In the Blade

Chapter 355: One small step, one big step

The man in front of him looked like Huang Tian.

Although he was wearing a bamboo hat and looked like he was hiding his head and showing his tail, Shan Bing still sensed his identity. Even though he had no evidence to prove this, he could confirm that he was not mistaken because of this familiar feeling.

It was definitely Huang Tian. It must be Huang Tian. He was back! The monster comparable to a god was back!


In just a moment, Shan Bing's back was completely wet with cold sweat.

The great terror of the past once again caught up with him. Helplessness and confusion once again tightened his neck. His heart began to beat wildly, and his face turned pale instantly. Sweat dripped from his forehead, hitting his heart drop by drop, making those memories that should have been forgotten surge out again.

After all, it had not been long since it happened. How could he really forget it?


His knees instinctively weakened, and Shan Bing almost knelt on the spot.

It was impossible to win. He was facing a monster like a god. In front of such a majestic existence, he was as small as an ant or a flea.

The other party didn't even need to do anything to him. He only needed to look at him and he would die on the spot and never be reborn.

He had absolutely no way to fight against such a monster. He could never win against such a terrifying monster. All he could do was surrender. He could only kneel on the ground. He had no other choice. He could only...

"Is there really no other choice?"

A certain thought flashed through his mind.

This thought was so bold and crazy that it was not even a thought that humans should have - any normal person would definitely choose to live, instead of seeking death knowing that there was no way out. But at this moment, Shan Bing found that this thought was so familiar.

Yes, it was too familiar. After all, he had been repeating such things during this period of time.

That is, try again.

If it doesn't work once, try it twice. If it doesn't work twice, try it three times. This is the truth he realized when he was learning how to cook the dish of stewed lion's head. When he applied the same idea to other things, those things that he thought he could never do suddenly became successful.

Indeed, at the beginning, he might suffer some failures, but even failures could bring him some experience and lessons. Try again, try again, he can always grasp the key to this matter, and there will always be a time to do it well.

In this process, with his full concentration and accumulation of success, he began to become stronger and stronger.

The so-called strength is not the harvest brought by a huge success, but the huge miracle accumulated by small achievements again and again.

And now, a new challenge is placed in front of Shan Bing.


When Shan Bing realized this, he even felt that he had gone crazy. He actually regarded this matter as a challenge. He actually regarded facing this monster comparable to a god as a challenge - just like learning to stew lion's head, just like he learned other dishes, this would actually be a challenge, it would be an attempt.

"Try again, try again."

A certain voice shouted in Shan Bing's heart, urging him to act quickly.

This is the power of habit, and it can also be regarded as the result of practice. The new idea did bring him strength, but it also brought something else after all - just like now, he clearly knew in his heart that this would be an idea, but his hand still subconsciously placed on the hilt behind the big shield.

However, at the moment when he was about to draw the sword, Shan Bing forced himself to control himself.

The great terror he had seen in the past once again grasped his heart, and reason once again prevailed. At the moment when his hand grasped the hilt of the sword, he suddenly realized clearly that this kind of thing was completely different from his usual attempts.

Whether it was making braised lion's head, chicken soup, or even the most difficult Wensi tofu, he would still have another chance after failing. These things might take some time, but there was no other cost for him. At least he would not die in front of the stove if the dish was not done well.

But this time, it was completely different.

If he failed, he would really die.

This was a life-and-death fight, not a cooking job. He only needed one failure to lose his life - if he lost his life, everything would naturally be gone. Was it really worth it for him to do this at such a huge cost?

"It's just like... gambling."

At this moment, Shan Bing actually thought of those street gamblers.

Shan Bing had always looked down on those gamblers. As a soldier, he only knew how to cut one knife after another, so he could not understand those gamblers who gambled away their fortunes for an almost impossible hand - in his opinion, these gamblers' brains were probably broken. Why did they think that they would definitely win a big bet if they put all their wealth into it?

And the facts also prove that losers are the majority. For example, the monster he dealt with recently was transformed from a crazy gambler. Even after becoming a monster, the gambler was still shaking his three dice heads, wanting to bet big. This shows how crazy gambling is.

But Shan Bing didn't expect that he would have such a day.

Indeed, he could try, he could try to pull out the sword, but this kind of thing was no different from a gambler. He was gambling with his own life, and he didn't even know what he was gambling on.

Can such a thing really be done?

Does he really want to bet on this sword?

"What are you going to do?"

Just when Shan Bing was still hesitating, the figure in the bamboo hat in front of him finally spoke.

"Are you going to stop me?"

Shan Bing's hands began to tremble more and more.

Don't dare.


Both his mind and his body were suppressing him, telling him that he could not take action no matter what.


After using the shield, Shan Bing still released his sword hilt.

Reason told him that he couldn't gamble. If he lost the bet, everything would be lost.

But before he could draw his sword, the figure in the bamboo hat in front of him had already drawn his sword.

"Are you going to stop me? Just you?"

Under the thick bamboo hat, Huang Tian's face was already very ugly.

Forget about being called out. Plans could not keep up with changes. Although it was not common, it was not uncommon either - but this time, he really couldn't bear it anymore.

It's called Shan Bing, right? The thing that once crawled under his feet, a humble existence like an ant, actually dared to draw a sword against him?

What is this? Is this thing suitable?

If he has to endure this kind of thing again and again, then when he really wants to take action later, his state of mind will probably be greatly reduced - compared with taking action with all his strength, it is really not that important whether the enemy is overt or we are covert. It is also a way to directly kill the ant that dares to provoke him, and then fight him openly.

Of course, more importantly, it allows him to think clearly.

