In the Blade

Chapter 382 The World is Too Small

In the early morning half a month later, Du Chengfeng, who was far away in Jiankang Imperial City, opened his eyes.

The schedule of going to bed early and getting up early won't allow him to stay up late, but it can bring him good energy throughout the day, especially after eating a healthy and nutritious homemade breakfast. This mental lightness and thoroughness reach the extreme.

Therefore, he usually chooses to exercise before meals, on the one hand to maintain physical fitness, and on the other hand, for better absorption when eating.

"Early to bed and early to rise are good for good health."

When the young emperor questioned this harsh schedule, Du Chengfeng responded like this.


The young emperor could only obey, after all, it did sound reasonable.

As for Du Chengfeng going to bed immediately after eating, in fact he doesn't really fall asleep right away. He doesn't fall asleep so fast recently, but after eating, he is still used to lying down for a while - although Theoretically speaking, it is definitely healthier to move after eating, but theories are just theories after all. In reality, there will always be times when people don’t want to move every day.

So whenever he felt like this, he would lie down on the rocking chair specially built for him by the craftsmen and rock for a while, which would be considered as moving.

"Do you want to learn this too?"

The young emperor also brought a rocking chair over. This kind of thing should have been done by the eunuchs, but after being beaten twice, he still learned to practice it.

At least he had to show this attitude in front of this giant, which would save him from being punished.

"So is this part of teaching? After I finish eating, can I..."

"Get out of here."

The small rocking chair flew straight into the imperial dining room, and then more than twenty kitchen knives flew out. Faced with the threat of the blades, the young emperor could only grit his teeth and continue to stand.

This is also a way to exercise after meals. At least after more than half a month of exercise, Du Chengfeng has become more and more proficient in controlling the kitchen knife. Although there is no evil spirit on the kitchen knives, he can still control these blades easily, even enough to make more than twenty kitchen knives work at the same time.

"So what exactly is evil spirit?"

Du Chengfeng, who was sitting on the rocking chair, raised his hand and looked at the blue sky through his fingers.

Evil energy was the first power he came into contact with when he first came to this world. This power not only saved his life several times, but even allowed him to kill powerful enemies many times, all the way to where he is today.

However, the problem lies here.

What he is using now is not evil spirit.

Whether it's called the power of the heart or imagination, in this idealistic world that has seen ghosts, this seems to be the most useful power - based on his current understanding, even evil spirits are probably caused by this power. A form of expression, but compared to evil spirits, the power of the heart is obviously more versatile and more convenient.

"So why doesn't anyone use this kind of power?"

Although he had vaguely detected certain results, Du Chengfeng was even more confused. Just like the classic saying, the more he knew, the more he felt that he knew too little.

Just like now, there is indeed a blue sky in front of him, but can he really see everything above the sky clearly?

"I can't see clearly..."

Du Chengfeng took back his hand.

The more you know, the less you understand. The more you seek knowledge, the more confused you become.

This is also the reason why he has not harassed Huang Tian during this period.

After eating at noon, Du Chengfeng took a nap for a while. After confirming that he was energetic, Du Chengfeng woke up and continued his business.

In other words, study the swords left by Huang Tian.

He already knew how to use these swords. As long as he thought that he could get through, and then used the sword to cut in front of him, he would be able to open a passage to another world - he had experienced a similar feeling. Wu Zhao had done such a thing, but at that time, Wu Zhao used that special dove staff.

"Is there a world outside this world?"

Wu Zhao was shocked by this incident. No matter how powerful and cunning Wu Zhao was, he still lacked imagination - but for Du Chengfeng, this incident was easy to understand. After all, the knowledge he received was too much and too complicated. It was just ordinary multiple worlds, which was already considered trivial.

Even nonsense things like evil spirits have appeared, so wouldn’t it be normal to have a few more worlds?

Wu Zhao had actually invited him before to explore those different worlds, but he chose to decline at that time. On the one hand, it was because there was still a pot in the house, and on the other hand, he was not interested in this kind of fighting and killing. I'm really not interested - although this is quite contradictory to his idea of ​​seeking a strong enemy, in comparison, he still prefers not to travel far.

He has almost lived the days of wandering, and now he wants to live a peaceful life for a few more days.

But choice is choice, and he is still quite curious about the matter itself.

He was not that surprised that there could be multiple worlds. The only thing he was curious about was how exactly did this kind of shuttle between worlds work? How can you be sure that he is going to where you want him to be? How wide can this portal-like hole open? In terms of civilian use, how long can this kind of portal last? How much cargo can it handle? If it were used in combat...if he opened the portal directly into the enemy's heart, even if it was just a small hole, would the opponent also lose a lot of blood on the spot?

Du Chengfeng felt chills all over when he thought of that scene. No matter how good he was in martial arts, if Huang Tian was directly across the unknown distance and a portal opened in his heart, he would probably be bled to death on the spot without even a trace of blood. There is no ability to resist.

"Or, just open a portal, put my head in, and then suddenly close it..."

Du Chengfeng subconsciously touched his neck and felt like he was sweating profusely.

Fortunately, Huang Tian did not use these insidious tricks, but the bad news is that even with his current strength, he has no ability to resist these insidious tricks.

