In the Blade

Chapter 357 Resonance

So, Du Chengfeng began to study the flower rope with the old eunuch. Some palace eunuchs who didn't know the inside story even thought that the two of them were in love.

Of course, this kind of gossip didn't spread after all, but it was not because the old eunuch issued any orders, but because everyone had their own business to do - on the one hand, it was the job that the palace eunuchs should do, and on the other hand, it was because of the giant's enlightenment.

Since the giant had been living in the palace during this period, everyone would see each other every day, and it was inevitable that they would chat a few words, but it was not that they took the initiative to chat, and they didn't dare to speak to the powerful man who was so high that they couldn't touch the edge. But they didn't dare to speak, but the giant himself was very familiar with everyone he met.

"Good morning, have you eaten?"

This is the most common thing the giant said. No matter who he met, he would basically say it, but when it came to these eunuchs, the nobles asked this question, would they dare not respond?

However, if they responded, the conversation would be continued, and then they would be caught by the giant and chat for half a day.

As for the content of the chat, there was actually nothing much to talk about. It was nothing more than work itself, and the family affairs in the palace, such as who in the harem was difficult to serve, who in the palace was having sex with whom... They served people in the palace all day, and they could only talk about these.

"This is not okay, how come you don't have any life at all?"

Whenever he heard these things, the giant would shake his head.

"Why are you talking about other people's affairs? Don't you have your own life?"


After hearing the giant's question, these eunuchs were speechless.

They didn't know how to answer this sentence.

"We... are to serve His Majesty."

Finally, a eunuch spoke tremblingly.

"We must be loyal to our duties..."

"That's about going to work, don't you have off work?"

The giant's face immediately became serious.

"That's too much. Where is the emperor? I'll go talk to him."


The eunuchs persuaded the giant to stop. They didn't want to cause chaos in the entire palace because of such a small matter. But the giant obviously didn't listen to their advice and had to ask the emperor for an explanation. So they could only explain to the giant that they would have their own things to do in addition to fulfilling their duties.

After all, this is indeed the case. In order to ensure that the eunuchs would not make any fatal mistakes when serving the emperor due to excessive fatigue, most of the duties in the palace have always been in two or even three shifts. This not only guarantees the absolute quality of service, but also ensures that these eunuchs can have some rest time. As for the problem of manpower, this has never been a problem for the royal family.

Then the question is, even if they have time to rest, what can they do?

They had to do something, otherwise the giant might really go to the emperor to cause trouble, but if they did something... In the past, when they were free, they had to pay attention to the expressions of the nobles, and they had to be ready to cater to the preferences of the nobles at any time. This is why they care so much about the interpersonal relationships around them, just because this kind of thing is really useful to them.

But it is obvious that the giant is not interested in this kind of thing at all. The giant wants to see some skills from them?

Yes, it is indeed skills. They have seen it during this period of time. The giant usually either squats in the imperial kitchen to study cooking, or runs to study the flower rope with the old ancestor in the palace. There are even soldiers outside the palace who are appreciated by the giant for cooking, and they have the power to enter and leave the palace at will-of course, strictly speaking, only the emperor is qualified to grant such an honor, but who doesn’t know that the emperor is young now?

The one who really keeps his word is the old ancestor who served three emperors, and this old ancestor can’t afford to provoke the giant who is so strong.

So what can these ordinary eunuchs do?

There is one more person in this palace...


When the eunuchs thought of this, they suddenly understood.

It seems that there is no difference. It is nothing more than serving one more nobleman. It is just that the nobles in the past wanted some expensive objects or some special hobbies. It is just that this big nobleman is relatively special and his requirements are also very strange. He does not ask everyone to be like cows and horses, nor does he ask them to be like donkeys and dogs. He does not ask them to serve people or do chores.

But he wants everyone to show some skills.

"What a weird person."

After realizing this, the eunuchs shook their heads. What the giant wanted to see was so normal. They had never seen such a strange person.

But shaking their heads does not mean that they can't do it. In fact, it is because this kind of thing is too normal that it is easier for them. It is nothing more than learning some skills. This kind of suffering is not even comparable to being like cows and horses, let alone being like donkeys and dogs.

So, everyone in the palace started trying to learn some skills. Even though they themselves didn't know what they wanted to learn, it didn't hurt to try more. What if some of their skills were noticed by the giant? With the giant's current status in the palace, wouldn't it make them soar to the sky?

At this time, Shan Bing and Jiang Wenyuan once again stepped into the palace.

The main reason is that Jiang Wenyuan needs to come over. After all, the old eunuch hasn't been out during this time, so Jiang Wenyuan can't find anyone he wants to report to - not to mention that Jiang Wenyuan wants to do more than just report. , and he wanted to know more about what happened in Jiankang Imperial City during his absence.

The moment he entered the palace, Jiang Wenyuan keenly felt the subtle changes.

The people had not changed, and the place had not changed, but the feeling this place gave him, the atmosphere lingering in the palace, was completely different.

"It seems like everyone is looking for something to do!"

Shan Bing on the side laughed, and his brand-new posture felt like a fish in water in this atmosphere, as if he had returned home.

It would indeed be like returning home. Jiang Wenyuan knew this. It was at this time that Jiang Wenyuan realized that the atmosphere in the palace was exactly the same as the street where Shan Bing lived - of course. Compared to that street, where everyone was quite serious, the current public atmosphere was still in its infancy, but there were already too many similarities between the two.

And why that street became like this... Of course it was because of Shan Bing.

No one knows when it started. Maybe it was when Shan Bing went out to buy sesame cakes, or when Shan Bing was chatting with passers-by, or when Shan Bing took the lead and rushed out to fight the monster... Anyway, the people on that street have begun to imitate Shan Bing's appearance and learn from Shan Bing's behavior to a greater or lesser extent.

