In the Blade

Chapter 345 New Version

Du Chengfeng once thought that he knew enough about the world.

This was not the first time he had such a feeling. In fact, every time he felt that he should have enough understanding of the world - after all, in his spare time, he almost spent all his energy on this matter, and this was also the basis for him to maintain a strong fighting force.

Ordinary warriors only need to use courage. They only need to have big fists to knock down those who disobey them.

More powerful warriors often have their own unique skills. Maybe they may not be very strong, but that special skill is enough for them to win big with small. Ordinary warriors will often be easily knocked down when they meet them. These people can already be called dangerous elements and cannot be understood by common sense.

As for the next level, these people have seen too many unreasonable things, so they will no longer be killed by those inexplicable unique tricks. They even have a lot of skills to target those people who suddenly appear. At this time, they will no longer stick to a single technology. The understanding of many technologies and the ways to become stronger are their shield and spear.

As for Du Chengfeng himself, it is obvious that he has entered the third stage a long time ago. He will learn about various new fighting methods and try various routines that he has never understood. This also makes him know more and more things-of course, most of the time, these new fighting methods are useless, but when he needs to take action, he can always come up with some targeted fighting methods.

From the external performance, it becomes that he always wins, always wins, and has almost never lost along the way, without any defeat.

"How is it possible? It's just that when I suffer losses in practicing, outsiders can't see it."

When teaching children to practice martial arts, Du Chengfeng said this.

Of course, it's just that, but it is precisely because of such a large amount of knowledge that Du Chengfeng's combat power has always been at the forefront of this world - this is not self-boasting, but he must keep his combat power in the first echelon, so that he can get a basic sense of security in this strange world, and have at least some control over his own destiny in this bloody world.

However, plans can never keep up with changes.

Whenever Du Chengfeng thought that he had enough understanding of this world, he would always encounter some new tricks.

"So what is this thing about?"

After trying a new move again, Du Chengfeng became more and more puzzled.

"Can this kind of thing really work?"

"Or, let me try it?"

On the other side of the courtyard, Cui Yuan, who was specially called over, spoke.

Cui Yuan was called here to be a sparring partner. At present, he and Du Chengfeng were the only two capable fighters in Wangyou Township. Of course, considering the material problem, perhaps the wooden man Li the Carpenter could also come to be a sparring partner, but it was somewhat inappropriate to use that old man as a wooden man.

Moreover, Cui Yuan was indeed more suitable to be a sparring partner. After all, this swordsman could also try his moves.

"Then you come and try it."

Du Chengfeng raised his hand to signal, and then patted his chest.

"Come on, fight casually, in the way you feel most comfortable."

"Well, I'm going to do it."

After giving a signal to do it, Cui Yuan drew out the broken sword at his waist.

Then, the blade of the broken sword pointed at Du Chengfeng.


For a long time.

"... I can't say it."

Cui Yuan lowered his head in shame.

"I'm sorry, I can't help much. After all, this kind of thing is really..."

"Come on, you can do it."

Du Chengfeng tried hard to encourage Cui Yuan.

"You can definitely do it, right?"

"Then... I'll try again."

Cui Yuan raised his sword again.


For a long time.

"Did you make a sound just now?"

Du Chengfeng began to scratch his head.

"I didn't hear clearly, can you say it again?"

"Sword, sword, sword..."

Gripping the hilt tightly, Cui Yuan finally managed to make a few sounds.

"Sword, sword shines across the nine states."


Du Chengfeng looked down at his chest.

It was pretty good, even his clothes weren't torn.

Or rather, he hadn't been attacked at all just now.

The attempt to use new technology ultimately failed, not because of a problem with the technology, they hadn't even reached the stage of testing the technology - just by shouting out the name of the move, he and Cui Yuan all failed.

Yes, just like Cui Yuan, he couldn't do such an outrageous thing as shouting out the name of the move.

As for the reason...

They all wanted to save face.

No matter how you look at it, this kind of thing is a bit too shameful, especially when you have to think about the moves themselves to achieve full harmony of body and mind - doing this kind of thing is no different from taking off all your clothes in a large square. If there is any difference, it is that when you shout out the name of the move, you take off more than just your clothes.

"In simple terms, you have to imagine a very outrageous and very powerful move intention. First of all, you have to think that this move is invincible, and then shout it out with such momentum so that the other side can hear it."

Du Chengfeng summarized this set of things.

"What's the difference between this and walking a bird in public? Do I have to shout "Big Bird, turn around" when I punch?"

"How about... try it?"

Cui Yuan, immersed in shame, raised his head, determination written on his face.

"It's okay, I can handle it."

"...Farewell, I can't bear it."

Du Chengfeng started to sweat. He really couldn't stand this.

It's not like he has never done anything to scare people, but when people do this kind of thing, they usually start from the perspective of momentum, or pressure, just like Du Chengfeng himself, who needs to scare people When the time comes, he will take out two fire knives together. The two flames are black and red. Under the interweaving of light and shadow, coupled with his already huge body, he can often achieve victory without fighting. The effect of soldiers.

But Du Chengfeng basically never told anyone about this matter. After all, he took the initiative to pretend to be awesome... Although it did have an effect, this feeling is still a bit shameful.

As for Cui Yuan's words, it is obviously the same, or in other words, normal people are basically like this - just, fights are fights, just concentrate on the action. If they have to use such a voice, what can they shout?

It seems like nothing can be shouted out. No one likes to chat with others while doing something, especially talking about such shameful things. Are you planning to make the other person laugh and then seize the opportunity to strike?

"This might not be a good fit for us."

Du Chengfeng sighed.

For the first time, he personally admitted that he was not at the forefront of the times.

