In the Blade

Chapter 356: Strength

Waiting is waiting, but Du Chengfeng is not really idle.

In terms of cooking skills, he has almost learned it. Although there is definitely some gap between him and the top celebrity chefs, that gap is only the difference between the top three and the fourth or fifth - after practicing the cooking skills to the end, there will be no difference. If you want to make progress, you actually need luck. After all, there are only those ingredients that can be eaten, and there are only a few flavor combinations that people can accept. What's more, the direction Du Chengfeng chooses is not complicated. , but to simplify the steps, such as allowing pigs to learn how to stew meat.

However, the progress was temporarily stuck. Although he had thought of sewing seasoning packets and directly using pieces of meat, he had never found a good way to let the pigs learn to boil water and watch the heat.

"At times like this, you need some inspiration."

After another failed attempt, Du Chengfeng couldn't help but sigh. He could only say that some things cannot be achieved simply by hard work.

In other words, the hard work has to be used in the right place, just like sewing pepper, aniseed, fragrant leaves, tangerine peel and the like into seasoning bags. This thing cannot be made by squatting in the imperial kitchen. The stuff was made by the weavers in the palace, where they used the craft of making sachets to sew these useful seasoning packets.

"Stones from other mountains can be used to attack jade."

This is Du Chengfeng's evaluation of this matter.

To improve many things to a certain level, what is needed is not only the depth of the matter, but also the breadth of knowledge. It was after realizing this that he began to try to follow his interests. , to explore more areas that I have not explored.

Such as sewing, which is what he is interested in recently.

When it comes to sewing, it is definitely the weavers in the palace who know this best. However, in Du Chengfeng's opinion, compared to these weavers, the one who is most proficient in this art is the old eunuch who is somewhat familiar with him. ——You must know that he has seen the craftsmanship of the old eunuch. He can weave silk threads into a waterproof cloth with his bare hands, and then directly dismantle the cloth and weave it into clothes to put on his body. The most outrageous thing is that all this happens in a moment. Completed.

If there are strong men in the sewing world, then this old eunuch is equivalent to Taizu Nanchen and Wu Zhao in sewing!

"Stop saying that! How dare you compare with Taizu Emperor Gao!"

Facing Du Chengfeng's praise, the old eunuch was so scared that he almost peed.

"It's just a small thing, it can't be put on the stage. I only learned this thing so that I could mend the emperor's clothes when there was any crisis... What does this small thing mean? It's not worth it for you..."

"You can't say that."

Du Chengfeng immediately shook his head.

But he still remembered how useful the old eunuch's skills were. He could even say that if the old eunuch hadn't blocked the leaky boat when they were crossing the river, even if he had martial arts at that time, he might not have been able to use it. Also go down to the river to feed the fish.

Perhaps it was precisely because of this experience that he had the bud to "learn a little bit of everything", so now that he has the opportunity to learn, he will naturally not let it go.

"There is no useless technology, only people who can't figure out how to use it... Mastering more ways to solve problems is also part of becoming stronger."


The old eunuch's eyes began to blur.

Yes, yes, yes, but he still doesn't know how this kind of thing is connected with becoming stronger.

Not to mention being number one in the Hundred Weapons Library, anyone with a discerning eye can see that he is not worthy of this ranking at all. This is not so much an acknowledgment of his strength as it is a deliberate attempt to trick him - to let a person who is not strong enough Winning the first place is basically like making this person a target. The masters behind him will definitely be unconvinced, and he, the first place, will be endlessly assassinated because of this.

In fact, he is not that strong, and the old eunuch has always known it.

"But your ability to survive is much better than those so-called masters."

Seeing that the old eunuch was still belittling himself, Du Chengfeng couldn't stand it.

"Even if those masters can fight, there will always be times when they can't handle it. They will be poisoned to death, fall into the river and drown, or even die of cold and illness because their clothes are torn... So many warriors are because of The armor-removing wind got rid of the root of the disease, but can you say they are not strong? "


The old eunuch was speechless.

It seems that this is indeed the case. Although in terms of combat power, he thinks that he is definitely not as good as those masters, let alone a top powerhouse like Du Chengfeng, but when it comes to survival, no one can compare. Beat him - after all, his skills are all trained to deal with the most extreme situations.

For example, the imperial city was breached for some strange reason, and he needed to take the young prince—or rather the young emperor—to escape. His ability was enough to escape without carrying any gold or silver. It can also ensure that the emperor is well fed, clothed, and even lives comfortably. Along the way, he can open roads over mountains and build bridges over water. If he needs to hide his identity for a long time, he can even make a well-off family from scratch, thereby ensuring that His Majesty the Emperor can grow up healthily.

It's just that in the past, he just thought that this was his duty as a minister, but now thinking about it... these things seem to really be considered skills?

"Look? Isn't this what it is?"

Seeing that the old eunuch's eyes finally glowed with confidence, Du Chengfeng nodded repeatedly.

"Believe in yourself, you are also capable. Many times you can't beat others, not necessarily because you are not capable, but also because you are not confident... If you don't even believe in yourself, then you can only use 10% of your ability at most. You use 10% to fight against others' 80%, how can you possibly beat them?"


The old eunuch thought about it, and finally smiled bitterly and lowered his head.

"Maybe I am capable in other aspects, but in terms of fighting... Maybe everyone has their own talents, and my talent is not here."

"What you said doesn't make sense."

Du Chengfeng shook his head repeatedly.

Indeed, he also admitted that there may be unreasonable things like talent in this world, but when it comes to a specific person, how far this person can develop... In his opinion, talent can only determine part of it, not all of it.

