In the Blade

Chapter 49 Qingyang Tribe

Compared with the rigorous preparations made by the Jizhou Governor's Mansion before sending out troops, it was much more convenient for the grassland people to go out.

But it's more disorganized than convenient. After all, unlike Nanchen, there is no strict organizational system on the grassland. When a few big and small people get together, they become a tribe. When it came time to go on an expedition, it was just a matter of the leaders sending people on horseback to go to each house one by one and shout.

After this order is given, the grassland warriors riding horses and carrying knives will rush to the camp, gather under the command of these leaders, and go south to make a fortune together.

Yes, getting rich is the reason why the prairie warriors are willing to gather together.

The leaders can grab the population and territory, and the prairie warriors can grab money, food and slaves. As long as they ride their horses south and wave their swords, everyone will have a bright future.

Of course, fighting will be dangerous, and you may even lose your life, but for these men who survived the cold wind in Mobei, this is the most indifferent thing.

After all, they had nothing to lose. Even if you grab a little more at this moment, it will be a profit.

Just like a pack of hungry wolves led by the alpha wolf, they use blades as fangs to bite everything in front of them.

However, just like the wolves in the cold wind of Mobei, there will also be a few unsocial wolves among the Qingyang tribe.

"Has He Xiqing gone out without permission to take down Jizhen?"

Listening to the report from his men, the Qingyang leader on the horse frowned slightly.

The leader's name is He Laijiaohu. He is currently the most powerful leader in the Qingyang Tribe, and he is also the actual controller of the Qingyang Tribe. If each leader of the Qingyang tribe is the alpha wolf of their respective forces, then He Laijiaohu is undoubtedly the alpha wolf of this group of alpha wolves.

And now, as the alpha wolf among alpha wolves, how could He Laijiao not notice that a young wolf cub was trying to challenge his authority.

But this kind of thing is normal. Since you are an alpha wolf, you will inevitably encounter similar challenges frequently. What's more, these young wolf cubs who dare to challenge the alpha wolf are often strong and have a desire to attack. The emergence of such wolf cubs who dare to fight and fight is undoubtedly a sign that a tribe has become stronger.

But the only problem is that the wolf cub named He Xiqing has too much desire to attack.

"Young people are a little too anxious... So how is Liu Yanran in Jizhou doing now? Did he run away?"

"Headman, according to reports from the front line, Liu Yanran was killed by He Xiqing."

The messenger respectfully reported the information he received.

"Kill him on sight. Liu Yanran has no chance to fight back."

"...That's not bad."

He Laijiao's face became obviously more relaxed.

Unlike those reckless young people, He Laijiaohu, as an old prairie wolf, knows some powerful things - for example, after so many years, Mobei Grassland has not gone south. Is it just because of Nan Chen? The city's defenses are strong, so don't you want to have a head-on collision with it?

It’s not that I don’t want to, it’s that I can’t.

Although it is difficult to defeat the city defense, it is not impossible for the warriors of Mobei. If it is not possible, they can always defeat the weak southerners with human lives - but as a The experienced prairie wolf, He Laijiaohu, knew that breaking through the city defense did not mean the end of the war.

On the contrary, the war has only just begun.

Each of the commanders who were stationed in the border governor's mansion were strong men carefully selected by the Nanchen court. Before they can serve as governors, they must have the firm will to master the bloody weapon - and here. After that, as long as they are given a sufficient reason to kill, they can use the vicious blood evil energy for their own use and step into the next level.

If mastering the Blood Fiend Blade can bring inhuman strength, then after entering the next level, they will even gain some inhuman abilities.

Of course, the most important thing is that these monsters, which have gradually become inhuman, only need to kill people to become stronger.

Facing a solid city, the army may still be considered a powerful force, but facing a lonely ghost who can become stronger just by killing people, the huge army turned into a huge target, and those The brave soldiers will also become the nourishment that nourishes the monster, making it become more ferocious and stronger in the killing.

So if the city of Ji Town is destroyed, but Liu Yanran escapes without a trace, that will be the worst situation, even worse than not sending troops, just because no one can imagine that a monster that can become stronger just by killing can Whatever happens, it will be a nightmare for the entire Qingyang Department.

Fortunately, Liu Yanran died after all, simply.

In this way, the Qingyang Department's original plan to target Governor Liu could continue to be hidden.

Or just use it on that young boy named He Xiqing.

"To be able to reach this level at such a young age, that bastard boy named He Xiqing can be regarded as a natural talent."

He Laijiaohu, who was on the war horse, was stroking his beard and talking to the leaders beside him.

"It just needs to be beaten a little bit to make him understand the truth in this world."


"Got to tap it."

"Young people should not be too arrogant."

Several other leaders of the Qingyang tribe also nodded in agreement.

It is obvious that the old men of the Qingyang tribe have long been dissatisfied with He Xiqing, the arrogant boy who compares himself to the sky.

The Qingyang tribe needs a dog to watch the house, not a wolf with white eyes.

"Then it's settled. Doesn't that kid like the culture of the southerners? Then use the southerners' rules of not obeying orders to deal with him."

So, with a few words from the leaders, He Xiqing's fate was determined.

Since Jizhen City was broken, the army didn't have to wait for three days of preparation before setting off. What the Qingyang tribe really needs to do now is to swallow up the entire Jizhou at the fastest speed while Jizhen's troops are empty.

It is precisely because of this that, unlike the original plan, the Qingyang tribe gathered its troops and went to Jizhou on the night of the first day.

How could it be possible to wait for another three days? Three days would be enough for the kid named He Xiqing to eat fat in Jizhou. You have to know that as a place of four wars, the population of Jizhou is not large, but it is not small either. If He Xiqing really had to fight for three days...the Qingyang tribe would have to spend more time to teach this kid a lesson.

But just as the Qingyang tribe set out overnight, preparing to teach He Xiqing a "little lesson from the elders", they encountered a thorny problem on the way.

"You mean, our soldiers were killed?"

In the middle army, He Lai Jiaohu, who was riding on a warhorse, was so shocked that he almost pulled out his beard when he heard the report sent back by the Rangers.

"What's going on? Could it be that Liu Yanran is not dead? That kid named He Xiqing is lying about military intelligence?"

"No, it's not Liu least it doesn't look like it."

The grassland rangers who fled back in a panic tried to recall the scene they had just seen.

Recalling the bloody figure they had just seen.

And that blazing sword light.

I would like to thank everyone for their recommendation votes. Thank you all for your support and love.

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