In the Blade

Chapter 358: Heart Power Vortex

This time, Jiang Wenyuan has completely understood the reason for the recent changes.

Just because he himself came here once.

It wasn't teaching or preaching, but a more brutal method, like prying open his head and pouring the hot information directly into it.

Jiang Wenyuan even smelled the burning aroma at one point. His brain must have been...

"It's cooked!"

A handful of mutton skewers were handed to Jiang Wenyuan.

"Don't just think about it. This is indeed a bit difficult. Let's take a few bites first. It's time for dinner."


He looked at the meat skewer in front of him that was obviously one size larger, and then looked at the giant man behind the meat skewer who was more than twice as big as an average person.

Jiang Wenyuan screamed, turned around and ran away.

"Hey, you haven't eaten yet!"

The giant's voice came from behind, which made Jiang Wenyuan run faster. At this moment, he just wanted to stay away from this terrifying voice and just wanted to be quiet for a while.

" going on? These mutton skewers are not unclean."

Du Chengfeng started scratching his head.

"Does it mean he has taboos?"

"Maybe, I'll go over and have a look."

Shan Bing couldn't figure out what was going on. From his point of view, Jiang Wenyuan just stood in front of the coffee table staring at the tablecloth for a while. He tried calling a few times. Jiang Wenyuan Yuan didn't pay any attention to him - so when it was time for lunch, he simply followed Master Du to the imperial kitchen to barbecue. After leaving for a while, Jiang Wenyuan became like this.

It wasn't like it was a taboo, but it was like he was obsessed with something, so for safety reasons, Shan Bing decided to take care of this good brother.

But this good brother didn't want him to take care of it.

When Shan Bing chased Jiang Wenyuan all the way to his residence, Jiang Wenyuan even took the initiative to drive Shan Bing out.

"Just leave me alone for a moment, I'm tired, please."

"Your situation..."

"Please, go back."

"Ah this."

At this point, Shan Bing didn't know what to say. After thinking for a moment, he could only blame it on his friend's bad condition, and he was causing trouble for others.

After feeling Shan Bing leave, Jiang Wenyuan, who was holding the door, finally slumped down along the door.

"Finally... it's over."

Jiang Wenyuan let out a long sigh, but at this moment he didn't even have the strength to stand up.

There was no other reason, just because the situation just now was too dangerous. At that time, he felt like a lone boat on the sea, being sucked into a turbulent whirlpool, and the huge waves were overwhelming. It was about to engulf him into the dark seabed - so he escaped as fast as he could. He had no choice but to run, and that was something he could not fight against at all.

But who would have imagined that even if he escaped back home, the aftermath of the huge wave would still chase him.

Although the whirlpool named Shan Bing is relatively small, it still has the ability to make waves, and his current precarious posture can no longer withstand any wind and waves - so no matter how good the relationship between the two is, he can't After all, Shan Bing was driven away.

After all, only in this way can he get a moment of peace.

"Huh... don't think about it, don't think about it."

Exhaling a breath, Jiang Wenyuan tried to sort out these complicated thoughts.

Don't think about it and deliberately forget certain things. He had already learned this when he was still a head catcher - after all, what he had to face back then was whether it was a dangerous maniac with evil energy or something more sinister. Monsters, there are always some scenes, some news, knowing it will not only be of no benefit, but will make people suffer. In that kind of environment, learning to forget is an instinct that almost every predator must develop.

But can it really be forgotten?

In fact, it cannot be forgotten. After all, if you see it, you have seen it. No one can say that there is any magic method that can directly pull those memories out of the brain - maybe it would be easier to just pull out the brain directly, but there is no way. Having reached this point, he might as well just wipe his neck with his sword.

All they can do is stop themselves from thinking about those things, and don't let those images echo in their minds over and over again.

Until the echo is completely extinguished, the vibration will stop.


Thinking like this, Jiang Wenyuan simply got up and cleaned his residence.

In fact, there was no need to clean. After all, there were always people taking care of the place when he was away. He just needed a little action to change his mind so that he could relax a little more - and after the whole house was cleaned, Jiang Wenyuan He finally regained his basic sanity.

"It's not necessarily a good thing if your perception is too sharp..."

Frowning, Jiang Wenyuan rubbed his head. He even hoped that he could be as slow as Shan Bing - if he was as slow as Shan Bing, maybe he would be directly affected, instead of being aware of it like he is now. After reaching the vortex that would involve everything around him, he instinctively chose to escape.

But this also allowed him to get more information.

"All changes really come from the palace."

First, Jiang Wenyuan made a judgment on his previous questions.

Although on the surface, this change may be a good thing, at least under the influence of Master Du, whether it is Shan Bing, or those eunuchs, or even the people in Jiankang City, they have begun to explore the way to become stronger, but Jiang Wenyuan always feels that there seems to be something wrong.

As for the source of this problem, it comes from his own feelings.

This way of influence is too rough, it is simply to open the head directly and pour hot information into it. Such a rough method is exactly the same as the previous Huangtian - and he has seen the impact caused by Huangtian with his own eyes, so will the result created by the same rough method really be better than Huangtian?

Although Jiang Wenyuan respects Master Du very much, but only in this matter, Jiang Wenyuan feels that it is difficult to say.

"We still have to wait and see..."

Take a deep breath, Jiang Wenyuan rubbed his face.

We still have to wait and see, after all, Huangtian, who is close to the gods, can't die so easily. That monster will definitely come back, and will definitely come back again.

So, as a being that also possesses this power, what will the monster that is comparable to a god do?

"Only monsters can fight monsters."

