In the Blade

Chapter 519 Death Intention

In the end, Coyote didn't say who the enemy was.

Perhaps it was because Du Chengfeng was in such a bad state that he couldn't be dragged out to take action, or perhaps Coyote felt that he could really handle it with his own strength. In short, no matter how much Du Chengfeng asked, he couldn't get any effective information.

Du Chengfeng's face looked ugly until he came out of the coyote's cave.

"Does it mean I'm really too weak now?"

This is undoubtedly the most unacceptable situation for Du Chengfeng.

He can accept the poor food, clothing, housing and transportation. He can also accept the hardships before him. He is a happy-go-lucky person and there is nothing he cannot accept - but there is only one thing that he absolutely cannot accept. That means you are too weak.

The so-called adaptability to the situation actually has something to rely on. Du Chengfeng relies on his own ability. As long as his ability is still there and as long as he is strong enough, he will still have the ability to change everything around him at any time, and his heart will naturally He also has enough confidence.

But now, the coyote's attitude both inside and outside clearly hinted that he was too weak.

Because he is too weak, he is not of a sufficient level to participate in battles with other powerful beings.

Because he is too weak, he is not even qualified to know.

"Hey! This beast!"

For a moment, the more he thought about it, the more he felt frustrated, and the more he took a step back, the more he thought about it and became angrier. Du Chengfeng really couldn't figure out where he was weak, so he was about to turn back and have a fight with the coyote to see how strong he was.

But before flying a few feet, Du Chengfeng's figure stopped in mid-air.

"What he correct."

Taking a deep breath, Du Chengfeng patted his head.

If he is really strong enough, then he doesn't have to think of ways to prove himself. Anyway, strong is strong, and strength does not need any proof - but now, just now, he actually wanted to prove it. He even wanted to rush over and have a fight with the opponent at that critical moment when the coyote was preparing for war.

This kind of behavior can indeed vent his emotions, but it is of no use in solving the problem itself.

In other words, this kind of behavior can only solve the unrest in his heart.

"My mood is unstable..."

Recalling what Coyote said again, Du Chengfeng understood its meaning.

Not to mention being seduced by the enemy, he is already going to start internal strife without even knowing the name of the enemy. How can he do anything good in this state of mind?

"You still have to correct your mentality."

Du Chengfeng returned to his cave and sat back on the edge of the pond.

Although there were no fish in the pond, just looking at the rippling water in the pond could calm his mind.

It can also make the influence of the three turbidities on him subside slightly.

After all, he is not in the illusion created by the old fishing man now, and the power of the three turbidities has not been suppressed. Naturally, his thoughts will inevitably go to extremes - greed will make him full of desire, and anger will make his emotions fluctuate. Perhaps, his infatuation would make him close his eyes and run wildly on the road to death.

The three turbidities appear to be three parts, but when they occur, they complement each other.

Greed will inspire anger, anger will lead to infatuation, and infatuation will purify anger, and greed will also purify... If you are not careful, the power of these three turbidities will unknowingly shake your mind, making people think they are right and start to behave randomly.

Just like when he was outside, if he was really arrogant enough to rush over and fight the coyote, the consequences would be unimaginable.

After all, the enemy is at hand.

"Fortunately, I came back quickly enough."

Du Chengfeng couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

Perhaps the coyote did the right thing by not letting him participate in the battle. After all, his biggest opponent at the moment was not that unknown power.

It was the three turbidities themselves that were wrapped around him.

" there any way to suppress the three turbidities?"

Looking at the water waves in the pool, Du Chengfeng immediately remembered what the old fishing man had done.

In other words, a clean environment is directly constructed.

When all extraordinary powers are suppressed, the so-called three turbidities no longer exist. Du Chengfeng still remembers that in the jungle, although he lost all his power after being turned into a monkey, he He also felt a long-lost sense of relief - as if the shackles on his body had left him, and he could finally act boldly and with all his strength.

This feeling was quite strange. Even though he had no power at all, he was able to let go of his hands and feet and try his best. These were obviously contradictory things, but they surprisingly appeared on him at the same time at that time.

