In the Blade

Chapter 190 Newborn

In the ruins of the imperial mausoleum, the bloody battle continued.

It was getting dark, and the sun had already set, but the ruins covered with blood and broken flesh were still as bright as day.

Because the red flames lit up the night sky.

The halberd-holding figure with flames all over his body was still flying in the air, looking down at the people under his feet. On the ground, the previously arrogant golden-winged Roc had already broken half of his arm. As for the giant with a huge body, there was not a single piece of good meat on his body, which was almost like a slow slicing.

But before the halberd fell, the golden-winged Roc had already brushed across the broken arm with one hand.

Some buds twisted and proliferated from the broken arm, and in just a moment they turned into a new arm.

And the huge giant also tensed his body, which made the broken flesh and blood become more and more tough.

Fighting is undoubtedly the best teacher, and they are all top-notch warriors. Up to now, they have already learned the flesh and blood manipulation technology displayed by the human-shaped fire phoenix - this comes from the wanton distortion of flesh and blood by those evil monsters, and now they are learning very quickly.

It is precisely because of this ability to recover from injuries at any time that they can hold on to such a point.

"But, it's too weak."

The sharp halberd just swept across, and the two peerless warriors were covered in blood again.

And the human-shaped fire phoenix, on the contrary, became stronger and stronger.

The feathers that were originally just flames have become more and more solid. The human-shaped fire phoenix that was originally just outlined by flowing light is now really changing towards a real immortal fire phoenix - just like a fledgling bird that has just broken out of its shell and has full wings, gradually becoming a real bird that can soar in the sky.

This battle is also a tempering for the newborn human-shaped fire phoenix.

As the condensed fire feathers became more and more convergent, the human-shaped fire phoenix became closer and closer to a real immortal.

"So, what's the use of learning it?"

The fire phoenix, which had gradually regained its human form, looked at the two defeated subordinates on the ground and sneered.

"If I can kill you once, I can kill you twice, I can kill you three or five times, I can kill you ten times or a hundred times... You'd better be stronger, become stronger, and I can have fun if you are stronger."


The golden-winged roc and the huge giant lying on the ground did not even have the strength to make a sound this time.

To use evil spirit to twist flesh and blood, you must first be able to mobilize the evil spirit, but now they don't even have the strength to mobilize the evil spirit. After fighting with monsters of this level for a whole day, the two of them have already been truly exhausted.

Especially the huge giant, whose body, originally as strong as a god of war, has now been cut down to a skeleton.

"Why bother?"

Looking at the former immortal body that has fallen into such a miserable state, the human-shaped fire phoenix in the air couldn't help but shake his head repeatedly.

"You are the best child I have raised. You were originally qualified to inherit the hegemony of the Chu people... But what about now? I have contributed less than 10% of my strength."


The huge giant who fell to the ground wanted to spit on it, but he didn't even have the strength to spit.

Looking up at the human-shaped fire phoenix, the huge giant suddenly felt relieved. At least at the end of his life, he died as a human being - of course, he himself knew that this idea was somewhat problematic, but he also knew that this might be the only thing he couldn't do.

He has powerful strength and a strong physique. As the founder of the Great Chen Empire, he is rich and has everything in this world.

But the only thing that belongs to a normal life, that ordinary family harmony, is something he can never achieve in his life.

Perhaps this is fate. The more something is missing, the more it wants to have it. It has everything, but the only thing it cannot do is to be a human being, so it wants to be like a human being, even if it is just to die like a human being.


It was at this time that this huge giant without a name suddenly had some enlightenment in his heart.

The golden-winged Roc once again flew high into the sky, and the grassland Khan once again showed his unyielding ferocity, but this ferocity seemed so pathetic in the eyes of the huge giant.

The desire for war is indeed crazy enough, but it means that the grassland Khan wants to win.

Wanting to win means losing, and losing thoroughly, so there is a crazy obsession with winning - it is because of this obsession that the grassland Khan has gained such a huge power, even enough to control this body that has turned into a monster.

However, it can only reach this extent.

The Overlord Halberd didn't even come down, because the evil spirit of the three-pronged spear Sulu Ding didn't even break the skin of the humanoid monster. The monster, which was getting closer and closer to the human body, just turned its head and took a look. The exhausted Golden Winged Dapeng fell to the ground again - but this time, the Golden Winged Dapeng, who had lost his arm, had no intention of flying up again, but flew close to the ground and fled all the way to the north.

