In the Blade

Chapter 192 Bath of Fire

Perhaps it was the unique experience brought by near-death, the huge giant felt like he was dreaming.

In the dream, he was no longer that huge body, but became the same as an ordinary person, and those people who were killed by him and were like grass in his eyes, now became so tall and so terrifying.

The resentment of these dead souls rushed towards him, with deep murderous intent and hatred. They climbed on his body like ants, tearing his flesh and blood, gnawing his tendons and bones. Just looking at the posture, they were going to eat him alive on the spot.

But he did not make any move to fight back, and even had no intention of resisting.

He was too tired, too tired, too tired.

"Eat, eat..."

Facing the deep pain falling on his body, there was only fatigue in his eyes.

"These are your things, now it's time for you to take them back."

"No, it should be said that they are my things."

The strange halberd swept across, and the resentment of the dead souls that were about to gnaw at his head were swept away.

"I made you with my own hands, and I gave you life. You have been mine since the beginning. Your body and everything about you are mine!"

"Is that what you think?"

He raised his head and looked at the face he was most familiar with in the past.

That was his creator and his person in charge. Whether from the past interactions or the grace of raising him, this person could be called his parents.

"But, neither my life nor my body belongs to you."


The man with a gloomy face waved his hand, and the resentment of those dead souls once again gnawed at his body.

But he just shook his head.

"Is it because of my rebellion? No, you know it very well in your heart, don't you? If you really can hold this power, if you are really right, even if you do nothing, I will follow you... But you are not, you can't do it, you know very well what you are doing, you know that sooner or later you will attack me, and I will not just sit there and wait for death, so you..."


The man with a gloomy face hit him on the head with a halberd.

Instead of using the halberd blade, the halberd pole was used upside down. The man with a sinister face just smashed the halberd one by one, as if only in this way could he vent his boundless anger.

But it was this rage that made him, the one being beaten, shake his head more and more.

When he was dying before, he had seen it, had seen those things hidden under obsession and madness. Those obsession with madness may indeed be the source of power for these people to unify everything, but this madness as sharp as a blade is also the weakest point.

These people who pursue power are so weak.

Perhaps it is because of this that the once-dominant Great Chu collapsed and could never be restored.

In the final analysis, this so-called Great Chu has never really possessed hegemony. They may have gained a lot of power in the process of pursuing hegemony, but the more they pursue it, the farther they are from what they really want.

If they really have it, why bother chasing it.

It is precisely because they have never had it that they can never be satisfied.

"...What's that look in your eyes?"

Feeling the silent and even somewhat compassionate gaze in front of him, the gloomy-faced man looked even more unfriendly.

"Are you pitying me? Are you feeling sorry for me? Why! Just because of you!"

The heavy halberd became more and more ferocious.

"You are not even a human! Why do you pity me! I am an immortal! I am a real immortal in the world!"

"You are right."

Even though his entire head was about to be smashed to pieces, he just sighed.

Indeed, what the other party said was not wrong. He was not even a human, so what was he pitying?

After all, it was not the other party who was going to die, but himself.

But this was what he wanted, wasn't it?

"Since you want to be an immortal so much, then I'll give it to you."

As he said this, he took the initiative to use his neck to meet the blade of the halberd.

"All this should be returned to you."


The sharp blade cut off his neck.

The huge head fell from the broken neck and was eaten by the resentful souls.

The man with the gloomy face also closed his eyes.

When he opened his eyes again, the scenery in front of him had turned back to the ruins of the imperial mausoleum. In front of him, the rat-sized Du Chengfeng was waving the sword in his hand and slashing at him.

But this level of slashing could not even break his skin.

This is the perfect immortal body, not the temporary immortal body that was only a prototype before, but the real immortal body that has been polished by time.

The strongest body.

Plus, the strongest spirit.


Under the ribs of the huge giant, white bone wings broke out of the body.

Then, the red fire wrapped around it and turned into bright and dazzling feathers.

That is the ultimate belief of the Chu people, the immortal fire phoenix soaring in the sky.

At this moment, he has achieved true metamorphosis.

"But isn't your look a bit tacky?"

Looking at the huge phoenix hovering in front of him, Du Chengfeng couldn't help scratching his head with the hilt of his sword.

"Birdmen are no longer popular."

"This is called metamorphosis."

In mid-air, the huge fire phoenix lowered its head.

"This is the cultural custom of the Chu people. We regard the immortal phoenix as a spiritual totem. The so-called mortal body is ultimately an unpolished stone... Under the guidance of the immortal phoenix, we will one day grow feathers, transform from fledglings into real birds, fly into the sky, and become real immortals."

As it said this, the fire phoenix in mid-air hovered twice, and a huge battle halberd made of white bones had already emerged from its palm.

"Just like now, this is the real me."

The only answer it had was the blazing blade that was chopped in the face.

"So why are you talking nonsense in a fight? Doesn't anyone chat with you normally?"

While spewing trash words to create a mental attack, Du Chengfeng's sword in his hand never stopped.

"If you really need love so much, I can reluctantly play the role of your father to fill the spiritual emptiness you have had for so many years."


The fire phoenix, who was originally planning to say a few more words, was immediately furious.

All along, it has gone through so many hardships and so many ups and downs to have the invincible power it has now. Now, facing the power in its hands, this dog dares to spit shit!

You know, what it holds in its hands is the power of life and death!


The huge war halberd smashed down on the head, and the huge halberd blade plowed a deep gully on the ground.

But this time, the huge war halberd was blocked.

Not only blocked, the five-meter-long fire blade had even chopped into the pole of the white bone halberd, and the blazing blade was diagonally cutting into the twisted and twisted pale spines, steady and firm.

