In the Blade

Chapter 11 The Story of the Scimitar

Du Chengfeng just wanted to live a peaceful life.

This was not a big wish, in fact, he had even achieved it. Relying on his own diligence, and with the help of Carpenter Li, he already had a small courtyard in Yangjiabao, a place of his own.

But now, the whole courtyard is dilapidated and in a mess.

Diligence can allow him to live the life he wants, but there is no way to maintain this life.

To maintain this peace, to live a normal life, to survive in this chaotic world, so-called diligence alone is far from enough.

He needs strength, the strength that can allow a Taiping man who has no power to tie a chicken and has not even fought a fight to gain a foothold in the chaotic world.

Fortunately, there is indeed such a road in this crazy world.

Although this road may be a little dangerous.

"If you see me rushing to your house with red eyes, shoot me with this bow."

Before everything started, Du Chengfeng first pulled Carpenter Li over and handed him a set of bows and arrows.

"I might not recognize my relatives at that time, so even if it's to protect your wife and children... forget it, it seems useless. If something really happens, you should run away quickly."

Thinking about his state after the evil spirit entered his body, Du Chengfeng still took the bow and arrow back.

It would be better to let Carpenter Li run a few more steps instead of shooting arrows. After all, the other party was slow to react, so he shouldn't cause trouble for him.

After telling the funeral, Du Chengfeng returned to his own courtyard. The collapsed house couldn't even light up the lights, so Du Chengfeng simply sat in the courtyard and put all the grindstones at hand in the moonlight.

Then, he picked up a scimitar from the pile of weapons at hand.

These weapons were all spoils left by the Hu people. After knowing that Du Chengfeng needed these things, the Yang family sent them over overnight, including the spears used by the young and strong men who died in the battle, which was also what Du Chengfeng specifically asked for.

At present, all the weapons that have killed people in the entire Yangjiabao have been placed in this yard.

And what Du Chengfeng has to do is to polish these weapons one by one.

"Okay, I know you want to be sharpened, but we already know each other very well. As for now, let me make some new friends first."

Patting the heavy broadsword leaning on the side, Du Chengfeng turned around and continued to focus on the scimitar in his hand.

To be fair, this is not a good knife. From the handle to the shape of the knife, it is full of a sense of shoddy work. It is better to say that it is a piece of iron with a blade than a knife. But such a broken scimitar carries a strong bloody aura that cannot be dissolved. Just looking at it will make people feel cold all over.

"This knife has killed at least ten people."

Feeling the strong murderous aura on the knife, Du Chengfeng made a rough judgment.

This made him a little happy.

Being able to kill ten people on the battlefield, the owner of this knife must have some martial arts skills. And this means that if he continues to sharpen the knife, he will master the martial arts of the original owner of this knife, that is, a certain Hu cavalryman.

Of course, in terms of combat performance, this knife is certainly not as good as the heavy knife beside him, but the knife skills carried on that knife come from Fatty Yang, which is only used for killing pigs after all, and is far from the real battle knife skills.

"Of course, I'm not saying that you are bad, what I mean is that stones from other mountains can be used to polish jade."

After comforting the big knife beside him again, Du Chengfeng began to put the scimitar in his hand on the whetstone and sharpen it.

Every broken edge and rolled blade are what this knife has experienced and the road it has walked.

While carefully repairing the broken edges, he gradually realized the life of this scimitar.

Just as he thought, this scimitar was indeed crudely made. The blacksmith on the grassland only roughly made a shape of a knife, installed a handle and sold it to a Hu rider. After getting the knife, the first thing the Hu rider did was to find a sheep to test the knife.

The result of the knife test was embarrassing. The blade got stuck in the sheep's neck and a small hole was broken on the spot.

The Hu warrior naturally had to take the knife to the blacksmith to argue. After all, he spent several sheep to exchange for a knife, and ended up getting this one. No matter how good his temper was, he couldn't stand it.

However, the blacksmith had no intention of returning the goods. No matter how angry the Hu rider was, the blacksmith insisted that there was no problem with his things.

"This is a knife I made with my own hands. How could there be any problem?"

Faced with the Hu rider's repeated questioning, the blacksmith was a little impatient.

"Where is the crack? Give me the thing, show it to me."

The Hu rider heard that the blacksmith was still arguing, so of course he had to argue with reason, so he handed over the knife at that time.

Then there was a click, and the Hu rider's head and body were separated on the spot.

The angry blacksmith proved with facts that there was no problem with his craftsmanship.

But he couldn't stay in this tribe any longer after killing someone, because the Hu rider's brothers would come and hack him to death. So while no one found out, the blacksmith simply packed up his things and ran away at night, and went to another tribe.