"This is awesome."

When Jiang Wenyuan asked, the short man buying sesame seed cakes said this.

"He is very smart and can play well...I know I definitely can't be as good at playing as him, but maybe I can be as smart as him?"

So where is Shan Bing's cleverness?

Jiang Wenyuan was dumbfounded at the time. He had no idea what kind of cleverness this old friend had, but that's what the short man selling cooking cakes said - or in other words, this selling cooking cakes didn't actually do anything. He knew what he was imitating. Maybe he was just imitating subconsciously, and the reasons were found later.

If this kind of influence only affects one person, then Jiang Wenyuan can still say that it is an accident, but if a whole street of people is affected...

"It means life is getting better."

This is the answer given by Shan Bing.

"They are not learning from me, are they? You see, I am making stewed lion head, but they have not learned this... As for what you said, serious attitude, isn't this a good thing?"


Jiang Wenyuan was speechless. He didn't know how to respond to such a strange and mentally retarded speech.

What's more, he saw the vague shadow on Shan Bing's body again.

So he must come to the palace to have a look. He doesn't know whether this is a good thing or a bad thing. Some of the doubts in his heart must be clarified after all - although he respects Master Du very much, after all, he He is still a member of Da Chen. If the other party wants to do something to Da Chen like Huang Tian, ​​posing as a top master, he will also...

There seemed to be nothing he could do.

But even if there is nothing I can do, I still have to go over and ask. After all, they are acquaintances who have met a few times. There is something that I can't say. What's more, compared to Huang Tian, ​​who is almost not a human being, that Grand Master Du is easier to talk to. There are too many. Let’s sit down and talk. Is there anything we can’t talk about?

"At worst, give him whatever he wants."

Jiang Wenyuan made up his mind.

This is not an ordinary determination, but the consciousness of fighting to the death. Even if Master Du wants the Queen Mother, he will try hard to persuade her to see if it can be done.

But unlike what Jiang Wenyuan thought, Grand Master Du didn't say anything as loud as a lion's mouth.

"What? You asked me what I want?"

Du Chengfeng was happy when he saw Jiang Wenyuan and Shan Bing coming together.

"It just so happens that Lao Deng went to the toilet just now. Can you come over and help me turn over the rope?"

"...That's it?"

Jiang Wenyuan was dumbfounded. He felt inexplicably that his intelligence had been insulted.

Just, although he respects the other party's identity and strength, but turning the rope... is this kind of thing serious?

"What's going on?"

Du Chengfeng was immediately unhappy.

"You don't think this kind of thing is easy, do you?"


Jiang Wenyuan was speechless, and it was not easy for him to accept such words.

So he simply went forward.

"That's okay, where's the rope?"

"Didn't you see?"

Du Chengfeng started scratching his head.

"The rope is on the table."

"On the table? Where?"

Jiang Wenyuan frowned.

There was no rope at all on the table in front of me, only a tea set placed on the tablecloth. The tea in the cup was still steaming. There were only tea leaves in the tea, and not even a single thread could be seen.

Could it be said that this is a new way of playing among experts? Weaving evil spirits into an invisible rope? Is this a test of his eyesight and perception?

If that was the case, then he admitted that it was not unreasonable for Master Du to ask him to play with the flower rope. This might be a unique way for some masters to keep their hands in shape. Through this so-called "flower rope", they could get familiar with the control of the evil spirit. Just like many swordsmen would always carry swords and eat and sleep with swords in order to practice swordsmanship, when the evil spirit is used as a weapon, it naturally needs to be used frequently to be proficient...

"Hey, where are you looking?"

Just as Jiang Wenyuan was still holding his breath and concentrating on observing the position of the evil spirit thread, Du Chengfeng spoke again.

"Why don't you start?"

"I'm still looking..."

Jiang Wenyuan tried to observe the surroundings. His perception had never been so careful.

"Wait a minute, I'll find it soon..."

"Do I still need to find it?"

Du Chengfeng patted the tablecloth on the table.

"This is it."


Jiang Wenyuan was dumbfounded.

But Du Chengfeng didn't stop talking, but continued to point at the tablecloth and talk.

"Let's make the rules clear first. Don't move the teapot, don't move the table, and don't spill the water in the cup. On this basis, untie the rope that makes up this piece of cloth, and then weave it into something else... Do you understand?"


Jiang Wenyuan began to sweat.

He could understand these words by themselves, but he couldn't understand them after adding them together - let's not talk about this bunch of messy rules, just what is this piece of cloth? Is this a flower rope?

This seems to be different from the flower rope he understood.

No wonder the old eunuch who was known as the best in the world ran to the toilet. Is this really something that people can untie? Or, can this kind of thing really be made with just one rope?

Even the evil spirit can't do it!

"People... only have ten fingers."

Jiang Wenyuan forced a smile.

"How can this kind of thing be made with only ten fingers..."

"Why is it impossible?"

Seeing that his work was questioned, Du Chengfeng was immediately unhappy.

"People have ten fingers, right? If each finger controls ten evil spirits, you have ten fingers, so you can control a hundred evil spirits. If you count your feet..."

Then there were some difficult words, like using both hands and feet, or if monkeys can do it, people can do it too, but Jiang Wenyuan didn't understand a word.

But that knowledge still poured into Jiang Wenyuan's ears, destroying his common sense and challenging his cognition.


It was like being stabbed in the head with a red-hot fire stick.

Jiang Wenyuan suddenly understood what Shan Bing and the others had experienced.

Update sent, the feel is getting smoother and better, it's getting better.

Also: Thank you for your recommendation votes and monthly tickets, thank you for your encouragement and support.

For the sake of health, everyone should go to bed early, good night everyone.

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