This even made Du Chengfeng miss the previous version of evil spirit for a while. At least when everyone was still using evil energy, they were still facing Todoroki openly and openly. On the contrary, after he started to use this devilish mental energy, some strange things happened. There are endless deadly moves - although this is just a move he came up with, he has never seen anyone else use it, but what if someone else suddenly uses it one day?

"So... we must continue to work hard."

Thinking of this, Du Chengfeng sighed.

Originally, he thought that as long as he stayed, he would be able to live a peaceful life, but now it seems that he can no longer look back - this is not even a matter of choice, just because he has understood the truth, the truth. Everyone is responsible for their own safety. When you give up fighting, you are leaving your life and death in the hands of others.

Once he tastes the taste of controlling his own destiny, he will never want to go back to the precarious past. Therefore, in order to continue to control his own destiny, there is only one way left in front of him.

That is to continue to become stronger, to continue to become stronger.

He wants to keep his combat effectiveness at the first echelon, and he also needs to continue to understand everything in this world. The more he knows, the stronger he is, the safer he is, and the more he can live a peaceful life.

And this is what he has been doing for the past half month. He must understand this transmission technology.

How is the portal opened? How does it work? What power is used to drive it? What power does it rely on to maintain it? What is its operating mechanism? Where can it be driven? To what extent? If it operates as a weapon, what level of damage can it achieve?

"Just like now, if I make a portal that is large enough, as big as the entire Jiankang City, and then place the portal very low, about at the waist of a human being... When the portal is closed, it will be Wouldn’t everyone in the city be cut in half?”

Although the idea was very innovative, Du Chengfeng still resisted the urge to try it.

On the one hand, it is a bit too outrageous, and on the other hand, it is relatively unnecessary. Even if such a large-scale attempt succeeds, it is not the way that masters fight each other - the only use of this technique is to kill a person in one go. People in the city, at least from Du Chengfeng's point of view, just think about this kind of thing.

He is really a pacifist, at least he doesn't have any habit of killing people. Compared to this strange move, he usually kills one or two people in duels occasionally, which is really peaceful.

"Let's study the world first."

Du Chengfeng, who noticed that his train of thought was starting to go astray, decided to change his train of thought temporarily.

Why this method of transmission can communicate between two different worlds is also a puzzling question. In fact, how the two worlds are connected is also puzzling.

Du Chengfeng also thought about whether he could go back to his original world in this way. Of course, he would have to bring his current strength with him. If in his original peaceful world, He can have such tyrannical strength, which is enough for him to control the wind and rain, although there is no chance of killing...

"Otherwise, let's forget it."

Thinking of this, Du Chengfeng smiled bitterly and gave up the idea.

This is when he really can't go back. He has gradually adapted to this world. If he no longer uses force to solve problems, he may still be a little unaccustomed to it. On the other hand, it is the idea of ​​​​taking care of things as they come. Anyway, he has no nostalgia for his previous life, not to mention that his house is also in this world.

However, although he does not plan to go back, he still has some basic curiosity about these worlds.

"How many worlds are there?"

This was Du Chengfeng's first doubt.

Although theoretically, there can be an infinite number of worlds, Du Chengfeng feels that there may still be a number of places connected to this world - in his understanding, this kind of thing is equivalent to a station, and there may be There are many, but each station should only go to a few places.

This is also why Wu Zhao from Yin was able to send him the cane and sling before. There must be some special circulation method, but for a person like him who has never been out, it is still a bit dark.

"Not clear enough."

Du Chengfeng thought again of the sky he saw after breakfast in the morning.

The sky was clear and cloudless at that time. The azure blue sky even reminded him of a big bird with two heads.

But is the sky really blue?

No, it never is.

The boundless deep sky is colorless and never as clear as he saw it. It's just that because the distance is too far, he can't see everything in the sky clearly.

It's not a big deal to be unable to see the sky clearly, but if he can't clearly understand how the power works, then he is not far from death.

Although theoretically, there are very few people who can threaten him now, just like he can come up with those terrifying moves against himself, can't others come up with the same thing?

"Relax, relax..."

Realizing that he was anxious in his thoughts, Du Chengfeng took a deep breath to adjust his state at the first time.

The tense and oppressive feeling can urge him to move and stop him from standing still, but when it comes to doing things, he still knows that relaxation is the first priority - the tense state will only make his thinking deviate from the track, make him make mistakes in a hurry, and make him draw wrong conclusions.

"So... am I relaxed or not now?"

Looking at the holes in front of him, Du Chengfeng began to scratch his head.

The good news is that although he doesn't know the specific principle, this way of opening a portal has become quite proficient in his hands. The bad news is that the worlds that appeared in front of him, although they are all strange, have a strange familiarity.

Yes, familiarity, his feeling is not wrong.

Although the worlds outside the holes each have their own clothes and their own cultural characteristics, these worlds, without exception, have a seemingly relevant relationship with the world that Du Chengfeng has learned more about.

Just like the world in front of him, ruled by barbarians, or the world just now, conquered by pirates, or the world seen earlier, where people from the grasslands and horses conquered the world... The more he looked, the more Du Chengfeng frowned, because these were not what he wanted to see at all.

"Isn't it right? Didn't you say you can go to other worlds?"

Du Chengfeng lowered his head and looked at the sword in his hand.

"Didn't you go out? How come it's like this?"

"Or... you have never actually gone out?"

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