And the blacksmith didn't throw away the knife, after all, it was a commodity, and maybe he could sell it in another place.

The idea was good, and Du Chengfeng also felt that there was nothing wrong with this kind of frugality. The only drawback was that he had not seen the battle formations and martial arts of the Hu people from the memory of this knife.

Since there was no problem with the knife itself, it must have been sold to a warrior by the blacksmith later, right?

"How come your knife can't even kill a sheep!"

Another Hu rider who bought this knife began to shout at the blacksmith.

The blacksmith originally wanted to get away with it, but the Hu rider refused to give in. These grassland men seemed to hate profiteers and had to catch the blacksmith to make things clear.

After arguing too much, the blacksmith was annoyed and simply took the knife again and swung it.

The big head fell to the ground, and the knife was still fine.

But this tribe could no longer stay.

"... No."

Du Chengfeng already felt that something seemed to be wrong, but the journey of the blacksmith and the knife continued.

I don’t know if it was because the blacksmith was too unlucky or because the scimitar was too unlucky. The blacksmith passed through nine tribes and sold the knife nine times. None of the nine times he sold the knife was safe. Every time, he would encounter buyers who would argue with him, and the blacksmith himself would get angry every time.

Sometimes, the blacksmith would even regret it afterwards, but at the moment when he got angry, he still had the knife in his hand, and he couldn’t restrain his impulse to chop it down.

“Ah, this…”

After seeing all this, Du Chengfeng even thought that the blacksmith might as well just throw away the knife. Is it worth running around for such a piece of broken copper and iron?

Coincidentally, the blacksmith thought so too. After nine consecutive accidents, even a pig would realize that there was a problem. So the trembling blacksmith simply ran to a large tribe called the Qingyang tribe, wanting to find a famous witch to take a look at him.

But just when the blacksmith was about to reach the gate of the witch, a passing soldier took him directly into the camp.

It was not until he was locked up in the camp that the blacksmith learned that the Qingyang tribe was preparing to go south to rob food. Anyone taller than the wheels had to go south. He was unlucky to come here at this time, and the knife that killed nine people was stained with blood, which made him be regarded as a warrior who had seen blood and killed people.

As for his blacksmithing tools, they had been thrown aside by the soldiers.

The Qingyang tribe did not need an extra blacksmith at the moment, and his skills that he thought could travel all over the world were meaningless here.

So he rode a horse and carried a knife, and followed the soldiers on horseback to the south. Although he was a little panicked at first, the blacksmith soon felt that this might be his blessing. Just working hard to make iron, how could the income be compared to looting in the south.

I heard that the south is different from the Mobei grassland. Not only is the climate warm and the products are abundant, but the people of Nanchen are also very rich, with silk, satin, gold and silver treasures all over the house. If he gets one, what else can he do in the future?

Thinking of this, the blacksmith took the scimitar and followed the armored Hu general to rush into Yangjiabao in the first batch, ready to grab a big one.

Then, Du Chengfeng saw his face in this memory.


Du Chengfeng, who regained consciousness from the memory, was silent for a while.

This time he did not lose consciousness. The evil spirit on the scimitar seemed to be far from affecting his reason. It was just that the memory brought by the scimitar was somewhat painful.

Especially when he saw the blacksmith being chopped by his knife, the subtle embarrassment made him throw the knife aside immediately.

Perhaps the greatest use of this knife is to give it to relatives and friends. If you don't like someone, you can give him the knife. Just because of the bad luck of this knife, the person who gets this knife will definitely live a happy life and have a rich family.

However, he did not gain nothing by sharpening this unlucky scimitar.

Although he failed to learn the most desired battle formation martial arts, he saw the blacksmith's ironmaking skills clearly. Even if he has not reached the level of being a master craftsman, at least in terms of selecting iron materials and processing steel, Du Chengfeng has already had a glimpse of the way.

"It's a good thing."

Thinking of this, Du Chengfeng turned his eyes to the pile of weapons beside him.

This time, he could see the pros and cons of those weapons at a glance.

Which ones look mighty but are actually shoddy, and which ones look bad but are easy to use after getting them in hand. Du Chengfeng only took a glance and saw the pros and cons of these hundreds of weapons clearly.

But soon, Du Chengfeng's sight stopped at an axe.

That was the best piece of the weapon, and the one that impressed Du Chengfeng the most.

That was the axe left by the armored Hu general he killed.

Thanks to Dream Writing for the recommendation vote, thanks to Ba Congyun and Xie Baowang 39 for the monthly vote, and thank you all for your encouragement and support. Your encouragement is my greatest motivation.

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