In the Blade

Chapter 372 The Power of Dreams

Du Chengfeng rarely dreams when he sleeps.

As the saying goes, "Thinking about something during the day will bring you dreams at night." Things that are not finished during the day will be left until the night, and even when sleeping, they will continue to be thought about - of course, this is the case for ordinary people. If it is converted to Du Chengfeng...

He is used to doing everything during the day.

Although he is a little lazy on weekdays, that is, lazy side, but most of the time it is necessary to rest. Once there is a to-do item that can be put on the agenda, his action is still very strong - no matter what it is, he will not put it overnight. After all, the sooner it is done, the sooner it will be worry-free.

But this time, perhaps because he slept too deeply, he dreamed for the first time in a long time.

The scene in the dream is a little too long ago. It happened a long time ago. I still remember that he had just got the ancestral sword of the Yang family, so the angry Yang Sanlang was about to find a way to kill him. Unfortunately, Yang Sanlang had ideas but did not have the courage to get close, so he could only shoot arrows, throw flying knives, or throw javelins at him from a distance.

Logically speaking, any normal person would be angry when encountering such a situation.

"I should be a normal person, right?"

Du Chengfeng, who was lying on the ground, began to scratch his head. He didn't know which hand he stretched out to scratch his head when he was lying on the ground with his five limbs on the ground.

But these are all trivial matters. At least he thinks he should be a normal person, but the question is, since he is already a normal person, why doesn't he get angry?

"Because... the gap."

Although he didn't want to admit it, Du Chengfeng seemed to have no other reason.

When a person is attacked by another person, he will be angry and annoyed. When a person is hit by a monkey, he will just treat it as a joke and hit it back. When a person is scratched by a cat, he will at most give the cat two slaps, which is just a little skin breakage, not a big deal. If a person is bitten by a mouse...

Can a person be bitten by a mouse?

Although in theory, there is a saying in the game of Beast Fighting that mice can defeat elephants, in the real natural world, mice have no ability to restrain elephants at all - there has never been a saying that mice can get into the trunk of an elephant. You should know that elephants use their trunks as flexibly as human hands, and can easily lift thousands of pounds of heavy objects, and can even carry the weight of these elephants themselves, so that they can climb up the hillside by climbing trees.

Of course, Du Chengfeng did not exaggerate to the point of thinking that he was an elephant, but it was precisely because he was not that big that he was really not afraid of mice.

So, this is more of a game than a battle.

A game with a rather old style.

Du Chengfeng still has a deep impression of this old-fashioned game. It was the era when old-fashioned game consoles were popular. Various dangerous weapons would fall from the top of the screen, and as a player, he had to control the little man at the bottom of the screen to avoid the attacks of these weapons by moving left and right. Due to the limitations of the functions at that time, this game only had this way of playing, but Du Chengfeng didn't have any other games to play at that time, so he enjoyed playing it for a while.

Now, the game has changed from 2D to 3D.

The difficulty seems to have increased a bit, after all, there are more parts that can be attacked, but the difficulty does not seem to have increased much, just because the thrower on the opposite side is too weak. Du Chengfeng doesn't even need to deliberately dodge, just twisting his limbs can make himself unscathed.


It can be seen with the naked eye that Yang Sanlang on the opposite side is already sweating profusely.


On the luxurious big bed, Huangtian is also sweating profusely.

Things seemed a little abnormal, or too abnormal. The monster was clearly in front of him, lying in bed without any defense. He didn't even need to fight to kill the monster. Facing a sleeping, defenseless target, he only needed to draw his sword and chop it. This was something that any dog ​​could do.

So here comes the question.

If a dog could do it, why couldn't he?

It didn't make sense. This was totally unreasonable. It should have been as simple as killing a chicken, but he couldn't do it for a full quarter of an hour. In a quarter of an hour, he had already chopped so many swords, but none of them hit the target. How could it be possible?

"I don't believe you can dodge this!"

As he said this, the long sword in Huang Tian's hand floated up.


Under the tearing of thousands of sword qi, the thick quilt was immediately cut into pieces, exposing the huge body hidden inside.

There were still no scars on the huge body.

That body, which was much larger than that of an ordinary person, was lying on the bed in a weird and twisted way. The difficult movement was obviously not suitable for sleeping, but it perfectly avoided all the cuts - this made Huang Tian stunned. You know, there was no possibility of avoiding his move just now. It was an indiscriminate attack on the area on the bed, leaving no gaps at all.

However, under this watertight blockade, the huge body was leaked through.

This is no longer a problem of leaking water. If you have to describe it, it is an airtight net that leaked an elephant.

"How did he get through?"

Huang Tian became more and more confused. Everything in front of him was beyond his cognition.

But soon, he had captured the key to the problem.

"Why an elephant?"

Thinking of this, Huangtian immediately slapped his head.

Sure enough, he knew it would be like this. As he gets closer and closer to the monster itself, the impact on him will become more and more obvious - such as slight changes in habits, small deviations in thinking, and even... Now, I suddenly started to use some things I had never thought of to make some strange metaphors, allowing myself to understand the current facts in a rather strange way...

Perhaps on a physical level, he was indeed approaching the monster's body.

But on another level, he was already close to the center of the mental whirlpool.

This is the most core place and the most dangerous place. If you can't firmly maintain yourself, I'm afraid you will be involved in the other person's will in the next second, admit the idea of ​​​​this monster, and even start to worship this monster. thinking, eventually losing himself and completely becoming the power of this monster.

But even if he can firmly maintain himself, it doesn't mean that he can really succeed.

Just looking at the situation just now, we can see that the huge and determined mental strength has finally affected him. The sword that is obviously bound to hit has never hit. It may be difficult to explain on the material level, but if it is placed on another level, it is extremely Normal things - everyone is working hard to change reality, so naturally whoever is more determined will have reality give way.