The attempt at new moves ended in failure. No one could do such a shameful thing, but fortunately, they just didn't learn one move, so it shouldn't have much impact - after all, they know a lot of things, but It's just one and a half moves. If you really can't use it, then it's a big deal and you just don't use it.

So, the peaceful life continued, at least in Wangyou Township. Everyone had their own things to do and their own interests. This was what Du Chengfeng and all the villagers wanted. The environment - forget your worries. When you come here, you forget your worries and sorrows.

There are no bloody fights or chaotic wars, just a peaceful life day after day. Of course, this kind of life may not be so exciting, but it is like a human life.

"I wish life could go on like this forever."

One morning three months later, Du Chengfeng, who had just woken up, sighed like this.

But can it really continue like this forever?

When I brushed my teeth and washed my face, everything was still fine, but just when I was eating breakfast, something suddenly happened in Wangyou Township - the second most powerful person in Wangyou Township besides him, Mr. Xiao Cui, who was superb in swordsmanship, He was carried back, covered in blood.

If it had been before, everyone would have laughed. After all, with Mr. Cui's swordsmanship, most of the blood on his body was from others.

But this time, no one could laugh.

The blood all over his body belongs to Cui Yuan himself.

"What's going on?"

Du Chengfeng frowned.

"Didn't you go out to fight the bandits?"

Exterminating nearby bandits may be a great test for other villages, but for Du Chengfeng and Cui Yuan, it can only be regarded as a sports activity - although they have eliminated all bandits in Dengzhou They have been cleaned up, and they have left a huge reputation, but there are always strangers from other places who want to get across the border, so the two of them always have to go out once or twice every once in a while.

However, for the two evil spirit masters, this kind of thing is as easy as eating and drinking. Just like Cui Yuan did before, he woke up in the morning and went out, and it was almost time to come back by breakfast time.

But no matter what, it shouldn't be carried back.

"what is going on?"

Du Chengfeng was a little confused, but he knew Cui Yuan's combat power.

"Is the opponent strong? Is there a dragon crossing the river near us?"

"The not strong."

The weak Cui Yuan lay on the stretcher, trying to tell everything he knew.

The opponent is indeed not strong. At least when Cui Yuan was going all the way, he really didn't feel strong. Those were ordinary bandits, and only three of their leaders had evil spirits in their bodies - but when he went all the way to Huanglong, When he was about to kill the three leading bandits, the big boss suddenly opened his mouth and shouted.

"The giant ax opens the sky!"

When he heard this voice, Cui Yuan had already realized that something was wrong, but he never expected that something was so wrong.

It was obvious that he was just a bandit leader whose evil spirit had entered his body, and he could not even release the evil spirit. However, the momentum raised by the giant ax was as if it could split the sky - could this ax be able to split the sky? Kaitian, Cui Yuan didn't know, but this ax really split open his external sword energy, body-protecting sword energy, and even the sword sheath in front of him, until it struck him.

Perhaps it was precisely because of these multiple obstacles that the ax didn't kill him on the spot, but the powerful and heavy blow still left a huge gash in his body.

So, while he still had the strength, Cui Yuan decisively pointed his sword at the ground and fled all the way back to the vicinity of Wangyou Township.

Facts have also proved that these bandits are indeed not that strong. At least when faced with an evil spirit master who wants to escape, they don't even have the ability to pursue him.


Du Chengfeng started scratching his head.

After listening to Cui Yuan's story, he roughly reviewed the situation of the battle.

Cui Yuan himself still used the evil spirit system, and he was destroying the bandits at the level of the evil spirit released. But according to Cui Yuan, the bandit leader who swung the axe, although he only had the strength of the evil spirit entering his body, what he used was a technique outside the evil spirit system.

In short, Cui Yuan, who was at a high level, used fierce ordinary attacks to kill those seemingly weak bandits, but one bandit had skills. He shouted a critical hit, and Cui Yuan was put down by the opponent's skills.

And this may be the real meaning of shouting out the name of the move.

Distinguishing this move from ordinary slashing and giving it a unique meaning, so that its power will increase wildly, increase sharply, and increase tenfold or even a hundredfold!

"So that's how it's used..."

Du Chengfeng, who came back to his senses, nodded secretly.

Then he quickly asked someone to come and stop the bleeding for Cui Yuan.

Du Chengfeng was relieved only after the half-dead Cui Yuan was bandaged. He was so busy thinking that he almost let Cui Yuan, who was hanging on the ground, bleed to death. Fortunately, Cui Yuan's sacrifice was not meaningless. At least he was prepared if he went this time.

"Anyway, I'll be back soon."

Saying this, Du Chengfeng picked up a big knife and flew into the air.

It was not too troublesome for him to find the mountain stronghold. After all, he had a sufficient field of vision when flying in the air. Moreover, the mountain stronghold had just been killed by Cui Yuan, so it was also very obvious as a target. So after a moment of searching, Du Chengfeng quickly flew over the mountain stronghold, and even landed directly from mid-air on the heads of the three bandit leaders.

Such an appearance was naturally very shocking. At least the three bandit leaders were so scared that they couldn't speak.

Flying in the sky and hiding in the ground, could this be the legendary immortal?

"Who among you uses an axe?"

Du Chengfeng glanced at the three people on the ground.

"The giant axe opens the sky, right? Come on, chop me, quick."

It was at this time that the three bandit leaders realized that they were looking for trouble.

However, they were filled with murderous intent, and even if they were facing the legendary immortal, they would not just sit there and wait to die.

"The giant axe opens the sky!"

Accompanied by a loud shout, the huge giant axe phantom chopped down on Du Chengfeng in mid-air.

Update sent, everyone happy new year.

Also: Thank you for your recommendation votes and monthly votes, thank you for your encouragement and support.

It's the new year, there must be another chapter.

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