In the Blade

Chapter 50 A strong opponent is the best teacher

Half an hour ago, Du Chengfeng was on his way back to Yangjiabao on horseback.

Although theoretically, he also wanted to stay in Jizhen and fight with He Xiqing for three days and three nights, but theory is only theory after all.

Even if he still wanted to continue fighting, his body would still be hungry.

After all, the sword and soldier's evil spirit is not some magical internal skill that can do everything, and it can't satisfy the consumption required for physical activities out of thin air. Even because of the experience of controlling the sword and soldier's evil spirit just now, the hunger in his stomach became more obvious.

So, if you are hungry, you should eat well.

He and the big knife in his hand thought so.

Just now, he was busy killing those grassland soldiers, and he forgot to search for some marching dry food from the bodies of these soldiers.

But this is not a bad thing. After all, the military rations taken from the corpses are not very delicious. It is better to go back to the small courtyard to cook two dishes and have a good meal, which can also better supplement the nutrition and consumption required by the body.

After eating and drinking enough, and having a good sleep, he will be able to continue his killing with a fuller attitude the next day.

"If you think about it this way, if He Xiqing really sends people to harass us, it might be a real problem."

Thinking of this, Du Chengfeng suddenly realized that his current tactics were not without limitations.

Just like he could kill the soldiers under He Xiqing by retreating when the enemy advances and advancing when the enemy retreats, if He Xiqing really let go and stared at him all the way, making him unable to eat or sleep well, then even if he was good at fighting, he would probably not be able to last many days under this endless harassment tactic.

If you can't eat or sleep well, even the strongest people will gradually become weak, and even have no strength to swing their swords.

"...He Xiqing shouldn't do this, right?"

Du Chengfeng on horseback couldn't help but look back, and after confirming that there were indeed no pursuers behind him who would make him eat and sleep poorly, he lowered his head to look at the big sword in his hand.

"So, the most important thing is to live a normal life."

At this moment, he once again felt that he was in tune with the heavy sword in his hand.

Obviously, they all thought so.

The things that can really maintain combat effectiveness are outside of combat.

In food, clothing, housing, transportation, daily exercise, and ordinary life.

"Then go back and have a good meal, and we will do it tomorrow... um?"

The warhorse had not gone far when Du Chengfeng was suddenly stunned.

Although he had just confirmed that there were no pursuers from the grassland behind him, at this moment, on the road to Yangjiabao, he saw several rangers from the grassland.

Rubbing his eyes, Du Chengfeng could confirm that he was not mistaken.

Just like the memory he felt when he was polishing the scimitar bones, these were just Hu people wearing simple leather armor and carrying scimitars on their waists, forming simple formations in groups of three or five, and the combination of man and horse was as swift as the wind.

"Sure enough! I knew that He Xiqing had a back-up plan!"

Du Chengfeng's face darkened instantly.

Indeed, he could think of a way to deal with himself, so couldn't He Xiqing, who was even stronger than him, think of one?

He must have thought of it. The man named He Xiqing must have thought of it. After all, according to the survivor who escaped from Jizhen to Yangjiabao before, He Xiqing smashed the gate of Jizhen by swinging his sword in the air - and this means that He Xiqing had already reached this level long before he realized how to control the evil spirit of swords and soldiers.

And this also means that He Xiqing must have felt what he just thought of.

"Is it a simple cavalry harassment? Or use the dying shouts of the soldiers to locate them, and then personally chase and kill them?"

In just a moment, Du Chengfeng has at least thought of eight different ways to drag himself to death.

This made him tighten the big knife in his hand.

Originally, he thought that after he could control the sword and weapon, he was qualified to fight with He Xiqing, but now it seems that this man regarded as Qingkong by a group of grassland warriors is indeed a natural monster.

Without saying a word, he let his grassland rangers block in front of him. He Xiqing is still the same He Xiqing.