Just like now, he can break away from the gravity of reality and use one sword to transform ten thousand swords, thus achieving a comprehensive strike with just one sword. But the monster in front of him... is no longer separated from the gravity of reality. .

"This mental vortex itself has a huge gravitational force! My sword is almost as if it is being pulled away by him!"

His back was a little damp. This was the first time Huang Tian experienced the feeling of sweating. Perhaps leaving immediately was the most correct thing to do. The further away, the better. This was simply not something he could touch.

But he was still somewhat unwilling to give in.

We have already come here, and there is only one final sword left to kill the inner demon. As long as this monster is killed, as long as this monster is killed...

"It's just the last bit! Just the last bit!"

In the end, the firm obsession in my heart defeated the instinctive fear.

Huang Tian did not leave, but continued to raise his sword.

It was at this time that he suddenly discovered that the giant on the bed in front of him was trembling slightly.

"Yes! That's it! I should have known better!"

Huang Tian couldn't help but sneer.

Yes, he should have known. He thought this monster was too scary, but was this monster really that extraordinary?

Just like now, he had escaped, but facing the sword he raised, this monster was still trembling!

He has seen through this monster's fear! He could already sense the cowardice of this dog and donkey! The final winner will definitely be him!


While roaring, Huang Tian slashed his sword at the giant in front of him.

Du Chengfeng's body also felt cold.


It's so cold.

It was as cold as having the quilt taken off while sleeping. This kind of thing was completely unreasonable. He obviously remembered that he had dodged all the darts thrown at him, but why was the screen still black at the end of the game?

Darkness is often associated with coldness. Although Du Chengfeng doesn't know how to judge this, it may be an ancient memory left over from when humans were still monkeys.

But now, after the black screen, all that was left for Du Chengfeng was the cold.

He hasn't felt this kind of cold for a long time. The last time he felt this kind of cold was probably the last time... That was also a long time ago. I think it was when he was sharpening an ax or a knife. Anyway, he was sharpening an axe. After piling up the weapons, he fully experienced the cold wind of Mobei.

Being blown by that level of cold wind, he even understood why the prairie people went south. It was just because people really couldn't survive under such a cold wind without even heating.

But understanding is understanding, this does not mean that he will raise his hand when killing those grassland people. If these grassland people must go to war with him, then he does not mind killing them all - in a sense, He was actually doing a good deed. At least after people died, they would really not feel the cold anymore, and the cold wind in Mobei would no longer be able to harm them.

Therefore, when those prairie people slashed at him with their machetes, fire also lit up in his hands.

"Oh! You are here too!"

Du Chengfeng immediately laughed.

This is the big sword named Yang Sanlang, or in other words, this is the Yang Sanlang who once wanted to kill him. In fact, Du Chengfeng himself did not expect that this person who he did not care about at the beginning would actually use it. To prove his bravery by dying. But no matter what, they eventually became partners fighting side by side, fighting in all directions together and defeating countless powerful enemies.

Of course, right now, this big sword has another use.

"Hot spot, hot spot."

Du Chengfeng clapped his hands at the sword in his hand.

"Yes, that's it. Burn it, burn it a little's getting better! This is what you want!"

As the fire in his hand became brighter, Du Chengfeng's body, which was already shivering from the cold, gradually warmed up.

"Okay, okay, burn a little more, and... um?"

Du Chengfeng suddenly frowned.

He suddenly smelled a burnt smell.

It wasn't just the big knife in his hand, it seemed that something was really on fire, the burnt smell became more and more pungent, and even made Du Chengfeng squint his eyes - and when he opened his eyes again, ready to take a closer look at where the fire was, he suddenly saw a large area of ​​​​vigorous flames.

"Am I... dreaming?"

Du Chengfeng subconsciously reached out to touch it, but immediately shrank back because of the heat.

This is not a dream.

His bed is really on fire!

"Oh my god!"

Du Chengfeng, who was terrified, quickly turned over and climbed up, but the bed board that had been chopped into thousands of holes could not bear this force at all - he clearly remembered that the bed board should be thick solid wood, but now he still stepped into the air and stepped half of his body directly under the bed.

"What's going on!"

The startled Du Chengfeng immediately raised his right hand and chopped it out with a knife.

The already broken bed was naturally split open, and Du Chengfeng also walked out of the burning bed. It was at this time that he realized that the big knife that he had originally placed on the bedside had been taken by him at some point.

"My luxurious big bed!"

Du Chengfeng wanted to cry but had no tears. He had finally waited for this custom-made product tailored for him. You know, with his body shape, even the extra-large size would not work, and this bed was quite comfortable to sleep on. He even planned to find a way to transport this thing back.

But now...

"What is going on?"

The angry Du Chengfeng looked around.

It was at this time that he saw that there was a figure standing next to the bed.

It was just that this figure had been burned all over and could not be seen. Not to mention the clothes on his body, even the skin and flesh on his body had been burned all over.

"Is this... burnt?"

Du Chengfeng tried to poke it with a big knife.

It turned out that it was indeed burnt, and the heat was just right, so that the flesh and bones could be separated with just one poke.

"Ah, this..."

Du Chengfeng began to scratch his head.

Could he have burned one of the cooks in the imperial kitchen? Isn't this a bit too much? You know, those imperial chefs were teaching him how to make fried rice before, this is really...

"Oh, no."

Looking down, Du Chengfeng slapped his head.

Luckily, it was not those cooks.

It was just because he saw a familiar sword on the ground.

Update sent, everyone should rest early.

Also: Thank you for your recommendation votes and monthly votes, thank you for your encouragement and support.

I also took care of my health early, good night everyone.

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