In the Blade

Chapter 161 Beyond the Limits of the Flesh

Du Chengfeng can confirm that this should not be a problem with the sword.

If Ruan Shantao came by himself, this square sword might really have a problem. After all, when it was in the hands of the old man, this sword had indeed killed no one - but after falling into Du Chengfeng's hands, this sword had killed at least dozens of people, and it was no longer a sword that could not kill.

What's more, the sword's killing intention for the young emperor was even heavier than Du Chengfeng holding the sword.

After all, Du Chengfeng and the young emperor did not know each other, and the connection between the two sides was only because of his cheap teacher. Now coming to Jiankang to cut this sword is not much different from going to the kitchen to kill a fly - on the contrary, the hatred of this square sword for the emperor is truly unforgettable. After all, its original owner lowered his proud head because of the emperor's oral order.

So even for this sword, Du Chengfeng had to come here specially, otherwise, he was worried that the sword would jump up and hit his head one day.

However, after Du Chengfeng came here specially, the sword itself failed to do it.

It was difficult for Du Chengfeng to describe the feeling. Although he could confirm that he had hit the human body, the feeling was like hitting hard metal or tough rubber tires. If one hit was only an exception, then after three consecutive hits, Du Chengfeng could confirm that this was clearly some special way of self-defense.

"Golden Bell Cover Iron Cloth Shirt? Horizontal Training Kung Fu?"

Du Chengfeng inexplicably remembered the magical skills that could do anything in the martial arts novels he read a long time ago.

This kind of bullshit thing can really work?

"We must find a way to get this!"

Du Chengfeng made a decision almost instinctively.

As the days passed, Du Chengfeng had some understanding of this world, and he also had a basic judgment on the power system of this world. If he had to use an adjective to describe it, Du Chengfeng felt that the best word would be "high attack and low defense."

The so-called "high attack" means strong attack power. Relying on the unreasonable mysterious power of evil spirit, everyone is as fierce as a tiger in battle. But when it comes to defense...

This is quite embarrassing.

Evil spirit will only make people swing their swords more quickly, and even make some incredible evil spirit attacks, but this thing does not show any excessive strengthening to the human body itself - although it can achieve the effect of evil spirit entering the body, it can indeed have the effect of increasing strength and speed, but it can't make the flesh and blood body more resistant.

Not to mention the evil spirit entering the body, even if it reaches a further level of evil spirit release, if someone stabs you with a knife, you will bleed. If you are stabbed in the vitals, it is not surprising that you will die on the spot.

Of course, in order to protect this fragile flesh and blood body, people often wear armor, but this armor can only defend against some ordinary weapons at most. When encountering some fierce swords and weapons carrying strong evil spirits, the defense of the armor is extremely limited. If the evil spirit is released, the heavy armor is no different from paper. After all, evil spirits are such unreasonable things.

Even some people who can't resist the invasion of evil spirits and turn into huge monsters on the spot actually increase their flesh. Flesh and blood bodies are still flesh and blood bodies, and they still can't stop the swords and swords of evil spirits.

This also caused Du Chengfeng to have a sense of crisis all the time. For example, he was lying in the house and sleeping soundly, and two masters were fighting over there, tearing down the house and hitting him all the way. As long as a few sword lights flew over, he didn't have time to get up, then he would die on the spot.

But now, he has found a way to let himself sleep peacefully.

As long as the defense is improved, there is no need to be afraid of the sword. Of course, Du Chengfeng did not expect to block all of them, but even if he could only block a part of them, he would not be killed on the spot, and he would have a chance to fight back.

However, even if he had a strong need, Du Chengfeng was not stupid enough to ask right away. That would undoubtedly give the other party a chance to control him. He did not want to help the young emperor do anything.

Fortunately, he still had a second choice.

Although as an emperor, he might not be really good at fighting, but he would definitely practice martial arts in his daily life - and this meant that as long as he could get the weapon used by the young emperor, he could use his unique means to spy on the secrets hidden by the young emperor.

Of course, he would not ask for the sword directly.

Compared with making a request and then bargaining, he preferred a more direct way.

He wanted to get it himself.

"Wait, my dear, are you serious?"

Hearing Du Chengfeng's request, the young emperor was also a little stunned for a while.

"My dear, you actually want to stay in the palace?"

"You are too lacking in education!"

Du Chengfeng had a serious face.

"Look at your skinny arms and legs. I chopped you three times with my sword and you didn't react. How can you be the emperor like this! You... why are you looking at me? Do you think I am not qualified to teach him?"

Saying this, Du Chengfeng simply raised the Fangzheng sword in his hand.

"See this sword! This is the sword carried by the famous Ruan Shantao! I am his direct disciple! How can I not be able to teach people!"


Looking at the sturdy arms that were stronger than tree trunks, the strong body that was nearly seven feet tall, and the familiar square sword, many court officials couldn't even say a word at this moment.

At this moment, just like that moment, they all vaguely remembered the great terror they encountered when they were young.

They didn't dare to have any opinions, after all, the sword without a blade really broke their bones and tendons. The only thing they need to worry about now is the feelings of the young emperor himself.

But when people turned their eyes to the young emperor, they saw that the young majesty's eyes were shining.

"It's great that the Grand Master thinks so!"

As he said this, the young emperor came over, held Du Chengfeng's hands, and even touched Du Chengfeng's arms.

"Surprisingly, so strong..."

Although he had just been hit by three swords, the young emperor did not have any intention of blaming Du Chengfeng. Just looking at his excited expression, it seemed that he had discovered some incredible treasure.

"Grandmaster, I have decided that the Grandmaster must stay in the palace today. I must sleep on the same bed with the Grandmaster and listen to his teachings all night long!"

The first update is here, and there will be more later.

Also: Thank you all for your recommendation votes and monthly tickets, thank you for your encouragement and support.

Thank you book friend 202206300083534404 for the reward, and thank you Fang Huan for the reward leader. I am very honored and it is really a waste of money.

Originally, today is a training day, and I planned to finish two updates, but because my left shoulder was a little painful after pulling it, I didn't practice, so I will add more updates by the way.

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