In the Blade

Chapter 383 Who am I and where am I

Du Chengfeng had only spent half a month, but in a place he could not see, a long-lasting war had already lasted for thirty years.

What kind of scene would it be when two users of mind power confronted each other? Huang Tian had never thought before that he had always been a user of mind power, using this majestic power to crush those ordinary so-called strong men - the only real fight was a disastrous defeat, just as his father said, he had fallen to this point.

So is his father really strong?

"Come out, I know you are here."

In a world where pirates are rampant, Huang Tian, ​​who is dozens of feet high, is flying above the clouds like a living god above a fishing village by the sea.

"If you are willing to come out by yourself, that's fine, but if you don't come out... it doesn't matter."

The long sword fell, still the familiar Fallen Sun Swordsmanship, and all 527 people in the fishing village were entangled by the sword energy, and all died on the spot, with no complete corpse.

Only one person took on this fierce sword energy.

"Why not come out earlier? At least you can save their lives... Of course, I'm kidding. They can revive you, so how can I let them live?"

With the heavy punch, the figure holding the long sword, who looked like a teenager, was instantly broken into a blur of flesh and blood.

But there was no trace of victory on Huangtian's face.

It was just killing a newly resurrected one. There must be more fathers resurrecting in different places right now - this is not even a singular number but a plural number. God knows how many he has to kill before he can really win.

His father has countless chances to come back. Those worshippers who can revive his father are hiding in various worlds and in various secret places. As long as he can't catch them all, his father will continue to revive.

What's more troublesome is that he himself can't use this method.

If it was before, he might still be able to revive again and again, break free from death again and again, and continue to fight again and again, but this time is completely different, just because he is so different from the past.

Now, if he dies, he will really die. The new him will never continue to fight with his father, and everything will go back to the past.

"So... who am I?"

After slaughtering a city again, Huang Tian suddenly felt a little dazed.

If the resurrected him is not him, then was he the one when he was resurrected before? How can we judge that he is him? Who is he now?

"It doesn't matter, none of this matters..."

Using the current battle as an excuse, Huang Tian tried to stop himself from thinking about it for the time being.

But some things are not something he doesn't want to think about, just like the famous story of "Don't think about the elephant"... Well, although the elephant appeared in his mind again, it actually relieved Huang Tian a little.

Just think about the elephant, not those complicated problems.

It's just a verification of strength, just need to fight.

To what extent is the verification considered completed? Of course, one party completely loses the ability to act. In the current situation, his father is still resurrecting everywhere, which is naturally not a real verification - he has not yet used all his strength, and he believes that his father has not done it either. The battle is still going on, and they have not really decided the winner.

We have to keep killing and fighting.

Thinking of this, Huang Tian once again waved his hand to break the air in front of him, ready to go to the next world. Similar things have been repeated countless times in the past thirty years - even he was a little sad, why his father could always be resurrected in some unexpected places, but it doesn't matter, the current battle situation is in his favor.

"Just keep killing, just like that giant."

Some past memories in his mind guided him now, making him clearly aware of how to use absolute violence. In the past thirty years, he has become more and more proficient in mastering this violence, and this huge body has become as easy as a finger.

Thirty years, for him, seemed like a moment.

"Or is it really just a moment?"

When passing through the hole connecting the two worlds, Huang Tian frowned slightly again.

He is different now from the one he was thirty years ago. Compared with the unstable state thirty years ago, he is much clearer in perception now. Maybe his perception is correct. It is just a moment. After all, the time between different worlds is different. The traditional time record has long lost its meaning. Thirty years and a moment may be different, or they may not be different.

"So where am I now?"

The first thing to do when arriving in a new environment is to confirm your location. Similarly, this is not a traditional geographical location, but the atmosphere of the whole world, what is the culture and popularity of this world, how they will fight, what is special about it, and what resistance he, the intruder, may encounter... Fortunately, he has experienced a lot and is proficient enough. It is just the most basic intelligence collection, which is not difficult for him.

"Is this... the prosperity of Buddhism?"

Just by glancing in midair, Huangtian roughly determined the current environment, the pagodas everywhere, and the faint chanting of Sanskrit in the distance... Fortunately, it was just a group of bald donkeys, with a certain amount of power, but limited.

At least, they couldn't stop him.

"Buddha enemy! Heavenly demon!"

When Huangtian fell from midair, the monks rushed over from afar. Obviously, without deliberately hiding his body, his murderous ferocity was too easy to arouse hostility - but this was still a matter of no concern to Huangtian, anyway, he was going to kill these people.

"Can't you say something new..."

As the sword fell, the monks were all cut to pieces.

In the past, he might have thought that killing was a battle, sacred, and something that needed to be taken seriously, but after killing for thirty years in a row, killing had already become a mechanical sport for him. He waved his hand, cleared a group of lives, waved his hand again, and cleared another group... No matter who was killed or how many were killed, it didn't matter to him. He just had to make sure that he had cleared the targets he needed to clear.

It was also because of this that he now had time to be distracted while killing.

