In the Blade

Chapter 344 Inhuman

"What did we do?"

Until nightfall, Shan Bing and Jiang Wenyuan were still thinking about this matter. Even though they wanted to sleep and close their eyes to forget everything, every time they closed their eyes, the terrifying figure would still appear in their minds at the first time.

They brought the monster back, they brought the devil back.

But this was not the most terrifying thing. The most terrifying thing was that this was not even the end of everything - the devil would not allow them to die, even the old eunuch could not die, they had to live and witness everything that was about to come.

So, what was coming?

"I don't know."

Shan Bing and Jiang Wenyuan were both at a loss.

The unknown is the most terrifying. They can't imagine what the future will be like. Even when the grassland people went south, they didn't have such a feeling. No matter how barbaric the grassland people were, they knew that they only needed to fight hard. As for the result, it was nothing more than victory and defending the territory, or failure and being defeated... Of course, they didn't dare to think about the result of being defeated before, but now if they think about it carefully, it seems to be just like that.

Even if they were beaten by the grassland people, even if Da Chen was really destroyed, it would be nothing more than another round of dynasty change. Although this kind of thing is not common, it is definitely not to the point of "never happening".

But now, what they are facing is really something that "never happened".

There is no record in official history, no unofficial history, and even no myths and legends. Suddenly, a peerless master who is as strong as a god appears, and he wants to kill everyone in the world. The most terrifying thing is that this master really has such ability. What is even more terrifying is that this master can not only kill people, but also keep people alive.

Just like Shan Bing and Jiang Wenyuan now, after returning to their respective residences, they have tried to die several times in despair, but the blades in their hands that are invincible can't even cut their skin.

The body becomes stronger, even stronger than normal, which should be a good thing.

But they can't laugh at all.

Everything has changed, just like their bodies. Since the man who calls himself the emperor flew up, everything has undergone some irreversible changes.

But everything seems to have not changed.

It was still a familiar morning, and Shan Bing and Jiang Wenyuan still had the familiar roll call. No one wanted to come to work specially, but apart from coming to roll call, they didn't know what else they could do - so they still came here, perhaps the familiar life could give them a familiar sense of security.

After arriving at the headquarters of the military commander, they also saw the old eunuch sitting high in the main seat.

Everything seemed to be the same, even their chief officer was sitting there well.

Even their work had not changed much. They still went out to kill monsters when there were monsters, and squatted in the office to strengthen their bodies when there were no monsters, just like Jiankang City still had monsters popping up from time to time, but everyone would still live their lives normally - yes, maybe they should have realized this long ago, no matter how big the problem was, no matter how dangerous it was, even if the sky fell, as long as people were not dead, they had to live on.

Only time would never change according to personal will, a good day is a day, and a bad day is a day.

"We have to...get on."

With a sigh, Shan Bing and Jiang Wenyuan led their teams and started their day's patrol.

The areas they were responsible for were far apart, one in the south of the city and the other in the east. As for the so-called patrol, it was just to see if they could be lucky enough to kill the monsters as soon as they suddenly appeared. They were lucky today. There were no monsters, not even the evil madmen. Everything was normal.

Everything was normal, which was the biggest abnormality.

How could there be no evil madmen? How could there be no monsters? Now that the situation was about to turn upside down, shouldn't there be more of these things?

"It's too normal, everything is too normal."

It was almost evening when Shan Bing and Jiang Wenyuan were sweating.

It was because it was too normal that it became more abnormal, just like excessive silence would make people uneasy. They had no idea what was waiting for them next.

Fortunately, the old eunuch's order was issued to the two of them.

If it were in the past, they would have spitted at this kind of order - that is, although they had no grudge against the old eunuch, the problem was that no worker would like to work overtime on the spot. However, this time, they would rather work overtime than go back to their residence to rest early.

Resting means that they have to continue to face the fear of the unknown, and will continue to toss and turn in the panic of the future. Now that there are orders and work to do, it at least means that they can temporarily give up the panic-inducing thinking and execute the order itself with peace of mind.

But this order itself is a bit too scary.

The order they received was to serve the emperor for dinner.

Originally, this kind of thing only required a few servants to be arranged, but the problem was that no servant dared to take this life-threatening job - after all, the terrifying existence they faced killed people as easily as crushing insects.

"If we must let those servants go, they will be trembling with fear, and if they fail to serve well and anger that monster, the palace will probably be stained with blood."

After telling the two about the general situation, the old eunuch sighed.

"So we can only rely on you, and me. After all, we can't die even if we want to. If he really kills us, maybe it can be considered a relief... Just think of it as being loyal to the emperor."

Be loyal...?

Shan Bing and Jiang Wenyuan looked at each other, and they became more and more confused.

A soldier who was imprisoned and waiting for execution for killing Shangguan, and a constable who hangs out with all kinds of people in Yizhou City all day long, if they can be loyal to the little emperor, they might as well trust the yellow dog on the roadside - but now, at least at this moment, the two people who don't even know "why to live" seem to have no reason to refuse such a thing.

Everything collapsed because of them, what else can they do?

"What are you standing there for? Why don't you eat?"

The man named Huangtian roasted the monster's flesh with the wind of the sword, and turned to look at the three of them.

Perhaps this is why there are so few monsters today, and the three monsters that appeared in Jiankang City were killed by Huangtian at the first time-still like before, the flesh of those monsters was cut into pieces, but all thrown aside, as if the master simply wanted to cut something.

