In the Blade

Chapter 359 Losing and Winning

"Maybe I have already lost."

With a long sigh, Huang Tian collapsed on the altar.

Perhaps he did have the strength to defeat the monster, but after he had the thought "Can I really win?", he really couldn't beat the monster - although this may be a bit difficult to say, but in the final analysis, it is because he has a little more fear in his heart.

If he can exert 100% of his strength in his prime, then in the state of fear, the power that can be exerted will be at least 80% off.

This is still the most ideal situation. If it really comes to actual combat, it is very likely that he can't even exert 80%.

If you are afraid, you will panic when you take action, hesitate when you take action, and you will not be decisive enough. In addition to the panic caused by this fear, many things are actually not quantifiable - but it is these tiny places that will greatly affect the direction of the battle, and ultimately lead to...


Spitting out a breath of turbid air, Huang Tian cleared these thoughts from his mind.

Can't think about it, can't think about this kind of thing, the more he thinks about it, the more fear he will have in his heart. If he lets this fear develop, sooner or later he will be completely swallowed by it.

Just like when he used fear to control those ants.

"I can't go on like this, I must wash away this fear as soon as possible."

Thinking of this, Huang Tian left the altar as soon as possible and came to the archives where the data was stored.

The archives recorded everything he had collected, from martial arts to skills, to those strange and bizarre knowledge from various worlds - but this time he didn't come here to look for these things, he went directly to the deepest part of the archives.

Stored there are archives recording the family history.


Exhaling a breath of turbid air again, Huang Tian, ​​who had stabilized his mind, turned the page and read on.

The history of the family was recorded from the generation of my grandfather's grandfather. Although that old man did not have any great achievements to brag about, he raised an amazing son. Therefore, the son of this old man, that is, his grandfather's father, specifically listed this old man at the forefront of the family history, on the one hand to show respect for his father, and on the other hand to set an example for future generations to learn to respect their elders.


Seeing those plain but warm records, feeling the bits and pieces between the lines, looking at those old images and pictures, Huang Tian's originally anxious mood gradually calmed down.

But then, Huang Tian's mood suddenly became high.

Just because the family tree in his hand has turned to my grandfather's father, that is, the amazing son just mentioned. Under the training of that kind old father, this son, that is, his great grandfather, fully demonstrated his genius. Because of his outstanding ability, his great grandfather was quickly promoted, and even at a young age, he was able to sit in one place and stand alone.

"Amazing! Really amazing!"

Even if the emperor now thinks that this kind of struggle in the mortal empire is somewhat childish, but thinking about the great grandfather who had almost nothing and walked all the way to this position, he will still be amazed by it.

From a helpless ant to a person who can control his own destiny, God knows how much hard work and sweat it takes.

Of course, the most important talent is also indispensable.

But unfortunately, his great grandfather's experience ended here. People at that time were ultimately limited by their lifespans. Even if his great grandfather's son, that is, his grandfather, had great magical powers, it would be difficult to bring the dead back to life.

At least in those days, it was like this.

In those days, the dead were dead, and the dead could not be resurrected. This was the most basic common sense-however, just as there will always be warriors challenging the dragon, there will always be some brave people who will want to do something that is absolutely impossible.

And this is the story of his grandfather's generation.

Relying on the power and wealth of his great grandfather, his grandfather could do many things he wanted to do. So naturally, his grandfather did not do those useful jobs in the eyes of others at that time, but ran to be an explorer who was least likely to make money, and felt the excitement that was completely unattainable in life by exploring various places that human power could not reach.

"This is not so much revenge as it is a kind of self-exile. I was born with everything, which made me lose the meaning of life. Only by constantly taking risks and constantly challenging myself can I feel alive and know the weight of life."

Huangtian read the words on the file word by word with his fingers. At this moment, he seemed to feel the state of mind of his ancestors and the emptiness and torture that his grandfather had faced.

Although he had read it several times, Huangtian still couldn't help but sigh that his grandfather, who was so strong and tough as steel, was also troubled by such things when he was young.

But soon, his grandfather was no longer troubled by these things, only because his grandfather's father, his great-grandfather, died of illness. It was after losing the care of his father that his grandfather realized that all his so-called adventures were so empty.

"Maybe I should study to be a doctor, or run a few hospitals, so that I can at least save the old guy and let him live for two more days, instead of like now, when the old guy died for three months, I just Climbing out of the hole in the glacier...what am I doing all this for?"

Reading between the lines, Huang Tian could even feel his grandfather's original confusion.

You can also feel the efforts his grandfather made for this.

After personally feeling the pain caused by birth, old age, illness and death, his grandfather began to engage in research in this area. After inheriting the legacy of his great-great-grandfather, his grandfather had huge resources and power, and his grandfather said, When it comes to consuming this huge inheritance in the exploration of life and death, almost everyone in the empire supports this.

In the final analysis, doing this kind of thing will cost money. The more illusory it is, the more money will be burned. As for whether it can be successful or not, it doesn't really matter. Anyway, it will only be his grandfather who loses money, and everyone else will. You can earn it, so why stop it?

But what no one expected was that his grandfather actually succeeded.

“The power of the heart, that’s the power of the mind.”