Thinking of this, Jiang Wenyuan suddenly felt that the strange evolution that happened outside might not be unacceptable.

"Only monsters can fight monsters."


Huangtian woke up again in a chant.

There were still thousands of people around him. They had different appearances and even different races, but they chanted the same words and the same name - they were kneeling and praying in their own ways, praying for the return of the high and mighty Huangtian.

So Huangtian returned again, in an invincible and heyday.

"But I seem to have lost some memories... huh? Again?"

Thinking of this, Huangtian waved his hand again to disperse the people around him and lay back on the altar.

The broken pictures flooded into his mind, and Huangtian gradually recalled the things he had experienced.

"I... lost to an ant?"

Even after watching the dagger cut him open, Huang Tian still couldn't believe this fact. You know, he didn't lose to the ant he wanted to kill, but was killed by an ant who once submitted to him - this is impossible anyway, that ant clearly submitted to him, it shouldn't even be able to attack him.

"Unless... someone erased the mark I left behind."

Huang Tian's face instantly became extremely ugly.

The mark, or memory, that terrifying picture, should have always echoed in the heart of this ant, making this ant timid every time he saw him, not daring to look up, and even instinctively kneeling on the ground - and in this process, the mental strength brought by the awe would also attach to him, making him stronger and invincible.

But now...

This fear has been erased.

"Impossible, impossible."

Huang Tian shook his head again.

It is absolutely impossible. Although he did lose once, which caused a crack in this awe itself, the gap in combat power between the two sides still exists. Awe is still awe itself, just like tigers and leopards dare not attack giant elephants, just like jackals will instinctively avoid lions. This awe is impossible to completely disappear because of a failure. That ant will never dare to attack him, who is comparable to a god.

After all, this is a battle to die.

Knowing that you can't win, you still have to fight. What's the difference between this and seeking death? No one with a little bit of reason would do this. Who would joke with his own life?

But the fact is here. The ant named Shan Bing did risk his life at that moment.


Thinking of this, Huang Tian suddenly realized something.

"I actually remembered the name of that ant?"

Huang Tian's face became even uglier.

Ants are ants. There is no difference between ants and ants. As long as they are normal people, who would deliberately remember the name of an ant?

Unless this ant is so powerful that it must be given a separate name to distinguish it... But no matter what, the moment Ming remembered this name, this action itself was equivalent to subconsciously putting this ant on the same level as himself.

Whether he took the initiative to raise the status of this ant or to lower his own status, it was not a good thing.

"Things are much more troublesome than I judged before."

Thinking of this, Huang Tian turned over and sat up.

"I have to go and see again."

Thinking of this, Huang Tian picked out a sword again. This time he picked a short sword made of Wu Zhao's calf bone - although theoretically, the whole leg bone can be made into two big swords, but at that time he made four small swords for the sake of saving materials.

And now, these small swords are in use.

It was still the familiar arrival, but this time Huangtian landed in a wild jungle. A dozen shirtless strong men with tattoos all over their bodies, holding clubs, surrounded him, and it seemed that they wanted to put Huangtian into a pot - so Huangtian threw all these people into the pot. He didn't have much time to waste here with these barbarians.

After flying all the way north, he still landed at the gate of Jiankang Imperial City. With his aura hidden, he followed the flow of people and blended into the city - but just when he picked up the cooking cake again and was about to take another bite, the seller of cooking cakes The short man grabbed his wrist again.

"Give me the money first, and then take the cooking cakes."

The short man selling pancakes pointed to the sign beside him.

"Do you see clearly? Don't touch it if you don't want to buy it."


Huang Tian didn't even bother to say anything this time and took a bite of the cake.

After taking one bite, the short man selling the cooking cakes immediately became anxious. No matter how dull a person is, he can realize that the diner in front of him is here to eat the Overlord meal - if it is just a cooking cake, it is not a big deal. The main reason is that this kid is also provocative in a weird way. Who can stand it?

"You bitch!"

The short man selling cooking cakes immediately raised his fist and punched Huang Tian in the face.

Then, with a thud, the huge body fell to the ground.

"What do you mean? You want to blackmail someone?"

The dwarf selling pancakes sneered.

"All the neighbors have seen it. You took the cooking cakes and didn't want to pay for it. You really made a fuss before the official. I also have a lot of certifications... Huh? What's the matter with you?"

The short man selling cooking cakes quickly leaned down and put his hand on Huang Tian's nostrils.

But Huang Tian, ​​who fell to the ground, was still breathing.

His breathing was gone, his heartbeat was gone, and it was clear that Huang Tian was punched to death by the short man selling the cakes.

"Hey! This is really none of my business! The neighbors must have seen it! I really didn't... I just punched..."

But now the short man selling cooking cakes has nothing to say. The body is just lying on the ground, and all the physical evidence is there. How can he defend himself?

So after the police officers arrived, the short man selling pancakes was taken away together with the body.

At the same time, Huang Tian himself once again woke up amidst the chorus of thousands of people singing.

"My memory..."

After waving away those people, Huang Tian once again recalled his experience.

"That's's true! It's true!"

After pondering for a moment, Huang Tian opened his eyes again.

"It's a mental vortex! All their fears have been washed away! They are following that person's path!"

Thinking of this, Huang Tian clenched his fists.

Indeed, although these people did not praise that person's name, they walked in that person's way.

And this mental resonance will eventually follow the vortex and feed back the power to the monster itself.

The monster that killed him...

Can he really still win?

The update was delivered, and I just saw it today. Why didn’t I write it?

Also: Thank you all for your recommendation votes and monthly votes. Thank you for your encouragement and support.

Say good night again and let everyone go to bed early.

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