The blazing blade brushed the knee of the huge fire phoenix, leaving a black blood mark.

This made the huge fire phoenix startled slightly.

"You... how is it possible?"

Thinking of the opponent's weakness that couldn't even break its skin just now, and looking at the blazing blade that easily cut through its flesh and blood, the huge Fire Phoenix felt that its brain was not enough for a while.

Didn't it even break the defense? How did it suddenly become so sharp?


"Just now, it was a warm-up exercise."

Looking at the disbelief on the Fire Phoenix's face, Du Chengfeng also noticed the other party's doubts.

"You were too weak at that time, and it would be boring to fight you with all your strength, so can you talk less nonsense? Be more serious, become stronger, I want to see where my current limit is."

Yes, this is what Du Chengfeng wants to do most now. Although he has returned to this land, he always feels that his body is very different from before - of course, this does not refer to any changes in gender, but some unknown changes in physical fitness.

Just like now.


As Du Chengfeng added strength, the blazing flames on the thick and heavy sword became hotter and hotter.

This was not the feeling of controlling the evil spirit in the past, but he was supplying the sword with some kind of power. The power and will flowed into the sword, making it sharper and sharper.

But what Du Chengfeng cared more about was the sword in his right hand.

Before, in the bloody killing field, the sword was still the same as gold and iron, but now, the sword has clearly turned into an illusory appearance. Just looking at the ethereal appearance like smoke, I am afraid that a gust of wind can blow the sword away.

But such a sword without even a shape was held in his hand.

"Is this the original form of the evil spirit?"

Du Chengfeng suddenly became curious. He always felt that there was some very important information hidden in this illusory sword.

But it was this action of observing the weapon that made the fire phoenix more violent.

"Who are you! Do you think you are strong? Do you think you can be considered a person just because you robbed my legacy?"

Under the flow of red flames, the bone halberd was restored to its original state again. This time, even the bone halberd had feathers with flames!

But facing the furious fire phoenix, Du Chengfeng, who was disturbed from his meditation, just frowned.

Then, he raised his hand and slashed.

"Don't make noise."


The blazing fire column instantly engulfed the huge fire phoenix.

Even though the huge phoenix bird had feathers condensed from fire flowing on its body, the blazing flames were far hotter than the fire flowing on it. It was not even just the burns caused by the flames, but the burning of the flesh and even the will itself——it was obviously so powerful, but why was it just one knife, just one knife...

"Why! Why!"

The furious fire phoenix completely lost its mind.

It didn't understand why it had gone through so much hardship, even giving up its physical body, but still couldn't compare to those monsters who got a good body by luck. It didn't know why it had tried so hard to become stronger, but still couldn't achieve true dominance. It had given up so much for this, and endured so much suffering, why couldn't it get real power?


At this moment, the furious Fire Phoenix was almost crazy.

Even the murderous aura became agitated.

"Kill him! Must kill him!"

At this moment, only resentment and murderous intent remained in Fire Phoenix's heart.

"Kill him! Must kill him!"

The evil spirit all over the body also followed the shouting.

Those unwilling hatreds, those deep resentments, now boiled up with the will of the Fire Phoenix. This killing intention was so huge and so fierce that even the Fire Phoenix itself became more and more addicted to it.

But it knew better that it couldn't do it.

That damn Du Chengfeng stole the power and body that should have belonged to it. It might not be able to beat this monster, not to mention that it had tried countless times before. If it fought head-on, it might not be able to defeat that monster.

So, it needed to use the evil spirit.

So, it needed to carry out the killing intention.

So, it needed to use this extremely powerful immortal body thoroughly.

"Hah ah ah ah ah——"

The original colorful evil spirit fluctuations were all taken into the Fire Phoenix's body at this moment. Under the guidance of the killing intention, the majestic evil spirit tore its flesh and blood from the inside, reshaped its body, twisted its spirit, and even tore its will.

"... Wait?"

It suddenly felt as if something was wrong.

The flesh and blood that had already turned into a phoenix body, in this agitation, was actually transforming towards a human form?

"No! Stop!"

It was horrified when it realized something.

"Stop! Stop now! No! Don't!"

But no matter how it resisted, the agitated flesh and blood still twisted firmly, and the majestic evil spirit also poured into its mind, shaking its mind with that piercing murderous intent.

This was not the kind of integration of evil spirit that it wanted at all. This body was clearly going to transform into some kind of monster on the spot - just like the monster flesh and blood it had cut off with its own hands, it was about to turn into that kind of beast that had lost its mind!

"No! I don't want it anymore! I won't kill! No..."

Even if it had decided to give up the idea of ​​killing at this moment, it was meaningless.

Under the shock of that majestic evil spirit, its will was finally assimilated, and together with those other evil spirits, it became part of this killing will.

Under the guidance of this killing will, the face that was almost about to grow a bird's beak, after a twist, finally turned into a human face.

It was a very familiar face.

"I knew it was not so easy to die."

The fire feathers scattered all over the sky, and the huge giant holding the halberd let out a long sigh.

Then, he looked down at Du Chengfeng on the ground.

And Du Chengfeng also raised his head.

The four eyes met.

"What's the matter, it's changed back again?"

"Yes, it's changed back."

The huge giant nodded.

Then he raised the white bone halberd in his hand.

"Let's fight."

I should have updated it once, but because of the extra words, I just kept it until now, and I'm tired.

In addition: Thank you for your recommendation votes and monthly votes, thank you for your encouragement and support.

I'm going to take a nap, get up and continue working, good morning everyone.

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