In the Blade

Chapter 10: Sharpening the Knife Again

When a knife is hungry, it will bleed; when a person is hungry, he will eat meat.

The meat was taken from the Yang family. In order to let the knife and himself solve the problem of hunger, Du Chengfeng simply found a fat pig raised by the Yang family and killed it with a knife. Although it would not satisfy the knife to just kill a pig, the knife calmed down after Du Chengfeng used the familiar butcher's trick.

Can a knife also be nostalgic?

Du Chengfeng was not sure whether it was the knife that was nostalgic or he was nostalgic.

Perhaps it was both.

As for whether the Yang family would have any objection to this matter, Du Chengfeng had not considered this issue. Before, he was called to sharpen the knife and was almost killed on the spot. Not wielding the knife to kill all the Yang family members was already a face-saving measure for Carpenter Li. Now it was just killing a pig to eat, so what?

However, the Yang family seemed to be happy with this matter. Not only did they not say a word about the killing of the pig, they even sent someone to invite Du Chengfeng and asked if he was willing to attend the celebration banquet after the battle.

Du Chengfeng didn't go, but the Yang family didn't care. Instead, they sent someone to deliver several jars of fine wine and several boxes of exquisite dishes.

Du Chengfeng didn't touch any of these fine wines and dishes.

"Brother, I suggest you don't touch them either."

After returning to his own courtyard, Du Chengfeng saw that Carpenter Li had been attracted by the wine and dishes, so he simply threw all the wine and dishes out and splashed them on the ground outside the courtyard.

A stray dog ​​on the roadside came over, smelling the smell of food, and soon ate up all the dishes that fell on the ground.

Carpenter Li finally realized why Du Chengfeng did this.

"You don't trust Mr. Yang?"

"Do you usually call Yang Xuan like this?"

Seeing the stray dogs that had eaten the dishes go away, Du Chengfeng picked up the big knife and started cutting pork.

Many people know that Fatty Yang is a master at butchering pigs, but few people know that Fatty Yang is also very good at cooking pork. However, only Fatty Yang's family can taste this skill, and outsiders have never seen it.

However, just because outsiders have not seen it does not mean that they have not seen this big knife.

And seeing the knife means that Du Chengfeng has seen it.

Cut the pork belly into one-inch squares and put it in the pot. Add onions, ginger and spices to remove the fishy smell and enhance the fragrance. Then pour all the cheap wine from Carpenter Li into the pot, and the signature stewed meat learned from Fatty Yang has taken shape.

"It can only be done like this. After all, other seasonings are still a lot worse."

Thinking of this, Du Chengfeng couldn't help but sigh.

Not to mention the seasoning, even the furniture and furnishings, his small courtyard is also very poor. Of course, it was not bad originally. The kind-hearted Carpenter Li once sold him a lot of tables, chairs, benches, cabinets and furniture at a low price. But when the barbarians came, everyone retreated to the fortress, and no one cared about the small courtyard, so the furniture was smashed to pieces by the barbarians who were rummaging through the boxes.

Fortunately, Du Chengfeng had the idea of ​​getting a kang before, so he simply built the iron pot for cooking into the stove, otherwise it would be a problem for him to have a hot meal now.

"But why don't you use Yang's wine?"

Just when Du Chengfeng was cursing those barbarians in his heart, Carpenter Li suddenly spoke.

"Brother Du, I mean, Mr. Yang is actually a good man, how could he poison you..."

"I know."

Although he said this, Du Chengfeng just shook his head.

Yang Xuan was not a bad person, he naturally knew it. On the one hand, it came from the memory on the knife, and on the other hand, it came from his personal experience. As an outsider, he came to this village named after a family and a surname. He not only earned some wealth, but also had his own courtyard and laid down roots. Although most of this came from his own hard work, the atmosphere of Yangjiabao that did not exclude outsiders was also a very important part.

The source of this atmosphere was the thin old man. Although this old man named Yang Xuan did not have the decisiveness of killing as the head of the family, his peacemaker temperament still made more people willing to do something for this old man.

Just like the carpenter Li in front of him, he obviously couldn't stand the blood, but when the Hu people came, he still climbed up the corner tower with a spear.

However, this good intention has nothing to do with Du Chengfeng at the moment.

The Hu people are enemies, but the Yang family is not friends. He almost died in the Yang family ancestral hall that night, and this account cannot be lifted like this. He still remembered that when he just woke up, there were either javelin debris or arrows and darts around him. Obviously, there were quite a few people in Yangjiabao who wanted him dead.

In this strange and chaotic world, the only person he could trust was the honest carpenter Li in front of him.

And the knife in his hand.

He knew the memory of the knife, and the knife had used his body. They knew each other completely and neither would betray the other.

If there must be a problem...

That is, this knife is not his.

"Can you return the precious sword to my Yang family?"

Just when the meat in the pot was just cooked, the old Yang Xuan brought a few members of the Yang family to the courtyard.

"Brave man, it was indeed my Yang family who was wrong from the beginning. The Yang family is willing to apologize to you, but this knife is my Yang family's ancestral sword after all, and it means a lot to my Yang family, so brave man, can you..."


Facing Yang Xuan's request, Du Chengfeng refused.

"Even if I give it to you, do you dare to take it?"


The ruined courtyard was completely silent.

The Yang family members who wanted to take back the precious sword had already sweated on their foreheads.

Although they all said that as long as they persuaded Du Chengfeng kindly when they heard that Du Chengfeng had just woken up, the matter might still be resolved. However, when they heard that the precious sword of the Yang family was actually used to kill pigs, a group of people even denounced him for squandering and not cherishing it.

You know, it was the ancestral precious sword of the Yang family. It should be returned to the Yang family ancestral hall and worshipped properly. How could it be used to kill pigs?

But it was not until this time that they realized that what they were facing was not an ordinary pig-killing knife.

It was a bloody and fierce blade that had just killed more than 200 people.

They actually wanted to reason with someone holding such a fierce blade?

"Then... this precious sword should be left here with the warrior. Please treat it well."

In the end, the old Yang Xuan stood up with a stiff upper lip.

"If you need anything, please tell me about it. You fought against the Hu people and saved Yangjiabao from war. You are the benefactor of my Yang family. So as long as you ask for something, I will do it for you."


Du Chengfeng thought about it and nodded.

"Then bring me the whetstone."

"Of course, of course."

Yang Xuan nodded and waved his hand. A servant brought a small box and opened it in front of Du Chengfeng.

The box was full of a set of whetstones, tools and grease for sword maintenance.

Even if Du Chengfeng didn't mention it, these things would have to be sent over. After all, the Yang family's precious swords also need some daily maintenance, and at present, Du Chengfeng is the only one in Yangjiabao who can do this job.

But just when Yang Xuan put down his things and thought he could take his people away, Du Chengfeng spoke again.

"There is one more thing."

This time, Du Chengfeng narrowed his eyes.

"Send all the weapons left in the previous battle to me."

"I need to sharpen the knives."

The contract is done. In addition, newcomers and new books, please collect and recommend, thank you everyone.

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