With this thought in mind, he swung his sword.

There is no need to use any moves or any concentration of energy. It is just a matter of killing an ant. It is as simple as crushing a mosquito - do you need to yell when crushing an ant? Not required at all.

All he needs to do is run over him. This is his strength and his self-confidence...

"Sun-piercing strike!"

A big sun blooms in the streets.

Immediately afterwards, the sharp blade penetrated the big day's sword.


Huang Tian, ​​who was divided into two halves, looked at the left and right halves of his body. The outrageous perspective even made him dizzy.

But, this is not the end.

"Strike through the sun! Strike through the sun! Strike through the sun!"

The glorious sun rose again and again, and the sharp blade was swung out again and again.

"Guanri Strike! I am an elephant! I am an elephant! Guanri Strike! I am Guanri Strike! Elephant Strike!"

The short sword in his hand was swung like a kitchen knife. Shan Bing was so panicked that he couldn't even speak. He only knew how to swing the sword blade again and again, even though he no longer knew what he was chopping.

All he knew was that he had to cut it out.

In the past, he would never have been able to do such a thing. When the shadow of death gripped his neck, he would just stay in place like a chicken with its throat strangled. Of course, if Even when faced with those who are not as strong as him, he can still act like a tiger descending from the mountain, but the premise of all this is that he knows that he can win.

If he knew he couldn't win, could he still take action?

In the past, it might not have been possible.

But now...

"Try again."

The voice was shouting in his heart.

"Try again."

"Try again, try again."

"Try again, try again, try again."

"Come again, come again, come again, come again!"

Just like a person walking on the edge of a cliff, he was finally pushed from behind. Faced with the inertia brought by this habit, the chicken that was grabbed by the throat finally started to kick its legs and struggle - even if the struggle was so long. The unsightliness may not even have any effect, but the will to survive that runs through life itself, or in other words, something more profound than the will to survive, finally began to control his body.

The reason why he uses manipulation to describe it is naturally because Shan Bing himself has almost lost consciousness at this moment. The excessive pressure has completely shut down his brain. He now has almost no ability to think, only mechanical and instinctive. , waving the sword in his hand, again and again.

Until he came to his senses.


Looking at the bloody dagger in his hand and the bloody pieces on the ground, Shan Bing suddenly felt in a trance.

This...was he done?

What did he just do?


Just when Shan Bing was on the verge of collapse, someone around him suddenly shouted, "Hello."

"Well done! Well done!"

A strong arm supported Shan Bing's limp body. It was the short man selling cooking cakes. Then, passers-by whose wallets were stolen also supported Shan Bing's body, and more and more people came over. , supporting Shan Bing who was about to fall, even if Shan Bing was covered in blood, they didn't care.

This is a passion that Shan Bing has never felt before.

In the past, although he was also killing monsters and murderers, people still avoided him like the god of plague. Perhaps in the eyes of these people, there was no difference between him and those murderers - but this time it was different. It felt like he actually felt a bit of eagerness, a bit of heart-warming concern.

Perhaps it was because of this warm care that Shan Bing's originally weak body gradually began to become stronger.

"I...there's nothing wrong with me."

Standing still, Shan Bing first reported that he was safe, and then quickly began to check the bodies on the ground.

It is not accurate to say that it is a corpse. Strictly speaking, the thing on the ground is more similar to minced meat - but the skill of chopping the stuffing is obviously not very skilled. Not only the tendons are not chopped, but the bones are also broken. They were all chopped into one piece, and after opening the bamboo hat that was split into three pieces, Shan Bing even pieced together most of the dough.

After seeing the pieced-together dough, Shan Bing was a bit confused and didn't know whether to laugh or cry.


Putting away the dagger, Shan Bing smiled bitterly.

"Aren't you scaring yourself?"

It was true that he was frightening himself, because the face he pieced together did not look like Huang Tian - in other words, what he met was probably just an ordinary swordsman.

An ordinary swordsman would be able to scare him so much that he would not dare to take action, but he was indeed too bad now.


Shan Bing couldn't help but sigh as he thought of how hesitant he was just now.

Think about it, what kind of person is Huang Tian? He is a monster comparable to a god. How could he eat sesame seed cakes on the roadside without paying for it and steal people's wallets?

Furthermore, if it was the real Emperor Tian, ​​he might not have even had a chance to draw his sword just now, and he would have died in one encounter.

However, if it is the real Emperor...

"Try again."

That voice sounded in his heart again.

Only this time, Shan Bing did not deny this voice.

If it is the real Emperor Tian, ​​then try again. Although he may die, there is no need for him to be afraid for his whole life because of this fear.

So it's been so long, why hasn't Huang Tian come back yet?


"Why hasn't Huangtian come yet?"

Du Chengfeng was basking in the sun at the door of the imperial kitchen, looking up at the sky. He had just finished eating and was lying down picking his teeth.

He has been waiting for a month, but Huang Tian hasn't appeared yet. What is he doing?

"They must be planning some bigger conspiracy."

Du Chengfeng thought, maybe this was the only reason, otherwise he should have been hunted down long ago, how could he still be lying here basking in the sun?

"Well, he will definitely come. He will definitely come again. I can't let him find me."

Thinking like this, Du Chengfeng decided to continue waiting.

The update has been delivered, and the health effect is getting better and better. I will definitely become a two-update warrior soon.

Also: Thank you all for your recommendation votes and monthly votes. Thank you for your encouragement and support.

Thanks to Meng Rusquid, the reward of deducting one and sending Hellfire is really a waste of money.

I continue to maintain my health, good night everyone.

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