On the contrary, after the breakthrough, he was somewhat arrogant to this life-and-death enemy.

Just now, he even thought that He Xiqing would not do this.

"I actually put my hope on the opponent's unexpected, it's really..."

On horseback, Du Chengfeng shook his head and laughed.

Sure enough, compared with the brave and brave generals who have experienced hundreds of battles, ordinary people like him who have no ambitions are still far behind.

However, it's okay.

After all, in many cases, a powerful enemy will be the best teacher.

"If it were you, what would you do?"

The figure of He Xiqing, like a god of war, appeared in his mind.

Du Chengfeng had already stepped forward.

What to do? This was not something that needed to be considered at all. Those who wanted him dead would not give him a chance, and the bitter cold wind of Mobei would not give anyone a chance.

In the deep mountains and old forests of Mobei, in the biting ice and snow, under the raised blade of the enemy, when death was strangling his throat, did he still need to think?

No need, absolutely no need.

No need to think, no need to worry, just courage, just need to move forward.

Just put everything on the blade in your hand.


The blazing blade light instantly rose.

When the figures crossed, the five grassland light cavalrymen on horseback were all cut in half.

Half of the body fell to the ground, and the broken end still had a scorching heat.

Du Chengfeng killed five people with one knife, and he kept going. With another knife, he even cut down three fleeing rangers who were about to turn their horses in the distance.

"Since we are already facing each other, let's fight."

He turned over and got off the horse, searched for some dry food from several rangers, and continued to chase them while chewing these bloody dry biscuits.

The enemy did not intend to give him a chance to breathe. This was undoubtedly the worst situation, but in Du Chengfeng's view, if he looked at it the other way around, this was also a test he had to go through.

After all, this was a life-and-death battle, and both sides would definitely do everything they could.

Whether it was He Xiqing.

Or himself.

"Okay, you're going to fight like this, right?"

After slashing down four grassland rangers with one blow, Du Chengfeng, who was galloping on his horse, suddenly stopped.

Just because he had seen the mighty grassland army in the distance.

"As expected of you, He Xiqing."

At this moment, Du Chengfeng couldn't help but admire He Xiqing's wisdom.

Even he didn't expect that He Xiqing had quietly ambushed such a large army behind him!

"But don't underestimate me too much."

As he said this, Du Chengfeng had already opened the saddle bag at hand.

Killing those armored soldiers directly under He Xiqing can make the sword and soldiers more full of evil spirit. Then isn't killing these ambushes behind the back the same?

"Maybe I should thank you."

The axe engraved with ancient patterns was taken out of the saddle bag, and the ancient patterns carved on the axe blade had already faintly given off a chill.

Like the biting cold wind in the northern desert.

"Are you hungry too?"

Du Chengfeng handed the long-handled axe to his left hand and looked at the army in the distance.

"Knowing that we are hungry, you specially sent us such a big dish... you are really polite."

Like some large cats ready to hunt, Du Chengfeng, under the cover of the dark sky, began to circle around the army that was getting closer and closer, and circled cautiously.

"Don't worry, don't worry."

As he said this, the sharp axe blade had already passed over the necks of the two grassland rangers.

The huge head fell to the ground, and some frost flowers were faintly formed on the broken neck.

"Yes, that's it, chew slowly to digest it."

While swallowing the dry and hard biscuits that he had been chewing for a long time, Du Chengfeng soothed the axe in his left hand.

"We'll eat slowly."

I'd like to thank everyone for their recommendation votes. Thank you for your support and love. In addition, I would like to thank book friend 20171001220321320, book friend 20220510042642592, book friend 20200203153206380, Zhao Xiaolan, There is output if there is meat, book friend 20210301104133059830, Yu Pangpang, book friend 141009194149719, In ​​the name of truth, book friend 20220614183115833, Wugengye Liuliyue, Chang Ye Wuyi, and the monthly ticket of Nightmare Covet.

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