In the Blade

Chapter 191 Reincarnation

Du Chengfeng, who emerged from the skin, had a feeling of being in another world for a moment.

It was because he had been killing for too long in that bloody battlefield where will and spirit intertwined. From the first grassland warrior who was completely annihilated and never resurrected, to the last one, the figure holding the Overlord Halberd who looked exactly like him, he completely killed all the evil figures who were his enemies. God knows how long it took him.

Fortunately, he finally did it.

This was a long process, even too long, so long that he himself didn't know how to calculate it, so long that even the huge giant, or the memory of the Southern Chen Taizu was far inferior - after all, even if the Southern Chen Taizu lived longer, he was only a few decades older than that heavy sword, but Du Chengfeng was actually killing for so long.

Unlike those experiences, this was something he did with his own hands, and the record he cut out with his own hands.

When what he did far exceeded the memories he had experienced, those long and complicated memories that almost tore him apart were gradually covered by his experience and unified by his will.

"It is not without cost to bear another memory."

After realizing this, Du Chengfeng couldn't help but smile bitterly.

He once thought that this was his special ability. He could use the method of sharpening knives and weapons as a medium to experience other people's entire lives without scruples, and even use those experiences and skills that took many years of hard study and practice to summarize.

But is all this really without cost?

When he used those experiences and skills, when he experienced other people's entire lives, the remaining wills of those people were also affecting him.

In this process, he himself did not notice anything. Under this subtle influence, under this day-to-day influence, he finally came to this day, and finally changed from a peaceful person who just wanted to live to a butcher who killed people without blinking an eye.

Fortunately, he finally realized this and did it, using his own will to cover up those memories.

And those memories that once remained in his mind, those memories contained in the evil spirit, finally became his real strength and became a part of him.

"So do you want to say something?"

On the battlefield that had been cleared, Du Chengfeng carried a big knife and pointed his sword at the figure on the ground holding a halberd, who looked exactly like him.

"Don't say nonsense like you are me. If you were really me, I would have been beaten to death by you... We are still different. Because we have different ideas, we have different styles of doing things. Different styles of doing things will lead to completely different gains and results."

At this point, the tip of Du Chengfeng's sword had already touched the opponent's throat.

"But you are also very resilient. If I were you, I would have run away if half of those evil humanoids were killed, but you still fought with me to the end, even though you are the only one left now... at least as an opponent, you are worthy of respect. So do you have anything else to say?"

"Madman... Madman!"

On the ground, the figure holding the halberd gnashed his teeth, but no matter how hard it swung its arms, the halberd that was as easy to control as its arm could not be swung again.

It was only because Du Chengfeng was stepping on its wrist at this time.

It thought that after experiencing so many bloody attempts, it had completed the consciousness transfer technology and was already crazy enough, but now it witnessed another kind of horror that it could not describe at all - what kind of madman would fight with those evil humanoids one by one, until those countless evil humanoids could not even show their bodies again? What kind of madness can support this endless killing that can't even see the end?

There was one thing it said that was true, that is, the two enemies it fought in reality were indeed too weak. It actually used less than 10% of its energy in reality, but it used 90% of its energy here.

But it still didn't help, what it faced was too hard.

Just like the hard sword against its throat.

The hard sword easily pierced its throat.

"Hey, can't you learn more useful fighting methods?"

Du Chengfeng couldn't help shaking his head.

Perhaps he finally recovered himself in this long killing, or because this mechanized killing was too boring, he started to talk more - but these words can't be said to be completely useless, at least these trash words can effectively interfere with the enemy's thinking and even affect the enemy's emotions.

Just like now, after hearing his ridicule without dirty words, the figure holding the halberd that appeared again rushed over again.

"Hey, you're impatient again."

Du Chengfeng sighed and raised his sword to block the halberd.

The long sword in his other hand had already stabbed out.

Long weapons should have an advantage over short weapons. As long as the opponent relied on the length of the halberd to suppress, Du Chengfeng could be beaten quite badly. Du Chengfeng himself had used the halberd before, and he was even prepared for a hard fight - but the man holding the halberd rushed towards him, which gave him a chance to get close.

"So we have been fighting for so long, and you really can't learn anything at all?"

After piercing the opponent's throat with a sword, Du Chengfeng shook his head again.

"Can you fight more beautifully? Or change the weapons and I will teach you how to fight?"

This time, he didn't get any response.

The figure holding the halberd also disappeared and never appeared again. The battlefield, which was originally noisy, was now dead silent.

"Hello? Are you there?"

Du Chengfeng tried to ask a few questions, but didn't get any answer.

It seemed that he had indeed won.

Everything he saw had been killed by him.

It was at this time that he had time to look at the battlefield where he had fought for who knows how long. The desolate ground seemed so empty at this moment. The blood-red sky covered this desolate land. There was no sun or moon, and no human figure.

This is after victory.

After victory, there is nothing.

Originally, Du Chengfeng thought that as long as he killed all the evil humanoids, he could go out and return to reality. But now he has clearly killed everything, but he is still trapped in this empty space.

"Where should I go?"

Du Chengfeng fell into confusion.

Without the sun and the moon, there is no night and day. Du Chengfeng, who stayed in the same place, didn't know how long he had been there. So after thinking about it, he chose a direction and walked down. Maybe as long as he found the end of this world, everything would end.