After getting the results, his grandfather immediately showed his results to the entire empire.

"It is the power of ideas, the power of imagination... The gravity of reality has imprisoned us for so long that we have forgotten that we have this power. We don't have to search hard, we are omnipotent. ”

Such an idea naturally caused an uproar.

Of course, for now, from Huangtian's point of view, his grandfather's idea is extremely correct. This old man really made an epoch-making discovery. After breaking away from the gravity of reality, people can really do anything - but in the empire Others didn't think so at all. Being bound by the gravity of reality, they only thought that his grandfather was talking crazy.

Until his grandfather showed strength.

That power can be called omnipotent.

This is what Huang Tian finds most puzzling. On the one hand, the people in the empire will never admit his grandfather's research results. On the other hand, everyone in the empire wants to have this power. Fortunately, his grandfather is indeed strong enough. , so there was no conflict, but because of this disagreement, his grandfather still left. The old man with great supernatural powers left the original world to explore a new direction.

"Right, that's how it should be."

Seeing this, Huang Tian nodded repeatedly.

Yes, that's it. Since these imperial people don't recognize the real elites, then they, the real elites, might as well just leave. Anyway, facts have proven that without them, the real elites, those so-called realistic people, In the end, it degenerated into a savage who drank blood. The long time passed away all history, and even the so-called empire no longer existed.

But his grandfather is still alive and well.

After leaving that world, his grandfather began to travel through various worlds, and in the process, his father was born - but unlike his ancestors, his father's talent was not in power or academics. But in terms of battle, the new generation of this family is expanding its territory in various worlds, and is as invincible as the protagonists in those story novels.

And this was exactly what the family needed at that time. After entering a strange environment, the family really needed a strong force to protect their own safety.

Of course, in Huang Tian's view, he should be the truly strongest one.

Compared with his father, he is more talented and more powerful in combat. Although he may indeed lack a considerable amount of accumulation in terms of combat experience, his accumulation of various martial arts and martial arts is even greater than that of his father. Less than - after all, his father was still in a period of poverty and need to expand territory, but when Huang Tian grew up, he already had a massive accumulation of resources for him to choose from. Compared with the two, no matter what, , he must be stronger.

"Yes, I am the strongest."

Closing the book, Huang Tian took a deep breath.

"Noble blood flows in my body. I have been learning the most powerful combat skills since childhood. I am stronger than my father. How can I be afraid of an ant?"

Saying this, Huangtian put the family tree in his hand back to its original position.

With this action, the fear that remained in his heart also dissipated.

Yes, this is also a way to eliminate fear. It is not to involve yourself in some strange mental whirlpool and become a believer of the other party, but to recall the glory of your ancestors and free yourself from this fear - in a sense. It can be said that the glory of our ancestors can be regarded as another kind of mental whirlpool. The majestic images created by generations of people are simply clear guideposts.

Like a shining beacon in a storm, the dazzling light was enough to wash away all the uneasiness in his heart.

"But... a mental whirlpool, right?"

Huang Tian frowned slightly, things seemed a little different from what he understood.

If he remembered correctly, in the genealogy records, after the elites like them ascended and left, that world had been captured by the gravity of reality, and there was nothing extraordinary about it anymore - but now, as far as his own experience Judging from experience, the strong men in that world were almost the same as him in their use of mental power.

This is not normal, very abnormal, as if he saw monkeys throwing stones in the last second, and saw monkeys sitting on rockets in the next second. This strange sense of separation is too weird.

In particular, he still remembered that his father once mentioned that that world was very dangerous.

This is even more abnormal. Could it be that his father knew something that he didn't know? But according to the genealogy, didn't his grandfather have his father after he ascended and left?

His father had never been to that world at all, so how could he know that the world was dangerous?

"Or... No."

After just thinking about it, Huangtian made this decision.

Indeed, he might ask his father and ask all the confusions, but that would mean that he was soft, he admitted his incompetence - that was absolutely not allowed, he was a person who wanted to surpass his father's generation, how could he be so soft to his father?

Isn't it just an opponent of the same level? With the same means as him, he has to admit that he can't beat him?

"I can win, I will definitely win."

Thinking this way, Huang Tian went to the armory again and took out another Wu Zhao arm bone sword.

"I will definitely win."

Looking at the ancient long sword in his hand, Huang Tian was full of determination.

Indeed, he did die three times in a row, but these three deaths allowed him to exchange for information of equal weight - his opponent was not an insect that could be crushed to death at will, but an enemy of the same level as him who could skillfully use his mind, and judging from the third death, in that world, that mortal imperial city had already become the scope of his influence.

"How many people are there in that city?"

Huang Tian couldn't remember it a little, after all, no one would deliberately count how many ants there are in an ant nest - but he still remembered a rough number, and that number would probably not be small.

"So, since they are all opponents of the same level, then, let's go head-to-head."

Thinking this way, Huang Tian once again used the long sword to cut open the space in front of him.

A biting cold wind blew out of the hole, it was the north wind from the Mobei grassland.

Updates are here, and I am getting better and better at it.

Also: Thank you for your recommendation votes and monthly votes, thank you for your encouragement and support.

I also rested early, good night everyone.

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