"Why can't they say anything new?"

Looking at the bodies of the monks under his feet, Huang Tian in the air frowned slightly.

It would be great to have something new, at least it would make him feel more comfortable when killing - it was actually good at the beginning. When he followed his father's footsteps and hunted all the way, he went to so many new worlds and saw many new environments... But after these thirty years, he suddenly felt that all of this seemed to be a little, inexplicably connected.

Just like monks would definitely worship Buddha and Bodhisattva, monks would definitely seek immortality, pirates would either use long swords or axes, and barbarians would definitely be bare-armed and covered with patterns... Everything seemed to have changed, and nothing seemed to have changed. He seemed to have been to many worlds, but after seeing so many, he always felt that something was a little wrong.

If it was before, he might not care about such tiny details, but now...


Doubts gradually began to fill his mind.

Just like the famous "Don't be like an elephant", the more he wanted to ignore this doubt, the bigger it became in his heart, and even intertwined with another doubt.

"Who am I?"

Huangtian asked himself.

"Where am I?"

He vaguely realized that something was wrong, but he couldn't tell where that was wrong.

So he suppressed this doubt and continued to chase.

But this time, he was not going to continue chasing his father. He was a little tired of this endless pursuit. Now he wanted to figure everything out and ask everything clearly - as for who to ask, of course he asked his grandfather, the old man who chose to ascend to the outside world, but he was still alive today.

Even as strong as a young man.

"Huh? How did you become like this?"

When Huang Tian broke through the space and returned to the place he could call his hometown, the strong old man looked at him now and frowned slightly.

"With so much effort from others wrapped around you, are you still the real you now?"

"I want to ask this question too."

Looking at the familiar face, Huang Tian's brows also frowned.

"After so many resurrections, are you still the real you now?"

"Of course I am me, I will only be me."

The old man's answer was quite decisive, and his face was full of wisdom brought by age.

"No matter how many times I die, no matter how many times I resurrect, I will always be me, and I can only be me... Why, looking at the blood on your body, do you have a conflict with your father?"

"I just want to... ask a question."

Huangtian clenched his fists.

He vaguely felt that the answer he wanted might really be asked.

"Did we really... ascend?"

Gritting his teeth, Huangtian said the thought in his heart.

"Did we really ascend from the original world?"

"Of course, these things are clearly recorded in the family tree."

In front of Huangtian, the old man laughed.

"Haven't you been reading those things since you were a child? Why do you ask this?"

"I... don't understand."

Take a deep breath, Huangtian still continued.

"Why are these new worlds still the same as before even though we have ascended? Why are there so many worlds, but most of them look the same? Did we really ascend? Where did we ascend to? If we really did leave, then why do these things look... so familiar?"

"What else? Isn't the world like this?"

The old man frowned, his eyes full of confusion.

"If not like this, what else can it be? What do you think the new world will look like?"


Huangtian suddenly choked on the spot.

Yes, if not like this, what else can it be?

In his eyes, what will the new world look like?

Maybe they are all the same. Anyway, there will be some familiar places, anyway, they are suitable for him to play, and anyway, it is smooth for him... When he goes to those new worlds, he can perfectly concentrate on them. His advantage overcame all the so-called local strong men, and he had never made any mistakes in his life.

Except, that one failed.

Only that one time was a result he didn't expect at all, and only that one time brought him a devastating defeat - indeed, this tragic defeat caused him to lose too much, but it also made him feel... , something that can be called real.

Yes, losing is more real.

That was the first time he felt that the world itself could have such uncertain variables.

So here comes the question.

If that world is real...

"Is all this false?"

When inspiration struck his mind, Huang Tian's eyes changed immediately when he lowered his head to look at the old man.

Why are there so many similar situations in so many worlds? Why does he feel an inexplicable sense of familiarity no matter where he goes? No matter how those worlds change, he can always find some familiar shadows... He was quite puzzled at one time, but now it seems that everything is not that complicated.

Perhaps there have never been these so-called worlds. All so-called worlds are just bubbles attached to reality.

And he, his father, and even his grandfather have always been living in these bubbles, living in these fantasies.

"This... is ascension."

When the fog in front of him was gradually cleared, Huang Tian felt that he had seen a certain truth.

Something that is called the ascended truth.

They never really left, they just hid in the interlayer of fantasy, and with the blessing of their mental strength, they weaved one phantom after another for themselves... This is the so-called ascension recorded in the genealogy, but it's just that It's just an escape.

Even speaking, their physical bodies may have been dead for an unknown amount of time.

And the people they are now...are they really still the people they were before?

"Who am I...?"

Huang Tian once again asked the question that had troubled him for a long time.

"Where am I now?"

"Do you need to calm down first, kid?"

In front of Huang Tian, ​​the old man frowned and stood up.

"Your condition is very bad. The mental energy that is entangled with you is affecting you. You..."

"No, I'm calm now."

Huang Tian raised his head.

"It's because of these mental powers, these mental powers from the real world, that I can see everything clearly."

Saying this, Huangtian raised his sword.

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