But unfortunately, this world has no end.

The desolate land has been extending, and the sky has always been that blood-red color. No matter how far Du Chengfeng walked, the scenery in front of him has not changed at all.

This made Du Chengfeng more and more confused.

He didn't know what happened, or whether it was another way of attack by the enemy. If it was an attack, he could only say that it was indeed very effective, even more effective than attacking.

Although there were no weapons and no bloody fights, the boundless loneliness and confusion were far more dangerous and terrifying than any enemy.

"How long can you hold on?"

On the ruins of the imperial mausoleum, the human-shaped fire phoenix holding a halberd easily dealt with the attacks while watching the battlefield that only existed in consciousness.

Yes, in the long process of research, it has discovered that the most cruel punishment is not the torture of the body, but the torture of the spirit, and the most cruel torture is to throw people into the dark loneliness.

Just like now, after realizing that it could not invade Du Chengfeng's remaining consciousness through direct combat, it chose to change another way.

Since it can't invade, then don't invade. Even if this remaining consciousness is tortured crazy, it doesn't matter. Anyway, it has obtained this body and has got a chance to live again.

And after it focused all its energy on the body, its evolution speed really became faster and faster.

Yes, evolution, this may be the most appropriate word. It is changing further and moving towards the posture of a true immortal. It has a powerful body like a monster, but it is not a monster. It has the appearance and appearance of a human, but it has power far beyond that of ordinary people.

With the purification and condensation of the evil spirit, its body is being broken up and reshaped again and again, and every silent reshaping makes its power more solid and more stable.

Like a piece of stubborn iron, it is forged into refined steel.

And in that spiritual world, Du Chengfeng has indeed been tortured to the point of being unrecognizable.

Du Chengfeng, who was still able to fight bravely, has become disheveled. The long aimlessness has made him more confused. This may be the most suitable torture for him, just because this torture targets his weakest link.

"Don't you want quiet and peace? Then I'll give you this."

The immortal fire phoenix relaxed more and more, knowing that it will win in the end.

Whether in the real world or in the spiritual world.

Playing with other people's lives in the palm of your hand is the absolute tyranny.

Just like what it is doing now, even the immortal body that it once dreamed of has been trampled under its feet and abused wantonly.

"Everything should be over."

Saying this, it swung the halberd at the huge giant under its feet, at this traitor of the Chu people.

But at this moment, it saw Du Chengfeng's eyes.

In that desolate spiritual world, Du Chengfeng's remaining consciousness suddenly looked up at the sky, and the things contained in those eyes made it panic for no reason.


It vaguely felt that something seemed to be wrong.

It was at this time that Du Chengfeng's remaining consciousness stabbed the sword at the sky.

The sharp sword blade pierced the sky and the chest and abdomen of the Undead Fire Phoenix, and then the blazing blade followed and cut in, splitting the blood-red sky and its body.

The well-tempered body was cut open from the inside, but Du Chengfeng's body came out from inside.

It was at this time that it realized that the hatching process might never have ended.

Indeed, with Du Chengfeng's previous body as an egg, it hatched a body that was far more powerful than the immortal's body, but it could never have imagined that such a unique body was still an unhatched egg.

And now, this new egg has finally hatched and broken out of the shell.

It gave birth to something that it couldn't understand at all.

"Hey, are you done fighting?"

Du Chengfeng in mid-air turned his head and looked around, looking at the devastated scene after a long absence.

It's not over yet.

In the leather suit falling in mid-air, its remaining consciousness screamed desperately.

It's not over yet, it's impossible to be done, how can it be done!

It doesn't accept it! Why! Why did it work so hard for so long, but hatched this Du Chengfeng! Why did it endure for so long, but let that weak defeated general pick the peach! This powerful body, this great power, everything in this world, should have been its! It's its!

"It's not over yet..."

The mouth that had been cut in half uttered a resentful murmur.

"We, are not over yet!"


The leather suit that fell from the air hit the huge giant, making a dull sound.

Like a mud cow falling into the sea.

The leather suit that was cut in half melted like mud at this moment, melting into the huge giant's body and into the bloody wound - then, the huge giant who was about to say something suddenly froze.


Du Chengfeng in the air also noticed the situation here.

Then, he fell headfirst from the air.

He was not a birdman, and he didn't have wings, so how could he fly in the sky? This was too unrealistic - fortunately, he had practiced it before, and the long-term training made him shrink his body before landing, and then a series of flips relieved the huge force of the high-altitude falling object, and also saved him from the fate of falling to death.

But while Du Chengfeng was still rolling on the ground, the huge giant stood up again.

A huge shadow cast on the ground, but this time, the huge giant's face no longer had the previous straightforwardness and calmness.

On that huge face, only boundless hatred and resentment remained.

"Thoughts are immortal! I can do it again! I can do it again!"

The huge giant roared.

"I will kill you!!!"


Du Chengfeng stood up and raised his head.

This voice and words, which he had heard countless times, were too familiar to him.

"Have you changed your body again?"

Shaking his head, Du Chengfeng raised his knife and sword.

"Didn't I say that if I can kill you once, I can kill you a second time."

A belated update. I fell asleep before, and I will make up for the update at night.

In addition: Thank you for your recommendation votes and monthly votes, thank you for your encouragement and support.

I will continue to write, and the next chapter will be around one o'clock.

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