In the Blade

Chapter 371 Sleep

In the corner of the imperial dining room, Du Chengfeng was lying on the bed, fast asleep.

This is the first time he has slept properly in bed in the past few days. After all, making a large bed is far more troublesome than a recliner. Fortunately, the craftsmen of the royal family are reliable enough, and this one is specially given to him. The custom-made queen-size bed is finally completed.

"I thought that this kind of craftsmanship would never be used in my life... I think my ancestor used this kind of craftsmanship when he made a bed for Taizu Emperor Gao!"

When the bed was completed, the master craftsman in charge of the project sighed. He had never expected that this skill, which in his eyes was almost useless, would ever see the light of day again.

It is naturally extremely arrogant to compare a person who is not an emperor to the founder of the country. However, no one thought there was anything wrong after saying this - after all, this description mainly describes the huge body, like this This kind of body is so huge that it can even be called a giant. In everyone's impression, only Emperor Taizu is like this.

But apart from that, there is another thing that no one has said clearly.

That is, a sense of peace of mind.

Today's Da Chen is no longer as stable as it seems. Although it still maintains the most basic dignity on the surface, it is full of holes on the inside. Recently, even the most basic dignity cannot be maintained. Even they The craftsmen have also noticed those crises.

"It's like a big ship. The wood inside is rotten and water has poured in. No matter how much repairs are done, it's useless."

These craftsmen may not understand the things in the court or the things of the strong men, but they can still use their own way to make some perceptions and understanding of the current situation.

So they were actually ready to run away.

No one wants to stay on a broken ship that is about to capsize, even if they have worked for the royal family for generations. As the saying goes, if the tree falls and the hozen disperses, since there is no way to survive here, running away is the only way to survive - anyway, they all have skills. , you will never starve to death wherever you go, as for fulfilling your duties...

Let's forget about this kind of thing. Loyalty is the most worthless thing. In this deep palace, they have seen too many things where their lives were wasted because of so-called loyalty.

Loyalty is something that needs to be paid attention to. Some people are worthy of loyalty. These heroes know the weight of loyalty and will not let those loyal people waste their lives in vain. But there are still some people... these people don't know how to be loyal. They will only take it for granted. In their eyes, those loyal people are born to serve them, and they do not want to pay any price for this loyalty.

So, does their current king look like the kind of hero worthy of allegiance?

"Ha ha."

The craftsmen's answer was a tacit smile.

The young emperor was not a hero, but a spoiled child. When the late emperor was alive, this was not obvious, but with the passing of the late emperor, and as the young emperor grew up day by day, this became clear. Problems in this aspect can no longer be covered up.

"The holy substance remains as before."

This is what people say about the young emperor.

If it were just an ordinary young child, it might be considered a compliment, but if you use this word to describe an emperor... no matter how old the emperor is, it actually sounds a bit like swearing.

The emperor is unreliable, and neither are the civil and military officials. The voices of the southward migration faction are getting louder and louder now, but the reason why they insist on moving south is not because their family properties are in the south - most of the craftsmen are The main reason for not wanting to go to the south is because of this. In Jiankang City, they are still famous royal craftsmen. But if they go to the south, I am afraid that the emperor himself may not have any voice. What can these craftsmen do then? manage?

Instead of looking at the faces of those wealthy families, they might as well just work for some strong man.

For example, the strong man who called himself Huangtian before.

The strength of the strong is mainly reflected in force. As for force, it still depends on some professional talents - just like the previous competition field and the high platform were built by them. There are always things that the strong cannot do on their own, and this means that as long as they still have skills, they will always have something to eat.

The only problem is that a strong person may not always have a good temper.

This is also why the craftsmen list the strong men separately. Indeed, these strong men may not be emperors, but they hold some kind of power that is far greater than the emperor. You know, even if the emperor wants to kill them, he has to find someone to kill them. He gave a reason, then called the guards over, pushed them out, and finally beheaded them. But if it were a strong person...

The strong don't need to go to such trouble. They don't even need to find a reason. Killing people and taking lives is as easy for them as eating and drinking.

Do you need a reason to eat and drink?

Not required at all.

They are facing monsters that possess absolute violence, and are even fundamentally different from humans. Faced with this irresistible death, all they can do is pray, praying that the next person to die will not be... Own.

Until that Master Du showed up.

They actually knew very little about this Grand Master Du, and most of the impressions in their minds came from some rumors - according to the rumors, this Grand Master Du was originally a rebel, and even though he was recruited to the palace, he never had any feelings for him. The emperor lowered his head and even rode up to the Golden Palace on horseback. He was so arrogant that he could never find another person in the world who was so arrogant.

So these craftsmen were originally prepared to treat him with the attitude of a strong man, just like treating the emperor, they were already familiar with this.

But what they didn't expect was that the new Grand Tutor Du was a little too easy to talk to.

Completely inconsistent with his huge body, this tall giant was extremely gentle. Not only did he not show any violent look, he even gave them enough respect - it was this time that these craftsmen knew that they would actually have a day to be respected as a teacher, and the strong man in front of them, the tall giant, was even willing to half-kneel on the ground and talk to them at eye level in order to prevent them from looking up too uncomfortable.

This was the first time that a strong man would kneel in front of them, the weak.

This made them flattered.

