In the Blade

Chapter 520: The Cave of Death

Just before going back to retreat, Du Chengfeng went to the coyote's cave for a walk.

At that time, the coyote brought him back to the cave to demonstrate the difference between life and death. At that time, Du Chengfeng also smelled the familiar smell of grass, trees and soil - although this smell was not very pleasant strictly speaking, and it was very different from the clean and cool air that Du Chengfeng liked, but Du Chengfeng could feel the vitality contained in it.

From this perspective, the coyote was actually a person who knew how to live, but he and Du Chengfeng had a different understanding of lifestyle. Du Chengfeng preferred a clean and tidy indoor environment, while the coyote preferred the vibrant outdoors.

Sometimes Du Chengfeng even thought about whether to have a picnic in the coyote's cave. After all, this vibrant environment did have its own flavor.

But now...

It has no vitality at all.

The trees were rotten, the weeds were withered, the earth was barren, and even the small animals that were poking their heads out in the jungle had become corpses all over the ground.

The corpses didn't even emit any stench, and there was no trace of maggots. The corpses just lay there quietly, as if they had been dead for a long time.


Du Chengfeng narrowed his eyes.

What a formidable opponent. He hadn't even seen him, but the aftermath in front of the cave door had already given him a warning.

"But if you think that this kind of thing can mess with my mentality, then you really underestimate me."

Thinking like this, Du Chengfeng simply kicked the corpses that blocked the way aside and continued to move forward.

He didn't know where the enemy was, but he at least knew that this dense jungle was far from all of the cave.

"Come if you want."

At this moment, Du Chengfeng had completely let go of his perception, and any movement within a radius of three miles could not escape his perception.

He was never afraid of close combat.

But it was obvious that the enemy hiding in the dark had no intention of fighting him in close combat, or even interfering with his progress, which also allowed Du Chengfeng to move forward all the way to the edge of this dead jungle.

Du Chengfeng still remembered that this was the place where the coyote showed him the difference between life and death. It was here that the coyote used the distant picture to vividly demonstrate the difference between life and death.

But now...

The picture seemed to be more than just a picture.

"Actually, it's real?"

The moment Du Chengfeng stepped out of the jungle, he stepped on solid ground.

And the Dajing City in the distance was so clear.

"It's interesting..."

Du Chengfeng couldn't help but touch his chin.

Although he and the coyote had been together for quite a long time, if you count the time when he was a monkey, the two sides had been together for thousands of years, but to be honest, their understanding of each other was not that deep - but even if this understanding was not deep, he knew that the coyote would never place this big city in his cave.

Especially, at such a critical moment.

Just like he would immediately move his elder brother Carpenter Li to a safe place if something happened, this big city probably also has the same weight in the heart of the coyote - this is why the coyote only showed him the picture before, because this is already a dangerous weakness, something that must not be put on the table.

But now...

For the coyote, the most important secret appeared directly in the cave.

And there was also a dead silence.

"A strategy to attack the heart?"

Du Chengfeng roughly judged the enemy's fighting style.

After all, if it were him, if someone killed his good brother Carpenter Li in front of him, he would probably lose his mind directly - and when he lost his mind, that is, when the three turbidities entered his mind, this is also the time when the intention to die is the strongest.

When the intention to die is strong enough, no matter how much he doesn't want to die, he will probably die.

"Good trick!"

Du Chengfeng couldn't help but exclaimed.

It is indeed a good trick, but it is useless to him.

First of all, he is not the coyote. This method of attacking the heart is meaningless to him. Secondly, even if the attack is aimed at him, such as killing Carpenter Li in front of him, he will not be blinded by anger. Of course, he must kill, but he will rationally counter the opponent's moves until all his skills are broken. After making sure that the opponent has no ability to resist, he will cut him into pieces, or simply use him as a carrier to let Carpenter Li come back to life.

"This is the battle between the powerful."

Thinking of this, Du Chengfeng had some feelings.

It was not what he had imagined, using some higher-level power to carry out abstract light cannon bombardment, but it was more sinister and used every possible means. Just like now, if he was really affected by the death in this environment, he would probably die in the next second.

Just like the coyote in front of him.

The coyote full of death dragged only half of its skeleton body and pounced on him, opening its bloody mouth.

But Du Chengfeng's answer was just a casual wave of his hand.


The knife energy cut through the skeleton coyote's body, and even the bloody mouth that was as tall as two people was easily split in half.

This also made Du Chengfeng shake his head and sigh.

"I just complimented you a few times, why are you so anxious?"

Saying this, Du Chengfeng continued to move forward.

It was clear that the coyote, who was originally his comrade, but now filled with the will of death, was killed with one knife, but Du Chengfeng's mood became more relaxed - just because he knew very well that when the enemy did not take action, it would be When it was most dangerous, the unknown was the most dangerous. He couldn't guess what kind of methods the enemy lurking in the dark would use to deal with him.

But if the enemy takes action...

That was just taking action, he was really not afraid of taking action.

This time, not only did the attack have no effect, but it directly exposed the enemy's weakness - this coyote is definitely not real. If it is a real coyote, or Lord Greedy Wolf, even if it is controlled by death, If you live, you will definitely not be able to catch his sword.

Of course, there is also a possibility that the coyote is too good and is really controlled by the opponent. But in this case... Du Chengfeng can only say that there is nothing he can do. After all, he couldn't stop the food from dying.

So regardless of whether the dead coyote was real or fake, he still stepped over the opponent's corpse and continued to move forward.

But immediately, his steps stopped.


Du Chengfeng narrowed his eyes.

He was too happy too early, and he was a little too dismissive of this potential opponent.