The strongest part of a person is never an extraordinary talent, but the precious plasticity.

This is the view that Du Chengfeng has always held.

It doesn't matter if you are not good at it, just practice. No one can do everything since they were babies. As the old saying goes, if fighting talent really determines everything, then tigers and elephants should rule the world, weak apes should live in trees all their lives, and later humans would not appear at all.

Practice more if you are not good at it, learn more if you can't do it, as long as you keep thinking about what you want to do, then the rest is the accumulation of skills and the accumulation of proficiency.

When those ethereal scattered sands gather into a tower, even the sky can be touched.

For example, Du Chengfeng himself, he can now fly and hide in the sky, and rounding it off is also Jibei touching the sky, so he can be said to have realized the human yearning for the sky.

And now, he saw something similar in the old eunuch.

"You actually did it."

Du Chengfeng sighed.

"You actually did it, but you don't know it... Think about it carefully, you actually had this feeling, when you want to protect the emperor with all your heart, when you want to be loyal with all your heart, don't many difficult things seem difficult to you? Or, no matter how difficult it is, you feel that you must overcome it?"

"Ah this..."

After Du Chengfeng's reminder, the old eunuch suddenly felt a little dazed.

It is true.

He didn't feel anything about this before, but he felt that since he was deeply favored by the emperor and even served three generations of emperors in succession, he must be loyal to his duties and must protect the safety of His Majesty the Emperor.

Although this kind of thing is a bit too difficult for a eunuch who has nothing but loyalty, looking back on the past few decades, he seems to have never thought about how difficult these things are.

Maybe he did think about it, but he didn't care. Even in the face of the precarious appearance of Dachen before, he never thought about retreating, living in seclusion, and spending the rest of his life as a rich man.

He only wanted to do his last thing in the last moments of his life.

"So, if you can replace loyalty with fighting itself..."

Du Chengfeng gestured roughly.

"With such determination, can you not beat others?"


Like thunderbolt lighting up the night sky, the old eunuch's mind suddenly lit up.

This was not the kind of vague words before. The master in front of him said it very clearly this time, and the old eunuch himself understood what the other party was saying more clearly - it seemed that this was indeed the case. All along, his attitude towards fighting was just to be useful, to allow him to protect the emperor and run away from the chaotic army. As for more, he only wanted to become stronger when he realized that he needed strength recently.

In short, his determination to become stronger has never been very high.

At least he did not put all his energy into it like he was loyal.

So, here comes the question.

What would happen if he put all his energy into becoming stronger like he was loyal to his duties?

"So you have been using this method all along..."

The old eunuch, who had been silent for a long time, raised his head.

"So you are using this kind of power."

"Ah, you can say that, it seems you understand."

Du Chengfeng laughed.

That is indeed something worth being happy about, especially when two people are chatting, they can understand each other's words - although this is strictly the basis of communication, but in many cases, abnormal communication is more common, one is talking about the city gate tower, the other is talking about the hip axis, both sides seem to be chatting happily, but in fact they are still talking about their own things.

On the contrary, this kind of communication where each other can understand each other's ideas is rare.

After all, it is a bit troublesome to describe this kind of thing with words.

Even Du Chengfeng himself doesn't know how to describe this power.

Heart power, this is Du Chengfeng's general summary of this power, and it is also his new summary of the power of this world when he is free recently - if imagination represents the divergence of will, then this power called heart power represents the integration of will.

But Du Chengfeng himself actually didn't want to use the word "mental power" to summarize it, or rather, he felt that no words should be used to define this power. After all, this power is flowing, can be placed anywhere, and can be used for anything. There is no need to point out a direction or a goal, and this thing has no origin.

If you must describe it, it is easy to frame this power. For example, if you call it "mental power", it is inevitable that you will pay too much attention to the spirit when using it. If you call it mental power, you will pay too much attention to the mentality... In short, this is a very troublesome thing, so troublesome that Du Chengfeng himself is scratching his head.

Fortunately, the old eunuch is a wise man and quickly understood what he wanted to express.

This is very good, at least it saves him a lot of time.

"I see, if you use this kind of power, it is indeed."

Thinking of this, the old eunuch nodded slowly again.

"I have fully understood it. So in return, what part do you want to learn?"

"Let's start with the basics."

Du Chengfeng did not choose any advanced techniques. Although the old eunuch would definitely teach him, those things were of no use to him - he was not here to show off his skills, he was here to learn knowledge, and the solid foundation was definitely more important than any fancy things.

"Is there any simple way to get started? The kind that a three-year-old child can start learning."

"Simple way to get started..."

The old eunuch began to think.

Normal, everyone starts with embroidery, but even embroidery can only be done after a certain foundation... After all, weaving is still a bit difficult, and a three-year-old child really can't learn it.

But weaving, to put it bluntly, is to connect the threads together. If the connections are enough and strong enough, the cloth will come out.

Thinking of this, the old eunuch suddenly slapped his head.

"Got it! There is indeed a simpler way to get started!"


Du Chengfeng immediately became interested.

"What is that?"

"If we start directly from the cloth, it may be difficult to understand, so we start from the connection between the threads."

As he said this, the old eunuch pulled out a long thread from his sleeve, connected the head and the tail, and tied it into a circle.

"Why don't we try the flower rope first?"

The update is here. I drank half a liang of wine today, which I haven't done for a long time. I feel better now.

In addition: Thank you for your recommendation votes and monthly votes, thank you for your encouragement and support.

I'm going to rest early, good night everyone.

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