In the Blade

Chapter 160: The Three Swords of Emperor Splitting

Hearing what the young emperor said, the courtiers couldn't help but focus on Du Chengfeng.

Regarding Du Chengfeng, they could only come into contact with a general information, such as his origin in Jibei, his rebellion in Yizhou, the scandal with the Prime Minister's Mansion, and some recently collected information - - But as for this person's character and behavior, they had never met Du Chengfeng, so they didn't know.

But they knew that the young emperor had specially sent people to Yizhou.

The emperor sent his most trusted eunuch to Yizhou. The emperor was willing to give him a seat in front of a madman who was riding in the palace. But when all the old officials were about to leave, the emperor actually said to a rebel, "Damn it." You got it.

It’s hard not to think too much about this, and anyone else would think too much about it.

In particular, the false emperor Jia Wen who usurped the throne was also killed by this person.

Is it possible that this person is really the emperor's back-up man who has been lurking outside for a long time?

Thinking of this, many courtiers were already trembling with fear. They were all people who had supported Jia Wen, and the faces of the remaining courtiers were not very good. After all, they had not objected to Jia Wen's actions - or in other words, Jia Wen His behavior has never been opposed by anyone. After all, this prime minister has truly achieved power in the government.

But where is Jia Wen, who has all the power in the world now?

Even after sitting on the dragon throne, Jia Wen was still broken into the palace and killed.

The whole process is not much different from killing a chicken.

Although a large part of the reason for this is that Jia Wen, who has just ascended the throne, has not completely taken over the defense of the palace, but even as prime minister, Jia Wen has gathered many masters in the world in his early years, and some of the best have even reached the level of To the point where the evil spirit was released, even the former general Wang Tong hated himself in the prime minister's house.

However, even those martial arts masters who showed their evil spirits could not save Jia Wen's life.


At this moment, the eyes of the old ministers looking at the young emperor changed again.

Yes, they finally remembered that this Da Chen built his country with force after all!

Indeed, Prime Minister Jia Wen did have a moment of high-spiritedness, but no matter how powerful he was, he was still just an ordinary person.

At least in the face of this extremely powerful force, even the group of masters gathered by Jia Wen are just ordinary people.

The so-called conspiracy is only temporary after all.

Only this extremely powerful force is everything.


An old minister suddenly felt that something was not right.

The man named Du Chengfeng in front of him did indeed show extremely strong force, but after all, this force belonged to Du Chengfeng, not the emperor himself - in the face of such an extremely powerful individual, their emperor What methods did your Majesty use to subdue it?

Soon, they got their answer.

Just because, Du Chengfeng pulled out a sword from his arms.


Seeing Du Chengfeng dismounting from his horse and walking towards the emperor with the strange sword without edge, some of the old ministers were so frightened that chills ran down their backs.

They suddenly realized that things might not be as simple as they thought.

Is there a possibility that their Emperor simply failed to conquer this powerful warrior?

"So why do you think I will do it after you say it?"

With the edgeless sword in his hand, Du Chengfeng looked up and down at the young emperor in front of him.

Well, he doesn't look old, but his body is a little thin. At least the dragon robe is not stretched out, and he looks more like a large monkey.

"Were you teaching me something just now?"

"My dear, what does this mean?"

Seeing that the huge shadow had completely enveloped him condescendingly, the young emperor's words became a little more trembling.

"What do you want, my dear? As long as I have it, my dear, I can do it..."

"I'm going to let you try this."

Saying this, Du Chengfeng swung the Founder's Sword and struck the young emperor on the head.

The civil and military officials couldn't bear to look directly, and some even closed their eyes - but even if they closed their eyes, they could still hear the "bang" sound.

But after the bang, nothing happened.

There was no brain bursting as expected, and no blood was seen flowing out. The young emperor was still standing there fine, but the way he held his head in his hands looked a bit unsightly.


This time, not only the officials in the court, but also Du Chengfeng were stunned.

You must know that he didn't hold back at all just now. In addition, the Fangzheng Sword can easily have a crushing effect. If he is hit by this sword from the front, even if the evil energy is released, his head will be smashed on the spot, and he will become Into a headless corpse.

But now, not only was the young emperor not dead, he was even standing in front of him.

Although the emperor was covering his head and looking in pain, as long as he looked at his fingers, he would know that the young emperor didn't even bleed.


Du Chengfeng was speechless for a moment.

Even though he is well-informed now, he has never seen such a scene after all - a flesh and blood body can actually resist a weapon. Is this kind of nonsense really possible?

Thinking like this, Du Chengfeng, who did not believe in evil, simply swung two more swords.

Two swords were hit on the head, but the young emperor was still fine.

On the contrary, the ministers in the palace breathed a sigh of relief.

They were shocked. They thought they were going to witness a tragedy of regicide in the palace. Who would have thought that His Majesty the Emperor was fine? As for the reason, some old officials had already guessed it. After all, the strange sword without a blade was too unique. Many of them still had some impression of this sword.

After all, many of them were hit by this strange sword when they were young.

Ruan Shantao's sword of benevolence and justice, this weapon they can remember for a lifetime, but it is also because of this that they also know that this is a sword without a blade and no killing.

Using the sword of no killing to chop the emperor, this is naturally not regicide. Compared with some palace bloodbath, this is more like a warning.

"So it was him..."

After a whisper, many court officials have remembered the old man who was old-fashioned and upright back then.

Although the old man was tough and merciless, he had always been dedicated in recommending talents. Even among the court officials, there were a few who had received favors from Ruan Shantao. How could they not be moved by the familiar sword?

"No wonder this man came back to set things right at a critical moment. It turned out that he had a connection with the former Ruan Situ!"

Some court officials felt that they had guessed the truth, and their eyes towards Du Chengfeng became much kinder.

No one knew what a traitor would do, but a person who had a close relationship with old man Ruan could make everyone feel more at ease - after all, old man Ruan had always been a very reasonable person. Du Chengfeng, who could get old man Ruan's sword, must be a righteous person.

Only Du Chengfeng looked at the square sword in his hand with a frown.

A late update, I was so sleepy that I banged my head in front of the computer. Fatigue homework killed me and made me feel confused.

Also: Thank you for your recommendation votes and monthly votes, thank you for your encouragement and support.

I went to bed quickly, otherwise my work and rest schedule would be disrupted again.

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