Whether it was true or false, the appearance of the coyote corpse was not meaningless. This could be felt from his own mental fluctuations just now, and he even began to underestimate the enemy because of this.

He would begin to underestimate the enemy because of the coyote's corpse, and then he would begin to feel that there was no danger in the Dajing Imperial City in the distance.

And when he walked into the Dajing Imperial City with this mentality...

This apparent mousetrap would directly take away his life.

"Okay! And this hand!"

This time, Du Chengfeng admired him sincerely.

It was admiration rather than anger. At this moment, Du Chengfeng sincerely thanked the enemy lurking in the dark. If the enemy hadn't revealed this trick to him, he would never have imagined that he could actually increase his opponent's strength by giving him more power. A confident way to lure your opponent into a trap and kill him.


Du Chengfeng bowed his hands towards the Dajing Imperial City in the distance.

Although he still didn't know whether his opponent was in that direction, he still expressed his gratitude for this generous gift of knowledge - since he had seen it, rounding was equivalent to learning it. At the worst, he had already noticed it. With this method, you won't step into a trap when you encounter it again in the future.

Just like now.

Two more corpses of Greedy Wolf Star Lord flew towards them, but this attack was meaningless. Du Chengfeng still easily chopped them down from mid-air, everything was done smoothly.

But this time, Du Chengfeng's mood did not fluctuate at all. He did not feel complacent about it, nor did he look down on his opponent because of it.

He even began to calmly analyze the purpose of his opponent's actions.

"This should be the continuation of the first attack. If the first attack can kill me, then that's good. If it can't kill me, then use more greedy wolf images so that I think it's the coyote. By attacking you want to stir up the three turbidities in my heart and cause me to start internal strife?"

As he walked forward, Du Chengfeng thought.

"Not necessarily. This may be just one of the purposes of this action. As for the other purpose, it is probably to interfere with my trust in the coyote, so if nothing unexpected happens..."

"What are you doing here!"

It was at this time that a familiar voice sounded not far away.

This time, what appeared was not a skeletal coyote, but a real coyote - except that the coyote was covered in blood, and the bones were clearly visible from the open wounds. It was obvious that it had just experienced a fierce battle.

"Didn't I tell you not to come? You can't help... Go back! This is my own battle!"

"Aren't you here for a visit?"

Du Chengfeng smiled, but he looked relaxed.

"Come here to have a picnic with you. After all, your place is very suitable for camping, so we have a barbecue or something... What's going on with you? Why are you covered in blood?"

"Let's go! They're coming!"

Coyote yelled at Du Chengfeng.

"They are coming! Run! Go back to your cave! Quick!"

"Ah this."

Du Chengfeng scratched his head.

"You've been beaten like this and I still run away. Isn't that bad?"

Saying this, Du Chengfeng simply drew out his sword.

"It's okay, no matter who the enemy is, in the worst case, we'll just go with him!"

"This is my fight! It has nothing to do with you!"

Seeing that Du Chengfeng actually insisted on fighting, Coyote couldn't help but grit his teeth.

"Come on! Run! I'll break the queen! You can't fight in your current state!"

"That's okay for you..."

Seeing the coyote's persistence, Du Chengfeng could only nod, then turned and left.

Immediately afterwards, a flash of sword light burst out from Du Chengfeng's ribs.


The coyote fell to the ground with its mouth wide open, and its body was neatly divided into two halves.

But those eyes were still full of disbelief, as if they were still wondering why Du Chengfeng suddenly turned around and swung the knife at him.

"You asked me how I could tell?"

Du Chengfeng, who was holding a broadsword, scratched his head.

"Of course it's because you're so bad at know what that almost means, right? Do you understand what I mean?"

Obviously, the coyote that was chopped to the ground could not understand what he meant. The whole body was cut open, and the coyote had already expired.

After stepping over the coyote's body, Du Chengfeng continued to move forward.

Obviously, this one is also fake, but he still remembers when he met the real coyote before - he didn't feel it at the time, but after going back to his cave to retreat for a while, the more he thought about it, the more he felt it. At that time, the coyote was filled with a strong sense of death.

But just now, the coyote that he killed looked like he was alive and kicking. Even though his body was covered with wounds, there was no sign of death on his body.

To try to deceive him just by counting on this kind of thing is a bit too disrespectful of him.

"In other words, this is still a divorce plan."

Du Chengfeng frowned slightly when he thought of this.

Yes, this is indeed a way. When he kills too many fake coyotes, it will be difficult to distinguish the real coyotes - if at this time, the real coyote runs in front of him, he will I'm afraid Bian will just fly with a knife and kill his companion directly.

"It's kind of interesting..."

After thinking of this, Du Chengfeng became more and more interested in the opponent lurking in the dark.

After all, if it were him before, he might really fall into the trap step by step. When the three turbidities in his body are detonated, his original helper will also turn into the powerful one. A knife - to have achieved this before even meeting him is enough to show that the powerful one has superb methods.

But for Du Chengfeng, this is actually a good thing.

"These methods have exposed your thoughts..."

Du Chengfeng's brows became more and more relaxed.

If that powerful man was really capable, he could have taken down the coyote by himself without setting a trap for him, or even trying to provoke him to switch sides - in other words, since the powerful man had done this, This shows that his opponent actually does not have the strength to take Tanlang down on the spot.

Because he is not convinced enough about his own strength, he needs help, he needs help, he needs to attract external forces, and he needs to use some means on his side.

"Now that you have exposed your weakness..."

With this thought in mind, Du Chengfeng walked into the Dajing Imperial City, which was clearly a trap, carrying a broadsword.

Now that his opponent has made a move, he naturally has to retaliate with some skills.

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