In the Blade

Chapter 518 The Difference Between Life and Death

Some people are alive, but they are dead, and some people are dead, but they are still alive.

Du Chengfeng had learned this sentence before, but obviously, in this idealistic world that has seen ghosts, the meaning of this sentence is completely different - the first half of the sentence is easy to say, without a firm will, There is indeed not much difference between living in confusion and dying, but the second half of the sentence...

As long as the will is strong enough, even the dead can be reborn again.

This can be seen just by looking at his previous opponents. Whether it is Gray Black Fire Phoenix or Wu Zhao, they all have unique ways to avoid death. Even if their bodies collapse, their wills can still use new carriers to survive - even come to the rescue. In other words, even Du Chengfeng himself now lives in a similar way. After all, he does not actually have a physical body in the usual sense.

So the problem lies here.

When the boundaries of death become blurred, what is the basis for the judgment between life and death?

"It was only then that I realized the real difference between life and death."

Coyote looked at the corpse with closed eyes in the picture in front of him, his face full of bitterness.

"The difference between life and death depends on whether you want to die or not."


Du Chengfeng was stunned. He didn't expect such an answer at all.

What does it mean that the difference between life and death depends on whether you want to die? Does it mean that as long as you don't want to die, you can live forever?

What kind of argument is this? This kind of bullshit reason can actually work?

"Oh, by the way, there is another prerequisite, that is, don't get killed."

Seeing that Du Chengfeng was a little confused, Coyote quickly added another sentence.

"Whether it's poisoned, hacked to death, stabbed to death, drowned, or just being crushed to death by rocks falling from the mountain because of bad luck... This kind of death from injuries cannot be counted. We are just saying that it is normal now. Death is the end of one’s life.”

"No, I still don't understand."

Even though Coyote had explained it again, Du Chengfeng became increasingly confused.

"The problem is, as long as you don't want to die, you won't die. Doesn't this mean that everyone can live for a long time? Just like your master... that Lao Deng, if the path you mentioned really works, then What about Lao Deng? Isn’t he still dying of old age?”

"Don't worry, just read the rest first."

Saying this, the coyote pawed again.

And the scene in front of them started to move again.

The young general helped the corpse up again, and the corpse's eyelids began to beat again - but when the young general called out the name of his best friend again, the corpse immediately returned to being cold.

This also made the young general more and more excited. He lifted the body from the coffin again and again, but instead of improving the situation, it made the body become colder.

Until the corpse was completely stiff and could no longer lift its eyelids.

Obviously, the emperor was completely dead.

The young general walked out of the hall in despair and disappeared.

"So you didn't try any harder?"

After watching all this, Du Chengfeng scratched his head.

"What if we set up another memorial tablet? What if it works..."

"It can't be done."

Coyote shook his head and sighed.

"This is not a question of what method I use, but that he no longer wants to live."

At this point, the bitterness on Coyote's face became even stronger.

"It was at that time that I realized that he had always been guilty of me, so he was unwilling to see me again until he died... It was because I was the one who saved him, so he was even more unwilling to live. Because he doesn’t know how to face me.”


Du Chengfeng patted Coyote on the shoulder, not knowing what to say for a moment.

This is Coyote's own pain point. As an outsider, he doesn't know how to comfort him. What's more, it has been so long, so there is nothing to say - but he already understands why this Coyote He must be brought here specifically to see these.

Just because this scene really answered his question.

When the boundaries of death have become blurred, what is the difference between life and death?

In the past, he could never grasp this vague concept, but now...

As Coyote said, it really depends on whether you want to die or not.

Just like Emperor Da Jing in the picture, he wanted to die. Although Emperor Da Jing had assassinated Coyote again and again, the guilt in his heart for his close friend became more and more intense - and in After Emperor Dajing died but was rescued by a coyote, his guilt reached its peak.

This is why Emperor Dajing is unwilling to wake up no matter what.

If you don't want to wake up, you will naturally die.

When Emperor Dajing was overwhelmed by the guilt and depression in his heart, there was no possibility of him surviving.

"If you say that, I'm afraid the old fisherman is also..."

Du Chengfeng continued to think.

In fact, compared with Emperor Da Jing, Coyote's master, the old fishing man, is a more representative example - Emperor Da Jing wanted to die, but the old fishing man had no intention of dying at all, even if It was the last moment of his life, and the old man was still setting up a trap to fish for all the powerful people, trying to extend his life. It was not obvious that he was seeking death.

"This is what I'm going to tell you right now. Master's words are another situation."

After listening to Du Chengfeng's doubts, Coyote continued to talk.

"Since you have understood from what happened just now that you can survive as long as you don't want to die, then you can see it when you look at my master's situation again."

At this point, Coyote sighed.

"He can indeed continue to live, but the premise is that he can overcome the death in his heart. If he doesn't overcome it, it will be like what we see... The death piled up in past thoughts swallowed up everything he had and completely wiped out his vitality."

"Ah, this..."

Du Chengfeng roughly understood it.

In simple terms, when a person is alive, he will continue to accumulate a progress bar called "death intention". When this progress bar is full, it is time to die-capable powerful people often have a firm will and have abundant "reasons to live". Under the influence of this firm will, they also have the ability to fight against the death intention, and can continue to live in various ways.

But the problem lies here. Once their will is not so firm, or the reason for living is overwhelmed by the will to die, they will lose the idea of ​​maintaining survival and die on the spot.