"So what is this? No strength but stronger?"

Du Chengfeng started scratching his head. This kind of thing was a bit too outrageous.

How can one be strong without strength? This is impossible no matter how you look at it. Without power, it is a mortal. Whether it is evil spirit, mental power, or the power of incense and desire, he can easily crush him when facing a mortal - if he has a little strength now If there are none, then he is afraid that he will be killed by someone else at any time. This is obviously a sign of weakness.

Therefore, one must grasp the strength and grasp the ability. Only in this way can one be truly strong.

"But, is this really strong?"

Du Chengfeng frowned.

If he is obsessed with the power itself, the ability itself, then is he controlling the power, or is the power controlling him?

Obviously, it's the latter.

This can be seen from his desire to prove himself just now.

He wants to prove his strength and his toughness. Only by holding the power itself can he get some sense of security.

This cannot be considered strong, it is clearly a sign of weakness.

He also needs to rely on external things like strength to inspire confidence.

"Weak... too weak!"

Du Chengfeng couldn't help but clenched his fists.

"I am still too weak now!"

He is still relying on external things like strength. He is really too weak now!

"So, what is strong?"

When he thought of this question again, Du Chengfeng already had the answer in his mind.

The confusion about strength is still the confusion about weakness. Because he cannot admit the existence of weakness, he cannot see the direction of becoming stronger - and when he admits his weakness, the way to become stronger will also appear. In front of his eyes.

This is actually not a complicated matter. In fact, the thing that determines strength and weakness has always been in him, but he has been so blinded by power that he has ignored what is really important.

That is, the courage to face difficulties no matter what.

As long as he has the courage to solve the problem, no matter what situation he falls into, he can continue to fight. Even if all his power has disappeared, he can use this courage to open a way forward for himself.

Yes, this is the foundation of strength and what truly determines strength.

On the contrary, the power itself has become dispensable.

"Is this... the way to remove the influence of turbidity?"

Du Chengfeng came back to his senses and looked at his hands.

Nothing seemed to have changed. He could feel that those turbid forces were still wrapped around him, ready to influence his mind and control his behavior at any time.

But everything seems to have changed a little bit, a little bit undetectable.

His feelings about turbidity became clearer.

"This feeling..."

Du Chengfeng tried to slash out with his hand.

On the far wall, a scratch was made out of thin air.

There seemed to be no change in the use of power. Nothing seemed to have changed. He could even clearly feel that with the sword he swung out, his murderous intention became slightly stronger - although it was just a little bit stronger. A trace of impulse, just like "Do you want to find an ant to crush to death?", but he still clearly felt this change.

If you can feel it and notice it, you can take precautions.

It will not be affected.

"This kind of power..."

Du Chengfeng couldn't help but clenched his fists.

He still doesn't know whether he is strong or weak now. After all, he doesn't seem to have any qualitative changes at the moment. But at this moment, Du Chengfeng feels an inexplicable feeling of confidence in his heart, a feeling that he has already achieved something. Confidence to qualify to fight.

If just now, after participating in the battle, he might be instantly triggered by the power of the three turbidities and self-destruct on the spot, then now he can at least confirm that he will not switch sides on the spot because of the unusual movements of the three turbidities.

Although it seems like only a small step forward, for Du Chengfeng himself, this is undoubtedly a big step forward.

After all, this is no longer the difference between strong and weak, but the difference between having and not having. It is the progress from zero to one, and it is also the most difficult progress.

"So if I understood this from the beginning..."

Du Chengfeng couldn't help but think of the time when he first arrived. At that time, he was a real piece of white paper, without any turbidity in his body, and he was much cleaner than he is now - so if he had just started, he Knowing the danger behind these powers, he would definitely not...

"Oh no, that's not possible either."

Du Chengfeng suddenly slapped his head when he thought of this.

It seems that it is indeed not possible. Although he can now point to his former self and say that whether it is evil spirits, mental strength, or incense and wish, he has taken detours in the process of progress, but if he did not rely on these powers at that time , then he will directly turn into a corpse - even speaking, even now, isn't he still using these turbid powers?