The only part that can be left as food is the flesh of the heart.

But this picky way of eating still makes Shan Bing and Jiang Wenyuan's eyelids jump, especially the old eunuch who has never seen this scene, he knows what these monsters originally came from.

This man who calls himself Huangtian actually eats monsters...

Is he really still a human?

"Come, you eat too."

The sword turned, and the flesh of the heart roasted by the sword was once again pushed in front of the three people.



The three of them hesitated for a long time, and no one dared to eat this kind of thing.

After a long period of hesitation, Shan Bing, who had learned a trick from Huang Tian, ​​was the first to speak out his concerns.

"This kind of thing is human flesh, right?"

"... So that's what you think?"

Huang Tian glanced at Shan Bing, and then pointed at the meat on the blade.

"Is a human heart this big?"

"... No."

Shan Bing gritted his teeth.

Indeed, no, a human heart cannot grow this big. What is strung on the blade at the moment can only be regarded as the cut-off scraps, but even so, it is already the size of an adult's head - obviously, monsters and humans are two different things after all, at least in terms of size.

"So, do you think that monsters are humans?"

Huang Tian asked again.

And Shan Bing shook his head again.

Monsters may be born from humans, but they are no longer considered humans. They are indeed pitiful because their wills are destroyed by evil spirits, but when you think of the murders committed by these monsters, the name of monster is well deserved.

In other words, eating monsters seems to be okay?

At least for this man who is almost a god, it may really be okay. These ferocious monsters are slaughtered at will like pigs and sheep by the other party, so eating monsters does not seem to be a big deal.

"It's a good thing that you think so."

Perhaps he was very satisfied with Shan Bing's answer, Huang Tian's face actually had a smile on his face.

"I thought you would be confused and would think about what the difference is between monsters and humans... Now it seems that you are determined."


Shan Bing's heart suddenly jumped.

Why did you say that suddenly? Why is he determined?

What about those who are not determined...

Shan Bing subconsciously turned his head.

Behind him, where Jiang Wenyuan was supposed to stand, a black and red token had been replaced by eight legs. It was a fire and water stick of the same black and red color. Chains and shackles were wrapped around this wooden body, leaving only a shackle-like mouth, as if it was about to devour someone.

On the other side, where the old eunuch stood, there were only red lines all over the ground. These blood-stained silk threads outlined a distorted human figure without a face, but there was still a big "loyalty" character painted on the chest. There were four blind, python-like limbs crawling around, occasionally sticking out scarlet tongues, searching everything around.

"How could it be..."

Shan Bing was completely shocked.

With his courage, he should not be timid when encountering monsters. They were just two monsters. He had killed many monsters with his own hands. Even when facing monsters, he could still maintain his rationality and think - but it was because he could still think that he realized how terrifying it was.

In just a moment, his colleagues and superiors turned into monsters on the spot, and the reason for all this was just because the man who called himself Huangtian said two words.

"Why? Didn't you say you wouldn't kill us?"

Suppressing the fear in his heart, Shan Bing's eyes widened with anger.

"Or do you want to humiliate us in this way..."

"This is not my problem, it's just that their own will is not strong enough."

Huangtian shook his head and then waved his hand.

Jiang Wenyuan and the old eunuch, who had turned into monsters, turned back to their original appearance, but their clothes were tattered, as if they had fought a big battle.

This should be a good thing, but Shan Bing couldn't laugh at all.

He could turn his colleagues and superiors into monsters with just one sentence, and turn them back with a wave of his hand. Such a change of hand made him sweat coldly.

Especially when he saw those beloved ones strung on the sword.

"You can actually... turn them back?"

Shan Bing's voice began to tremble.

"Then you, these monsters, why, why do you want... they were all human beings! Why don't you let them turn back?"

"That's their own choice, it has nothing to do with me."

Huangtian just continued to eat meat.

"I said, I am your sky."


Shan Bing was completely speechless.

The man in front of him was something more terrifying than a monster, something more frightening than the legendary demons. In the eyes of this man, people seemed to no longer be people, but just a mass of moving flesh and blood, just ants, just mosquitoes.

What on earth did they bring back?

Thinking of this, Shan Bing once again pounced on the sharp blade in front of him. He didn't dare to think about it, nor did he dare to face the future with this thing - but it was obvious that he still couldn't die, even if his chest had been pierced by the ancient long sword, he still couldn't die.

The blade did pass through his body, but there was no trace of blood flowing out of the wound.

Or in other words, his body made way for a passage at that moment and took the initiative to avoid the blade.

A strong body is not without cost, he can't even control his own body.

"There must be a way, there must be a way..."

At this moment, Shan Bing, who was completely desperate, actually had a more intense anger in his heart.

Yes, there must be a way. This man is definitely not completely invincible. There must be a way to defeat this abominable monster. There must be a way, there must be a way...

"Yes, that's what I want."

Looking at Shan Bing's expression, Huang Tian finally nodded.

"Have hostility towards me, so that you can find a way to defeat me, or in other words, go find those who can defeat me... Go, use all the methods you can, find all the masters you can find, and let them appear in front of me on their own initiative."

"In this way, I don't have to go and find them one by one."

The update is here. I didn't come up with it yesterday, so I'll try today.

In addition: Thank you for your recommendation votes and monthly tickets, thank you for your encouragement and support.

It's twelve o'clock, everyone should go to bed early.

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