At this moment, the instinct of survival completely controlled the body of the Golden Winged Dapeng. Even if his will wanted to fight, his body chose to escape first.

The Liuhuo humanoid holding the halberd just pointed casually, and half of the Golden Winged Dapeng's wings were torn to pieces, but even with only half of the wings left, the Golden Winged Dapeng still staggered away.

Those who are eager to win will eventually have to taste the pain of failure again, which is a more cruel pain than a blade.

"My hegemony will surely spread all over the world, where can you escape to?"

The human-shaped fire phoenix in the air shook its head and watched the golden-winged roc go away.

Then it lowered its head and looked at the huge giant on the ground.

"What about you, traitor, where can you escape to?"


Looking at the burly body in front of him, which was more than ten feet tall and looked like a living god of war, the huge giant lying on the ground just smiled.

In the past, he might have been in awe of that hegemony, after all, that hegemony was so powerful and so brave... But now, at this moment of death, he has seen the truth hidden behind hegemony.

Hegemony means trampling and crushing everything, and it means being powerful and rampant.

But what kind of person would pursue such an idea, hold it in his hands, and refuse to let go?

"It's a weak person..."

The huge giant looked into the eyes of the human-shaped fire phoenix, as if he saw through all the truth.

Ferocious beasts like lions and tigers do not need to pursue power. The existence of these large beasts is already domineering. They have such an obsession with dominance and power, which reflects the sufferings that the Chu people have experienced in the past.

Having been deprived of everything by the domineering existence, they will pursue the idea of ​​​​domination so persistently. Having experienced the weakness of having no power, they will regard power as the ultimate of all this.

"Weak? You actually said I'm weak?"

The newborn fire phoenix sneered.

"Then you try it, is this weak?"

As he said this, the sharp halberd had already fallen on the huge giant, tearing open the already bloody chest.

Severe pain fell on the huge giant, and it was the twisted evil spirit that was tearing his internal organs, but it was under this severe pain that he became unexpectedly calm.

Weak, indeed weak.

If it weren't because of weakness, why would he fight to prove his strength?

If this immortal fire phoenix is ​​really strong enough, then he and the golden-winged roc have no chance of survival. Just one halberd will kill them on the spot - but they still fight until the sky is dark, the sun and the moon are dim, and they have been fighting until now.

Rather than saying it is a battle, it is better to say that it is proving something.

This immortal fire phoenix is ​​using these two enemies to verify its own strength and show its own strength.

To make up for the shortcomings in its heart.

This may be the only way, no, this is the only way. Only by making up for the shortcomings in the heart can the weak self be buried, and only by making up for the incompleteness of this fate can a real new life be ushered in.

"So, this is what I want."

The huge giant suddenly realized.

Along the way, for hundreds of years, what he wanted to do was actually just to say goodbye to the self who was once trapped in the cage and the self who was stitched with deformed flesh and blood.

"So, what do you want?"

Thinking in this way, the huge giant used up his last bit of strength and looked at the immortal fire phoenix, the real immortal in the world.

Perhaps after completing this necessary path, this once weak man will become a real strong man.

At this moment, he could feel that something was growing inside this man who was already invincible in the world.

That is...


The huge giant's sight froze.

There was indeed something growing inside the man who was already invincible in the world, just because a sharp sword tip had already protruded from the chest and abdomen of the immortal fire phoenix.


The immortal fire phoenix, like a god of war, lowered its head subconsciously.

After the sharp sword tip, there was a sharp blade. The thing growing inside the man wielded a flaming blade, and the tough defense that even the three-pronged spear Sulu Ding could not break was easily cut open from the inside by that sword and knife.

"How is it possible... How is it possible! I am a living immortal! I am immortal!"

The Immortal Fire Phoenix raised his palm and pressed down, but the sword and the knife still firmly cut open his body, cutting a huge crack on the whole body.

Then, the figure holding the sword and the knife came out from the broken body like a leather suit.

"Hey, is it over?"

The broken body fell to the ground, and Du Chengfeng, who came out of the leather suit, stood in the air and looked around.

The first update is here, I'm going to eat something, and then continue writing.

In addition: Thank you for your recommendation votes and monthly tickets, thank you for your encouragement and support.

I feel that after the underworld, the updates have become more stable, and I have written more.

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