In the Blade

Chapter 16 Jizhou Yang Family

Yang Xuan readily agreed to Du Chengfeng's request.

This might cause resistance from the clan members, but Yang Xuan was prepared for it. After all, it was incredible to treat an outsider, even an outsider who had a grudge against his Yang family, with such courtesy, and it might even make people wonder if Yang Xuan was crazy.

But Yang Xuan himself knew that it was all worth it.

Those who could control the evil spirit of swords and weapons were not ordinary people. Those who could do this were all determined as iron. Even if such people could not achieve success and fame and dominate the world, they were far from being something that the small Yangjiabao could afford to provoke. And now, the man named Du Chengfeng not only did not cause trouble for his Yang family, but even asked his Yang family to help him do things.

This was a more reassuring answer than any smile to end grudges. After all, the binding of interests was the most stable cooperation. Now that the other party had something to ask of the Yang family, didn't it mean that his Yang family had survived this disaster?

"So can you understand? This is an opportunity for our Yang family."

In the Yang family ancestral hall, Yang Xuan, who was sitting upright, explained his thoughts to the clan members in front of him.

"If this warrior can stay in my Yangjiabao, then first of all, my Yangjiabao will have sufficient security. Besides, Jizhou is close to Mobei, a place where there are four wars. The people are originally fierce. I don't know how many heroes are fighting and killing on weekdays... Can you understand what I mean?"


Hearing that Yang Xuan actually mentioned this, the Yang family members who gathered in the ancestral hall couldn't help but sit up straight.

They knew about those heroes who fought and killed. After all, strictly speaking, Yang Sanlang in the clan can also be regarded as one of the heroes. However, unlike Yang Sanlang, who is a local, there are some heroes who have no roots. They rely on their martial arts and swords and weapons in their hands to roam around and commit crimes, trying to make a living in this chaotic world.

The reason why the term "wandering crime" is used is naturally because the Great Chen Dynasty strictly prohibits private fighting. Although there are people who are willing to find a place where no one is around to fight, no one can do anything about it. However, if something happens, or the body is reported by passers-by, the robbers who are responsible for maintaining law and order will still do the work.

This also means that it is difficult to find someone to help sharpen the fierce weapons in the hands of those heroes.

After all, most grinding craftsmen belong to the court. Some of these people serve in the army and are responsible for sharpening the weapons for the soldiers. The other part is with the robbers. On the one hand, they eliminate the evil spirits for the weapons of the robbers, and on the other hand, they are also responsible for investigating the murder weapons in those murder cases. The wandering heroes who killed people naturally cannot find these two families. That is like a sheep falling into the tiger's mouth, and they are killed by the other party to receive the merits.

Although there are still a small number of craftsmen who can sharpen weapons and weapons wandering among the people, they are not affordable for these wandering heroes. As I said just now, those who can control the evil spirit of swords and weapons are all determined as iron, and with such an indomitable and firm will, no matter which aspect they want to develop, they can naturally make their own career.

To put it bluntly, everyone has their own things to do. If you say it is a relative or old friend, it is fine, but if it is a stranger, why would they spend energy to sharpen the sword for you, the so-called hero of the rivers and lakes?

Of course, it is not ruled out that there are really people who regard sharpening knives as a hobby, or simply have nothing to do, but such people are either extremely difficult to find or offer a very high price. Even so, those heroes of the rivers and lakes still flock to them, and even spend a huge price to let these craftsmen completely repair their swords.

After all, for many warriors, a sword that they usually use is already something comparable to their brothers and sisters.

And now, in Yangjiabao, there is such a grinding craftsman who can control the evil spirit of swords and weapons, but is not affiliated with the court.

Moreover, the other party was very happy to sharpen his weapon.

"I heard something a few days ago."

At this time, a young Yang family member remembered something and started to talk.

"A few days ago, the famous swordsman in our Jizhou, the sharp sword Liu Qingyun, went to Yanzhou in the south and found a reclusive master to sharpen his sword. As everyone knows, his sword was made by a blacksmith in Jizhen. The total cost of the blacksmith was one thousand coins, which is one guan... But do you know how much he spent on sharpening the sword?"

Speaking of this, the Yang family member paused.

"Five hundred guan, it is said that the master took pity on him and charged him a low price."


The other Yang family members couldn't help but take a breath, and even the old Yang Xuan almost pulled his beard off.

They have also heard of similar things. People who practice martial arts attach great importance to weapons, and everyone knows it. But spending 500 guan to sharpen a knife worth only one guan, isn't this too...

Should it be called extravagance? Or should it be called waste?

"Maybe that knife is as important to him as the ancestral sword is to my Yang family."

Yang Xuan sighed and barely understood this matter.

But the other Yang family members were not concerned about this aspect.

They subconsciously looked in the direction of the shabby courtyard, as if they saw a palace made of gold.

Even if they didn't do any intermediary work to collect money, as long as they publicized this matter, when the flow of people came, his Yangjiabao would be able to make a lot of money!

"Uncle is right! We should let him stay! We should worship him like our ancestors!"

It is unknown which Yang family member was the first to shout, and then more and more Yang family members followed suit and nodded in agreement.

At this moment, they felt that they finally understood Yang Xuan's wisdom. It was true that an old man in the family was like a treasure. It was this uncle who endured humiliation one after another, which opened up a golden and smooth road for their Jizhou Yang family.

But at this moment, a voice of opposition suddenly came out.

"No! Absolutely not!"

Yang Sanlang, dragging his seriously injured body, appeared at the door of the ancestral hall.

"The ancestral sword of my Jizhou Yang family is still in his hands. This is a great shame for my Yang family. How can you..."

"What a treasure the ancestral sword is. It should be owned by a virtuous person!"

Hearing Yang Sanlang say this, a young Yang family member stood up immediately.

"Since the sword has fallen into the hands of that warrior, it means that he is a virtuous person, and the sword should belong to him. What are you shouting here?"


Yang Sanlang wanted to say something, but he was carried out by several Yang family members guarding the door and locked in the bedroom, under the pretext of recuperating.

The remaining Yang family members started talking excitedly.

Although it was not a small matter that the ancestral sword was in the hands of an outsider, they were all ready to worship that person as an ancestor, and rounding it off was also considered worshipping the sword. As long as the person could stay in Yangjiabao, it actually made no difference. If not, it would be just like the clan ancestral hall was moved to another place, which was not unacceptable.

What's more, as that person said before, if the sword was really returned to them, could they pick it up?

It would be better to keep the current situation. At least the ancestral sword has truly become a fighting force to defend Yangjiabao, instead of being worshipped on the shelf as before.

"It's great that you think so."

Speaking of this, Yang Xuan couldn't help but look in the direction where Yang Sanlang was dragged away, and let out a barely perceptible sigh.

But immediately, Yang Xuan sorted out his emotions and looked solemn.

"Since you all understand, let's get started."

Thanks to Rock-Scissors for the monthly vote, and thank you for everyone's support. New author and new book, please collect and recommend, thank you everyone.

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