And the following days also confirmed their judgment. After this gentle giant moved into the palace, the atmosphere of the entire palace changed visibly - that is, although it was still that broken boat, with signs of decay everywhere, but with the arrival of Grand Tutor Du, the broken boat suddenly stopped leaking.

"It's like... there is a long and big wooden board that directly blocks all the holes."

The craftsmen described this feeling in this way, still using their own way of understanding.

Perhaps this is why they compared it to Emperor Taizu. After all, in their impression, only the omnipotent Emperor Taizu could do this kind of thing - that huge body doesn't even need to do anything, just sit there, and it gives people a sense of solidity and peace of mind.

It's a pity that the huge throne has not been filled for a long time.

It's not that no one sits, but those who sit on it are too small.

The tiny body sitting on the huge throne does not give people a sense of peace of mind at all. The emptiness around it leaves people with endless fear.

"So, make a big bed."

The craftsmen made up their minds.

This was also their reward to the giant. Although they couldn't let the giant sit on the throne, it was too presumptuous, and the giant himself might not even be willing, but making a suitable big bed was no problem - after all, after the giant came, they had a rare good sleep for a few nights.

Of course, this kind of words must sound a bit problematic. Is it really worth it to just have a good sleep?

"It's really worth it."

Without exception, the craftsmen all thought so.

It's not easy for outsiders to understand their feelings. Only they themselves can truly experience how precious this solid sleep is - sitting on a broken ship in the wind and rain, it is really difficult to get a good sleep. During this period of time, they have woken up from their sleep countless times.

That is the fear of death and the panic of the unknown. They are weak and powerless and can't repair this broken ship. They can only watch themselves sink - indeed, they may choose to escape and jump into the sea, but even if they jump, can they really survive?

I don't know, I don't know at all, they are in torment every day.

Until these days.

There is no need to worry about anything anymore, no need to be afraid of anything anymore. Although everything seems to be unresolved, the broken ship is still the broken ship, but as long as the Grand Tutor Du is still there, it seems that nothing will go wrong - nothing will come in, and there is no need to run anywhere, no one can kill them, they just need to live normally.

Why do they have this feeling, they themselves can't understand, you know, they are in the palace, but in a place where they will be beheaded for doing something wrong, but they can be sure that they will not die, and no one will kill them. This is an extremely incredible thing.

"The giant will probably speak for us."

Most craftsmen can only think of this.

However, a few craftsmen vaguely sensed the source of this sense of security, because the palace has regained order - even if this so-called order is just the words of the giant, it is much stronger than the words of the little emperor.

So no matter what, they must let the giant have a good sleep.

Just like themselves, they slept soundly and peacefully.

They used all the skills they could.

First of all, they selected the materials. They used the century-old sunken wood that was tributed from the southwest. The fragrance of this wood itself has the effect of helping sleep. It has always been exclusively provided to the royal family. Of course, that's just saying. When it comes to the hands of these specific craftsmen, they can give it to anyone they want.

Then it's the craftsmanship. During this period, they carefully measured the height and weight of the giant, and then adjusted the posture of the bed in a targeted manner. Most ordinary beds are flat, which is just convenient for production, but not necessarily the best choice. According to the posture of the giant, they left a tiny arc on the bed, which can make the giant lie more comfortably and sit more comfortably.

As for the end, they even contacted the weaving in the palace to create a set of special bedding and pillows for this big bed. This set of specially enlarged bedding and pillows can not only perfectly fit the overly large body, but also allow the other party to enjoy a baby-like sleep.

"You'll know if you try it! This will definitely work!"

When the bed was assembled, the craftsmen boasted to Master Du.

Of course, this might seem like a compliment to outsiders, but the craftsmen knew that what they said was just the truth.

Anyone who lies on this bed can sleep comfortably, which is their confidence in their craftsmanship.

And Du Chengfeng also experienced this personally.

He has not opened his eyes since he lay down on it at noon.

The effect of the custom-made bed was too good. He had never slept so comfortably before - well, it cannot be said that he had never slept before, but his sleep was actually quite good. If there was a bed, he would sleep on it. If there was no bed, he would sleep on the ground. He would just spread some grass as a bed. When he was on the road, he even slept on horseback.

As for these days, he also took a nap on a recliner. It was indeed very comfortable to take a nap in the sun, but the posture of the recliner did not allow for much sleep quality.

At least compared to now, it was really like heaven and earth.

Lying on a large bed tailor-made for him, covered with a quilt that was big enough to cover him, Du Chengfeng even had the illusion that his body shape was fine - you know, when he was in Wangyou Township, he had never had such a comfortable sleeping experience. After all, there were not many decent tailors in Wangyou Township, and those villagers could not make a large quilt that could cover him completely.

"When was the last time I slept so comfortably."

Du Chengfeng couldn't remember clearly.

He only knew that not long after lying down, he fell asleep directly.

Deep sleep usually does not dream, it is a complete dormancy of the body, and after this dormancy, the body will be rejuvenated.

But halfway through his sleep, Du Chengfeng suddenly had a dream.

He dreamed of when he first came to this world.

It should be not long after he came to this world, when he just got the big knife. In his memory, when he got this ancestral sword, the boy named Yang Sanlang was quite angry.

Remember that boy seemed to be ready to kill him while he was sleeping?

Updates are here, everyone go to bed early.

Also: Thank you for your recommendation votes and monthly votes, thank you for your encouragement and support.

I'm going to bed early too, good night everyone.

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