In the Blade

Chapter 17 Don’t put all your eggs in one basket

When the Yang clan began to run around, Du Chengfeng started to get busy.

The first thing I did was to put away all the swords, guns and weapons that had been thrown away all over the yard. Although it looked very cool to just throw them away after polishing them under the moonlight, after all, this is my own yard, and I still have to keep it. Picked up piece by piece.

Fortunately, there are not many swords, guns and weapons. The main thing is that there are dozens of war hammer bones in the pile of weapons. These things have no cutting edges. Du Chengfeng doesn't know how to polish them for a while, so he can only pile them up. Put it there in the house and use it as a decoration for the time being.

And this is why Du Chengfeng asked the Yang clan to find more weapons for him.

Not to mention the quantitative gap caused by the dozens of bones and hammers, even if those bones and war hammers were replaced with swords that he could polish, the number would still be too small. Although after this night, he had learned a lot about the survival skills of the Mobei grassland people from those weapons, and it could even be said that he had become a real Mobei warrior.

But if you only rely on this strength to defeat He Xiqing, you still have a long way to go.

On the one hand, it is naturally because there are not enough weapons, and on the other hand, it is because most of the weapons he polished before were the weapons of those who died in the previous battles. This can indeed give him a lot of understanding of Mobei's customs, customs, and even ideas and methods of play, but He Xiqing, who is originally from Mobei, will only understand these things better.

And this also means that if he wants to defeat He Xiqing, he must master some more techniques that He Xiqing doesn't know.

"Brother Du, what you asked for has been prepared for you."

While Du Chengfeng was cleaning the courtyard, Carpenter Li next door opened the door and walked in.

In Carpenter Li's hands, he was holding a long bench.

Different from ordinary benches, this long bench had a card slot added by Carpenter Li. Du Chengfeng took it and tried it, and it just happened to be able to put a whetstone in it.

"The frame used to push the diamond grinding wheel is a bit complicated. I'm still figuring this out, but it will be in your hands in two days at most and one day at least."

"Thank you for your hard work, the stuff is very good."

After trying to sit on the stool for a while, Du Chengfeng couldn't help but admire Carpenter Li's craftsmanship.

This may be the excellence of pure handmade tailor-made. Different from the cheap second-hand stools he bought from Carpenter Li before, this bench specially customized for him by Carpenter Li is quite comfortable to sit on, even if it is slightly longer. Even when bending over to sharpen a knife, I don't feel any fatigue. It can be seen that Carpenter Li has put a lot of effort into this stool, which is much more than what he said. After all, if you want to achieve the current level of comfort, then You have to know Du Chengfeng's body posture and working habits when sharpening the knife very well.

"Very good, really good."

After realizing this, Du Chengfeng became even more delighted.

Although what he saw in front of him was just a wooden bench, his knife sharpening efficiency had been greatly improved!

For a man like him who is ready to start sharpening his sword, such a bench is even comparable to a warrior getting a magical sword that can be commanded like an arm!

"Thank you so much. Brother, you are really thoughtful."

Standing up, Du Chengfeng put the first piece of furniture in the shabby courtyard into the house.

"How much? I mean including the shelf for two days."

"No money, no money."

Carpenter Li waved his hands repeatedly.

"Even if you make a stool, it's not worth much. Besides, Brother Du, you killed so many barbarians before and saved my family. This is a life-saving grace. I'm just making something for you..."

"Hey, hey, don't say that, brother, you are too outspoken."

Hearing Carpenter Li say this, Du Chengfeng couldn't help but shake his head.

Not to mention that when he first came to the village as an outsider, he had been taken care of by Carpenter Li. Just talking about the small courtyard in front of him, it was only with Carpenter Li that he could buy it cheaply. As for saving lives and the like... He was filled with murderous aura and his eyes were red, and he didn't subjectively want to risk his life to save the Yang Family Fort. How could this count?

"Besides, it doesn't make sense for me to ask for so much money."

After looking at the boxes of gold and silver treasures sent by the Yang family, Du Chengfeng sighed.

He didn't want to accept these things. After all, his relationship with the Yang family was not that good, let alone accepting people's property - but there was nothing he could do about this kind of thing. He didn't go to dinner before, so this was just one time. He also lost the food and wine brought to him later. This was the second time. If he had not accepted these belongings, and all three times of apology had been returned, the old man named Yang Xuan might have been frightened to death on the spot.

Therefore, even if it was to allow the Yang family to work for him with confidence, he could only reluctantly accept all these things.

It's embarrassing to think about it. He has always wanted to start from scratch with his own efforts, but his biggest source of income has always been mental damage fees.

Several large boxes of gold and silver treasures directly allowed Du Chengfeng to achieve financial freedom.

But these are no longer what he wants.

If it were before, his goal was indeed to make money. After all, no matter what the world is, having money can make life easier. When the time comes, he can buy a bigger yard, replace it with better furniture, and maybe even Get two dogs, or get a cat.

But right now, survival is the first priority.

Money is something that you have to spend as long as you earn it. If he can't beat He Xiqing, who came to seek revenge, then no matter how much money he has, it will eventually become He Xiqing's spoils of war.

So all the money on hand must be spent quickly, but gold and silver treasures are meaningless for the current situation. He must quickly convert these funds into combat power that falls on him, so that he can have the strength to fight against He Xiqing when he seeks revenge in the future.

"So, brother Du, how did you know that the armored Hu man has a big brother?"

After listening to Du Chengfeng's reasons, Carpenter Li scratched his head.

"Although you told me before that it was ground by grinding an axe, isn't this too... So, brother Du, if the big brother of the Hu man is really so powerful, then wouldn't you just go to the south? Stay away, he can't go to the south to find you..."

"That's not the case."

Hearing Carpenter Li say this, Du Chengfeng knew that his reasons were in vain.

He originally wanted to persuade Carpenter Li to leave early and retreat to the south. He wanted to say this first, but now it seems that Carpenter Li may not be able to understand his current situation at all. After sharpening the axe, he can be regarded as the person who knows He Xiqing best, so he can also be sure that the hard-hearted man will chase him to the ends of the earth in order to avenge his brother.

But this kind of thing, only he who has seen that memory knows, Carpenter Li doesn't know these at all. This man who has been staying in Yangjiabao for many years only understands the evil spirit of swords and weapons to the extent of "this thing is very scary".

So, he needs strength.

Whether it is to protect his own courtyard or to protect this old brother who has little knowledge, he needs strength.

"Anyway, put down all the things first, and talk about the Hu people later."

He took some gold and silver from the box and stuffed them into Carpenter Li's arms. Du Chengfeng took some more gold and silver and put them in his own arms.

"By the way, brother, where did you buy weapons at the market last time?"

Thanks to Dream Writing for the recommendation votes, and thanks to everyone for reminding me of the typos. This problem will occur when typing fast. Please also say a word in the thread when you see typos, and I will correct it immediately.

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