinary items.

Finally,"Aki Tomoya" laughed at the movement coming from the big hole.

"You guys finally came up.....I have been waiting for you for a long time~"

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