"Of course, there is another situation, that is, death by accident."

Coyote added again.

"For example, I don't want to die, but you kill me with a knife, then it doesn't matter whether I want to die or not, anyway, I was indeed killed... This is actually part of the will to die, it is the will to die that is at work, just like if my will to survive is stronger now, and the reason to live is more sufficient, then I can completely not fight with you, and from the beginning you have no reason to kill me."

"Is it actually... so complicated?"

After a long paragraph of words, Du Chengfeng has been confused. Although he has tried very hard to understand this mechanism, it is obvious that it is still a bit too difficult for him to understand the boundary between life and death.

However, it is not a big deal if he doesn't understand it for a while. He simply memorizes all these words and reads them more in the future, and he will understand them.

"Anyway, thank you for today."

After taking notes, Du Chengfeng patted the coyote on the shoulder.

"If you hadn't come, I would have to sit there for more than half a year. After all, this kind of thing is really... By the way, did you say you had something to do? What was it?"

"Oh, I almost forgot."

The coyote came back to his senses.

Just now, he was busy communicating, and he almost forgot the business.

"Now you have my master's cave, do you still want the cave you opened before? If you don't want it, I can use it for some use, after all, it's very close to my place..."


Du Chengfeng looked at the coyote in confusion.

"Didn't I open that place with my heart and soul? Is it really okay for you to use it? You are not me, how can you change that place..."

"So I came here to ask you."

The coyote looked indifferent.

"As for the environment, your cave is copied from mine anyway, so there won't be any problem for me to use it... Mainly because the cave is very close to where I live, I'm just going to use it as a backup cave, which can be regarded as a cunning rabbit with three burrows."

"That's easy."

Du Chengfeng didn't care about this little thing. After all, he already had a ready-made cave. Although this cave was built by the old man who fished, it might not be really suitable for him strictly speaking, but Du Chengfeng himself was a person who went with the flow, and he didn't care where he lived.

In other words, even if the cave was not suitable for him, he could adapt to any cave, as long as it was not too outrageous, such as entering it and there was flames everywhere, or it was all water and no air, he would not care.

"If you need to change it, contact me at any time. It happens that I'm very free recently and don't care about this kind of thing... But why did you think of doing this? Does anyone want to kill you?"


Coyote nodded slowly.

"I didn't want to tell you, but since you've figured it out, I will... But this has nothing to do with you. He was my master's enemy, but after my master died, he planned to get rid of me as well."

"Ah, this."

Du Chengfeng choked on the spot.

What do you mean it has nothing to do with him? You know, he was brought to the sky by the coyote. In the eyes of those powerful people outside, the coyote was his guide - in simple terms, it was exactly the same as the old man who led the coyote to the sky.

And now, the old man who fished is dead, and the coyote will be liquidated. If the coyote dies... will he be liquidated?

"Why didn't you say it earlier?"

Du Chengfeng's face was already a little ugly. You know, this coyote is not the first time to do this. When he was pulled into a group by the coyote before, it was the same. Without clarifying the interests, he quietly dug a pit and brought him in. This behavior is somewhat bad.

But this time, the coyote's face was also a little embarrassed.

"I really didn't mean it. It was only after I ate my master that I realized that this old guy left an enemy for me... Mainly because he didn't think he had offended anyone, and he didn't dare to come to me before, but now that the old guy is dead, I'm..."

Speaking of this, the coyote clearly showed a look of toothache, and the way he gnashed his teeth was exactly the same as Du Chengfeng at the moment.

This also made Du Chengfeng's teeth ache. It turned out that this behavior of digging a pit to bury the descendants was actually inherited from the master and apprentice, and it had started since the generation of the fisherman Lao Deng.

The most outrageous thing was that Du Chengfeng tried hard to recall the deeds of the fisherman Lao Deng that he saw when he was polishing the fishing rod.

This old man only had fishing in his mind, and he didn't even remember when he offended someone.

"Can the enemy be in the dark and I am in the light?"

Du Chengfeng was dumbfounded.

"So, do you know the situation of your opponent? Who wants to kill you... Forget it, who wants to kill us? Let me see if I know them. It just so happens that some powerful people owe me a favor..."

"They won't get involved in this kind of thing."

Coyote shook his head.

"Favors are icing on the cake. For example, if you break into the cave of a powerful person and ask them to help you collect classics, they will definitely come in droves. But if you say that you have offended someone and want them to fight for you, it will be a bit difficult for them... It's not like they are ready to die and give their lives to you. Are they crazy to come here and fight for your lives?"

"Ah, this."

Du Chengfeng slapped his head, it seemed to be true.

If he really went to find those powerful people who had only met once at this critical moment, it would inevitably make people laugh at him. The most important thing is that he has nothing to offer that would make them continue to help - so this matter was not established from the beginning. He should have thought of this.

But just now, he didn't think of this, and even foolishly wanted to ask for help.

Compared to when he was the Monkey King in the pool, his current state is far, far worse.

"The three turbidities in your body are still too heavy."

Coyote couldn't help but sigh.

"So I said this matter has nothing to do with you. After all, you must at least clear the influence of the three turbidities on your body before you can join the battle normally... Otherwise, if the opponent just randomly triggers the turbidity in your body, you will be directly confused, or even turn against us on the spot."

"This... I will pay attention to it."

Although he said this, Du Chengfeng continued to ask.

"So at least tell me, who wants to kill us?"

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