Kato Megumi, who had just arrived on the surface, ignored"Aki Tomoya" and looked around with a trembling body.

The damaged city, the dim sky, and the humans who had been twisted into monsters........There are even small monsters that are obviously different in size from other monsters.......... she.....What on earth did they do!!!

Covering her cheeks with both hands, Kato Megumi collapsed and squatted down.

Why did she have such a fantasy that they could kill the monster"Famine" and save all the ghouls?.......

There is no doubt about it....She is a sinner! A sinner who has committed countless sins!

"Oh? Did it collapse? Come to think of it, it was the same thousands of years ago......There was a witch from the Snow Country who caused a disaster because of her so-called kindness and salvation, hahahahahaha!!!"

""Aki Tomoya" admired Kato Megumi's broken expression, took a ball of unknown flesh and blood and ate it, laughing while eating.

Such a malicious scene, Kaneki couldn't stand it anymore.

At this time, he only had the strength of a B-level ghoul, and he resolutely rushed towards"Aki Tomoya".

However, before he could kill"Aki Tomoya", he was knocked away by a monster covered with eyeballs and hit the wall heavily.

Kaneki quickly broke free from the wall, spitting out a mouthful of blood foam from his mouth.


""Aki Tomoya" suddenly felt a little bored when he saw Kaneki still trying to struggle

"Kill him......It seems that he can't please me like Kaneki thousands of years ago."

The tentacle monster on standby beside"Aki Tomoya" received the order and slowly walked towards Kaneki.

Kato Megumi, who was in a state of collapse, saw this scene and her pupils suddenly shrank, but her whole body was already limp because of the collapse of her mentality. She could not do anything at this moment.

"don't want......No!!!"

"Hahahaha!!! Kill him!!!"

""Aki Tomoya" is not a gentleman, so why not kill him if he is told not to? Are you kidding me.....It doesn't like human beauties!

Kaneki looked at the tentacle monster slowly approaching him, and the scenes of him and his friends in the coffee shop flashed through his mind. In his life, there are still people who care about him.....Not bad!

Kaneki, who had no strength to resist, closed his eyes in relief.

When he opened his eyes again, he saw the same familiar scene........

"Huh? Is the scene in heaven the same as in reality?"

"Stop guessing, you are not dead, waiter...."

Kaneki looked in the direction of the voice and found it was his brother-in-law!!!

At this moment, he was handsome, and after putting on this tasteful"battle suit", his temperament became even more fierce!

After saving Kaneki, Su Yun looked at Kato Megumi who was lowering his head.

"Hui-chan, do you feel that you have committed a serious sin?"

Kato Hui was silent for a moment, and finally lost her usual gentle expression, looking at Su Yun with tears in her eyes.

"Please, Xiaoyun, save me......I don't know what to do"

"I'm very hypocritical.....She usually has a gentle expression, but now she has done something wrong......."

Surprisingly, Su Yun did not comfort Kato Hui, but looked at her seriously and nodded.

"Quite hypocritical indeed.....But I'm worse off than you. To tell you the truth, Hui-chan, I really want to help you but I can't do it directly!"

"So I'll ask one last question: What is the relationship between us?......"

Kato Hui was stunned, then smiled.

"We are friends, maybe family in the future........"

Kato Hui said these bold words, but the sound became smaller and smaller, but Su Yun heard them clearly.

The hint in Su Yun's words was not obvious, but Kato Hui still realized what he meant.

Kato Hui hoped that Su Yun would save her, but how to save Kato Hui? The only way was to help her reduce the sins on her body, or to bear the sins with her.......

But why did Su Yun do this? Although he could be a bitch, he could never be a licker. Therefore, Su Yun hid the reward he asked for in the question he asked Kato Megumi. At the same time, if Kato Megumi could hear what Su Yun meant, this way of asking for reward from her could make her feel better about herself for feeling hypocritical.....

In this regard, Kato Hui gave her own answer, which was to completely remove the last layer of relationship with Su Yun................

"The"God of War of Philanthropy" has taken a big step towards his own path of sorcery!

"Okay, I am your accomplice now, Hui-chan, please open your eyes and watch......Look at your sins and they are nothing!"

"Now, let me stretch out for the first time in a long time."

After saying that, Su Yun turned his head and looked at"Aki Tomoya" who was in deep thought."

""Aki Tomoya" also broke free from his contemplation, with a solemn look in his eyes, staring closely at Su Yun...........

The wires being gnawed by the monster made a crackling sound, and the street lights on the roadside flickered in the gloomy sky.......

The gloomy sky was lit up by lightning at the moment.

Su Yun collided with"Aki Tomoya".

But"Aki Tomoya" was obviously not Moxu Luo. Under Su Yun's tentative attack, he was directly knocked out like a broken sack. At the moment"Aki Tomoya" flew backwards, Su Yun teleported above him, and his right hand fingers formed into a sword shape.

"The scene of"解" being cut in half did not appear. Instead,"Aki Tomoya" used the impact of"解" to get rid of his own predicament of being unable to use force, and smashed heavily on the wall of the luxurious building. In an instant, dust flew wantonly, blocking Su Yun's sight.

Su Yun frowned. He was very sure that his"解" just now hit"Aki Tomoya" head-on."

"Regardless of the intensity of the famine, how did Tomoya Aki's human body block the"solution"?"

It's not hard to guess.....This is probably related to the ability or"ritual" of"Famine". As for the specific content of the"ritual", it is still unclear........

The dust cleared, and"Aki Tomoya" stood up from the rubble.

It made a strange gesture to Su Yun, but Su Yun had already sensed this little movement.

Su Yun jumped high, and just after he left the ground, a worm-like monster suddenly jumped out of the soil. The monster had a big round mouth with a circle of sharp teeth in its mouth, which looked extremely disgusting.

Without being distracted too much by the earthworm monster, Su Yun planned to try the feel of"Aki Tomoya" at close range this time. Using the wall of the high-rise building as a stepping stone, Su Yun rushed straight towards"Aki Tomoya" at a speed that it had no time to react.

"Black Flash!"

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