If you have not experienced the baptism of turbidity, you will not be aware of what purity is. If you had not walked the road before, you would not have the roots you have now, being trampled under your feet.

Turbidity is the foundation, the foundation, the road we have traveled, and the roots growing underground.

Qing is growth, it is also a tall building, it is a blueprint to guide the future, and it is also a towering tree standing on the roots.

Turbidity and purity are like the story of a big tree.

"...The story of the big tree?"

Du Chengfeng vaguely recalled some bad memories, which quickly made him shake this impression from his mind.

There are no big trees, and he cannot think of big trees. He has already tasted too many.

But in general, with the big tree as a reference, he fully understood the relationship between turbidity and clearness - turbidity is the source of power, and clearness is the means of controlling power, just like the relationship between a horse and the reins and stirrups. The relationship between the two is indispensable if you want to gallop.

Yes, it is more appropriate to describe it as a horse, so that you don’t have to think about the big tree anymore.


When Du Chengfeng thought of this, he suddenly thought of the coyote.

If there is nothing wrong with his understanding of this power... He is always affected by the power of the Three Turbidities. After all, this is part of his power source. This means that the coyote, the Greedy Wolf Star Lord, is also affected by the power of the Three Turbidities?

"It seems... it's true!"

Du Chengfeng frowned suddenly.

When talking to him before, the attitude shown by the coyote, the attitude of "I don't need your help, I can handle it myself", although it seemed fine at the time, but now think about it... Isn't it the same as his behavior of "wanting to prove that he is strong enough"?

Then the question is, is this coyote really strong enough?

Obviously not enough. If it is really enough, there is no need to ask him to borrow the cave. This idea of ​​​​three burrows can be seen as a cautious preparation for a rainy day, but it also reveals that the coyote's confidence in the battle is not that strong - it is because he is worried that he can't win, so he arranges a retreat in advance and tries to increase the fault tolerance rate with strategic depth.


Du Chengfeng's brows knitted tighter.

Even though he obviously expected to be at a disadvantage, the coyote still chose not to use helpers. This can be said to be because the helpers were still entangled by the three turbidities, and going into battle would only have a counter-effect. However, this behavior itself is not the best strategy - the most reliable way is actually very obvious, that is, to help Du Chengfeng quickly get rid of the influence of the three turbidities, thereby increasing his combat power and his chances of winning.

But the smart coyote chose a wrong answer at this critical moment.

"His judgment is also affected by the three turbidities."

Du Chengfeng raised his head suddenly.

"The battle has already begun, but he doesn't know it yet!"

Thinking of this, Du Chengfeng flew out of the cave directly.

Yes, the battle had already begun, long before the coyote was ready, but the two sides had not yet fought hand-to-hand, and were still competing with each other in momentum - no, this is not necessarily a competition of momentum, but a competition of things at the level of consciousness.

Obviously, the coyote was the loser in this fight.

Before the two of them came into direct contact, the three turbidities in the coyote's body had already been detonated. Greed, anger, and ignorance had overwhelmed the coyote's rationality, and began to make the coyote make wrong judgments, even leading to death.

"This... is the intention to die."

Recalling the coyote's previous appearance, Du Chengfeng's face darkened.

It was not until this moment that he understood again what the so-called intention to die meant.

No wonder that the old man who was as strong as the fisherman would die in grief. The impact of this intention to die was too dangerous.


Thinking like this, Du Chengfeng had already flown to the door of the coyote's cave.

But this time, the smell coming from the cracks on the sky was no longer the smell of soil from the grass and forest.

There was only a strong intention to die, which came to his face.

"Has it happened?"

Du Chengfeng couldn't help but clench his fists.

The time he wasted was not much. Even if the round trip was counted, it would not take more than a few hours.

But the speed of the enemy's attack was faster than he thought.

"Then come!"

Taking a deep breath, Du Chengfeng also stepped into the coyote's cave.

He wanted to see who wanted to kill him.

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